TSPC Group II Exam 2024: Prelims Syllabus Breakdown
General Studies
1. History
- Indian National Movement:
- Pre-Independence:
- Early Resistance Movements (18th & 19th Centuries)
- Rise of Nationalism (1885-1905)
- Extremist and Moderate Phases
- Revolutionary Movements
- Important Leaders and their Contributions
- Social Reform Movements
- Post-Independence:
- Constitutional Developments
- Major Events and Challenges
- Economic and Social Reforms
- India’s Foreign Policy
- Pre-Independence:
- History of Telangana:
- Ancient and Medieval History
- The Nizam’s Rule
- The Telangana Movement
- Formation of Telangana State
- Key Events and Personalities
- World History:
- Major Civilizations (Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome)
- Renaissance and Reformation
- Industrial Revolution
- World Wars I and II
- Cold War
- Major Global Events and Trends
2. Geography
- Physical Geography:
- Geomorphology: Landforms, Rocks, Soils
- Climate: Factors Influencing Climate, Climate Zones
- Oceans and Seas: Currents, Tides, Marine Life
- Natural Resources: Minerals, Water, Forests
- Indian Geography:
- Location, Size, and Boundaries
- Physical Features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains
- Climate and Vegetation
- River Systems
- Soil Types
- Population Distribution and Density
- Major Industries and Agriculture
- Telangana Geography:
- Physical Features: Rivers, Hills, Plateaus
- Climate and Rainfall
- Soil Types and Agriculture
- Mineral Resources
- Population Distribution and Urbanization
- World Geography:
- Continents and Major Features
- Climate Zones and Vegetation
- Major Rivers and Mountains
- Population Distribution and Density
- Global Issues: Climate Change, Pollution, Deforestation
3. Polity and Governance
- Indian Constitution:
- Salient Features
- Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
- Union, State, and Local Governments
- Parliamentary System
- Judiciary and its Role
- Amendment Process
- Political System:
- Political Parties and their Ideologies
- Electoral System
- Pressure Groups and Civil Society
- Public Policy and Administration
- Governance and Administration:
- Central and State Government Structures
- Local Self-Government
- Public Service Delivery
- Transparency and Accountability
- Telangana Polity:
- State Constitution and Governance
- Political Parties and Elections
- Local Self-Government
- Key Policies and Initiatives
4. Economy
- Indian Economy:
- Economic Growth and Development
- Sectors of the Economy: Agriculture, Industry, Services
- Infrastructure and Development
- Financial System: Banking, Insurance, Stock Market
- Poverty and Inequality
- Economic Reforms and Policies
- Telangana Economy:
- Economic Growth and Development
- Major Industries and Agriculture
- Infrastructure Development
- Key Economic Policies and Initiatives
- Global Economy:
- Major Economic Powers
- International Trade and Finance
- Global Economic Issues: Globalization, Trade Wars
5. Science and Technology
- General Science:
- Physics: Basic Concepts, Laws of Motion, Energy, Heat, Light, Sound
- Chemistry: Elements, Compounds, Chemical Reactions, Acids, Bases
- Biology: Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems, Human Body
- Information Technology:
- Computer Basics: Hardware, Software, Operating Systems
- Internet and its Applications
- Cybersecurity
- Space Technology:
- Indian Space Programme
- Satellites and their Applications
- Space Exploration
- Biotechnology:
- Genetic Engineering
- Biomedical Applications
- Bioethics
6. Current Affairs
- National:
- Major Events and Issues
- Government Policies and Schemes
- Social and Cultural Developments
- International:
- Global Events and Issues
- International Organizations
- India’s Foreign Policy
- Telangana:
- State-specific Events and Issues
- Government Policies and Schemes
- Social and Cultural Developments
7. Environment and Ecology
- Environmental Issues:
- Pollution: Air, Water, Soil
- Climate Change
- Deforestation
- Biodiversity Loss
- Conservation and Management:
- Protected Areas
- Sustainable Development
- Environmental Laws and Regulations
- Telangana Environment:
- Environmental Challenges and Initiatives
- Protected Areas and Biodiversity
- Water Management
8. Disaster Management
- Natural Disasters:
- Earthquakes, Floods, Cyclones, Droughts
- Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
- Man-made Disasters:
- Industrial Accidents, Terrorism
- Disaster Response and Relief
- Telangana Disaster Management:
- State Disaster Management Authority
- Disaster Preparedness and Response
9. Indian Culture and Heritage
- Art and Architecture:
- Ancient and Medieval Indian Art
- Mughal Architecture
- Traditional Indian Art Forms
- Literature:
- Major Literary Works and Authors
- Classical Languages and Literature
