Major dynasties of Haryana

Major dynasties of Haryana Haryana has a glad history backpedaling to the Vedic Age. The State was the home of the incredible Bharata line, which has given the name Bharat to India. Haryana discovers say in the colossal epic of Mahabharata. Kurukshetra, the place of the epic fight between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, is … Read more

Feudatory states in Haryana

Feudatory states in Haryana Feudatory states in Haryana In 1947 when India become independent  their were 565 native states.  India: Native Feudatory States  are Alwar ,Bamra ,Barwani ,Bhopal ,Bhor ,Bijawar ,Bundi ,Bussahir ,Charkhari ,Cochin ,Dhar ,Duttia ,Faridkot ,Hyderabad ,Idar ,Indore ,Jaipur ,Jammu and Kashmir ,Jasdan, Jhalawar ,Jind ,Kishangarh ,Las Bela ,Morvi ,Nandgaon ,Nowanuggur ,Orchha ,Poonch Rajasthan … Read more

Revolt of 1857 in Haryana

Revolt of 1857 in Haryana Revolt of 1857 in Haryana Since Haryana was shaped in 1966, it was prior piece of Punjab and subsequently there is a great deal of specify of Punjab in the opportunity battle for autonomy however little is known about Haryana’s commitment as far as individuals’ give up and the spots where … Read more

British Rule in Haryana

British Rule in Haryana In 1805, the British partitioned this region into two sections because of authoritative and political reasons. A littler part called the Assigned Territories was kept specifically under the control of the Company. The bigger part was partitioned and given over to different nearby rulers who were dependable and faithful to the … Read more

Art forms in Haryana

Art Forms in Haryana Sculpture  of Art forms in Haryana Rock and stone were the most common subjects for the development of art, right from the Maurya period to Harshavardhana to the Mughals and the British. Gods formed the basis of sculpture all over India, including Haryana. Sculptures in Art forms in Haryana were concentrated around central … Read more

Fairs and festivals of Haryana

Fairs and festivals of Haryana The state of Haryana celebrates the rich, glorious culture of India in its various fairs and festivals that are celebrated with equal pomp and gaiety here as all over the country. There are several fairs and festivals in Haryana that attract a large number of visitors to the state at … Read more

Folk dances of Haryana

Folk dances of Haryana Ghumar Dance  Some dancers receive their inspiration from religion. The gods and the Elements are invoked to shower their blessing  on the labours of a community.  Ghumar is a Rajasthani dance but it is popular in Laharu, Dadri and some parts of the Hissar and Bhiwani, bordering Rajasthan. The dance is … Read more

Folk songs of Haryana

Folk songs of Haryana Folk songs/ music of Haryana Haryana has a rich tradition of Folk Music. Even villages have been named after classical ragas. In Dadri tehsil, several villages have names related to well known ragas. These are Nandyam, Sarangpur, Bilawala, Brindabana, Todi, Asaveri, Jaishri, Malakoshna, Hindola, Bhairavi, Gopi Kalyana etc. Similarly in Jind district … Read more

Paintings of Haryana

Paintings of Haryana Haryana was always a rendezvous for various tribes, invaders, races, cultures and faiths, going right back to BC 2500, and it witnessed the merging of numerous styles of painting. Discoveries of earthenware and designs painted on them in black and white found Siswal site, are the first impressions of art in this … Read more