Education, Educational Infrastructure and Educational Policy of Jharkhand

Education, Educational Hinduism. What is the literacy rate of Jharkhand? The literacy rate of Jharkhand is 67.1%. What is the economy of Jharkhand? The economy of Jharkhand is based on agriculture, mining, and manufacturing. What are the major industries in Jharkhand? The major industries in Jharkhand are coal mining, iron Ore mining, and steel manufacturing. … Read more

Administrative system of Jharkhand

Administrative system of Jharkhand People of Jharkhand have broadly three tier level of DECISION MAKING process within the laws. Village council:-all the people residing in village are included into it. This is a primary traditional decision making process which is called village council or hatu dunub. Head of each village is called by unique name … Read more

PRESS & MAGAZINES of Jharkhand

PRESS & MAGAZINES of Jharkhand Jharkhand television, newspapers and radio form an integral part of media in Jharkhand. Jharkhand media serves as the medium of public awareness and broadcast. It is a well-known fact that media is the reflection of a Society: media seems to be an extension of the society, as it depicts the … Read more

Prehistory of Jharkhand

 Prehistory of Jharkhand THE NEOLITHIC AGE: Jharkhand for the first time finds mention in the chronicles of the Mughals and in the Bangla Vaishnav literature in which the description of the journey of the Bhakti saint Shri Chaitanya which he makes through this state to Benares is found. Spread over an area of 79,714 sq … Read more


ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES of Jharkhand Hawaah Palace Padma  Hawaah Palace Padma can be categorised under Historical Places and is a popular tourist place in Hazaribagh. This Hawaah Palace Padma draws huge crowds from the neighbouring places of Bishnupur, Chandel, Churachandpur, Nambol, Senapati, Tamenglong, Thoubal, Ukhrul. Some of the other tourist places in the city of Hazaribagh … Read more


HUMAN EVOLUTION Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which people originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years.  One of the earliest defining human traits, bipedalism — the ability … Read more


MOLECULAR BASIS OF DIFFERENTIATION Whenever Growth occurs, increase in mass, weight etc. takes place. Number of cells increases due to cell division. Sometimes, cells grow in size and they do not divide and lead to growth. The simple multiplication of cells would produce masses of cells but not an organism.   Knowledge of developmental processes as … Read more

Gene Regulation

GENE REGULATION Gene regulation is the informal term used to describe any mechanism used by a cell to increase or decrease the production of specific gene products (protein or RNA). Cells can modify their gene expression patterns to trigger developmental pathways, respond to environmental stimuli, or adapt to new food sources. All points of gene … Read more