- Music and Dance:
- Classical Music and Dance Forms
- Folk Music and Dance
- Festivals and Traditions:
- Major Indian Festivals
- Cultural Diversity
- Telangana Culture and Heritage:
- Folklore, Art, and Architecture
- Festivals and Traditions
10. General Mental Ability
- Reasoning:
- Analogies
- Classification
- Series
- Coding-Decoding
- Logical Reasoning
- Quantitative Aptitude:
- Number Systems
- Percentage
- Profit and Loss
- Time and Work
- Speed, Distance, and Time
- Verbal Ability:
- Reading Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Sentence Completion
- Synonyms and Antonyms
Subject Specific (Optional)
1. Agriculture
- Agronomy:
- Cropping Systems
- Soil Science
- Fertilizers and Manures
- Irrigation and Water Management
- Plant Physiology:
- Photosynthesis
- Plant Growth and Development
- Plant Nutrition
- Plant Pathology:
- Plant Diseases
- Disease Management
- Entomology:
- Insect Pests
- Pest Management
- Horticulture:
- Fruit and Vegetable Production
- Ornamental Horticulture
- Animal Husbandry:
- Dairy Farming
- Poultry Farming
- Livestock Management
- Agricultural Economics:
- Agricultural Marketing
- Agricultural Finance
- Agricultural Policy
2. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
- Animal Anatomy and Physiology:
- Structure and Function of Animal Body
- Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory Systems
- Animal Breeding and Genetics:
- Principles of Breeding
- Genetics and Animal Improvement
- Animal Nutrition:
- Feed Composition and Digestion
- Nutrient Requirements
- Animal Diseases:
- Common Animal Diseases
- Disease Diagnosis and Treatment
- Veterinary Public Health:
- Zoonotic Diseases
- Food Safety
- Dairy Technology:
- Milk Production and Processing
- Dairy Products
- Poultry Science:
- Poultry Production and Management
- Poultry Diseases
3. Civil Engineering
- Engineering Mechanics:
- Statics and Dynamics
- Strength of Materials
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics:
- Fluid Properties
- Fluid Flow
- Hydraulic Structures
- Surveying:
- Levelling
- Plane Surveying
- Theodolite Surveying
- Building Materials and Construction:
- Properties of Building Materials
- Construction Techniques
- Building Codes
- Structural Analysis and Design:
- Analysis of Structures
- Design of Structures
- Transportation Engineering:
- Highway Design
- Traffic Engineering
- Environmental Engineering:
- Water Supply and Sanitation
- Wastewater Treatment
- Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering:
- Soil Properties
- Foundation Design
4. Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Circuits and Networks:
- Circuit Analysis
- Network Theorems
- Electromagnetism:
- Magnetic Fields
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Electrical Machines:
- DC Machines
- AC Machines
- Power Systems:
- Power Generation
- Power Transmission and Distribution
- Control Systems:
- Feedback Control Systems
- Control System Design
- Electronics:
- Semiconductor Devices
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Instrumentation and Measurement:
- Measurement Techniques
- Instrumentation Systems
5. Mechanical Engineering
- Engineering Mechanics:
- Statics and Dynamics
- Strength of Materials
- Thermodynamics:
- Thermodynamic Principles
- Heat Transfer
- Fluid Mechanics:
- Fluid Properties
- Fluid Flow
- Heat Engines and Power Plants:
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Steam Power Plants
- Machine Design:
- Design of Machine Elements
- Machine Design Principles
- Manufacturing Processes:
- Metal Cutting
- Casting
- Forging
- Industrial Engineering:
- Production Planning and Control
- Quality Control
- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:
- Refrigeration Cycles
- Air Conditioning Systems
6. Computer Science
- Programming Fundamentals:
- Programming Languages (C, C++, Java)
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Computer Architecture and Organization:
- CPU, Memory, Input/Output Devices
- Operating Systems:
- Process Management
- Memory Management
- File Systems
- Database Management Systems:
- Relational Databases
- Software Engineering:
- Software Development Life Cycle
- Software Design and Testing
- Computer Networks:
- Network Protocols
- Network Security
- Data Structures and Algorithms:
- Arrays, Linked Lists, Trees, Graphs
- Sorting and Searching Algorithms
- Object-Oriented Programming:
- Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism
7. Commerce and Accountancy
- Accounting:
- Financial Accounting
- Cost Accounting
- Management Accounting
- Business Economics:
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Business Law:
- Indian Contract Act
- Sale of Goods Act
- Company Law
- Business Management:
- Principles of Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing:
- Marketing Principles
- Consumer Behavior
- Marketing Research
- Finance:
- Financial Management
- Investment Management
- Banking and Insurance
- Taxation:
- Income Tax
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Auditing:
- Internal Audit
- External Audit
8. Economics
- Microeconomics:
- Demand and Supply
- Production and Costs
- Market Structures
- Consumer Behavior
- Macroeconomics:
- National Income Accounting
- Inflation and Unemployment
- Economic Growth and Development
- Money and Banking:
- Money Supply
- Banking System
- Monetary Policy
- International Economics:
- International Trade
- Exchange Rates
- Balance of Payments
- Public Finance:
- Government Revenue and Expenditure
- Fiscal Policy
- Development Economics:
- Poverty and Inequality
- Economic Development Strategies
- Indian Economy:
- Economic Growth and Development
- Sectors of the Economy
- Economic Reforms and Policies
9. Education
- Educational Psychology:
- Learning Theories
- Child Development
- Motivation and Assessment
- Pedagogy:
- Teaching Methods
- Curriculum Development
- Classroom Management
- Educational Administration:
- School Management
- Educational Policy
- Teacher Training
- History of Education:
- Evolution of Education
- Major Educational Thinkers
- Philosophy of Education:
- Educational Aims and Values
- Ethics in Education
- Special Education:
- Learning Disabilities
- Inclusive Education
- Educational Technology:
- ICT in Education
- Distance Learning
- Assessment and Evaluation:
- Types of Assessment
- Evaluation Techniques
10. History
- Ancient Indian History:
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Vedic Period
- Buddhism and Jainism
- Mauryan Empire
- Gupta Empire
- Medieval Indian History:
- Delhi Sultanate
- Mughal Empire
- Vijayanagara Empire
- Maratha Empire
- Modern Indian History:
- British Rule in India
- Indian National Movement
- Post-Independence India
- World History:
- Major Civilizations
- Renaissance and Reformation
- Industrial Revolution
- World Wars I and II
- Cold War
- Telangana History:
- Ancient and Medieval History
- The Nizam’s Rule
- The Telangana Movement
- Formation of Telangana State
11. Law
- Indian Constitution:
- Salient Features
- Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
- Union, State, and Local Governments
- Parliamentary System
- Judiciary and its Role
- Amendment Process
- Law of Contracts:
- Indian Contract Act
- Elements of a Valid Contract
- Breach of Contract
- Remedies for Breach
- Law of Torts:
- Negligence
- Trespass
- Defamation
- Nuisance
- Criminal Law:
- Indian Penal Code
- Offences and Punishments
- Criminal Procedure Code
- Property Law:
- Transfer of Property Act
- Inheritance Law
- Family Law:
- Hindu Law
- Muslim Law
- Environmental Law:
- Environmental Protection Act
- Pollution Control
- Labour Law:
- Industrial Disputes Act
- Trade Unions Act
- International Law:
- Sources of International Law
- International Organizations
12. Political Science
- Political Theory:
- Political Ideologies
- State and Sovereignty
- Democracy and its Forms
- Political Rights and Liberties
- Indian Polity:
- Indian Constitution
- Parliamentary System
- Federalism
- Judiciary
- Electoral System
- Comparative Politics:
- Political Systems of Different Countries
- Political Institutions and Processes
- International Relations:
- International Organizations
- Global Issues
- India’s Foreign Policy
- Public Administration:
- Principles of Public Administration
- Administrative Structures
- Public Policy
- Governance and Accountability
- Political Thought:
- Major Political Thinkers
- Evolution of Political Ideas
13. Sociology
- Fundamentals of Sociology:
- Social Structure
- Social Institutions
- Social Groups
- Social Stratification
- Social Change
- Social Problems:
- Poverty
- Inequality
- Crime
- Social Exclusion
- Indian Society:
- Caste System
- Gender Relations
- Tribal Societies
- Rural and Urban Society
- Social Movements:
- Types of Social Movements
- Factors Influencing Social Movements
- Research Methods in Sociology:
- Data Collection Techniques
- Data Analysis
- Contemporary Issues in Sociology:
- Globalization
- Technology and Society
- Environmental Issues
14. Psychology
- Fundamentals of Psychology:
- History and Perspectives of Psychology
- Methods of Research
- Biological Bases of Behavior
- Sensation and Perception
- Learning and Memory
- Motivation and Emotion
- Personality
- Social Psychology
- Developmental Psychology:
- Child Development
- Adolescence
- Adulthood
- Aging
- Abnormal Psychology:
- Mental Disorders
- Diagnosis and Treatment
- Applied Psychology:
- Educational Psychology
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Contemporary Issues in Psychology:
- Stress and Coping
- Health Psychology
- Technology and Psychology
15. Telugu Literature
- Ancient Telugu Literature:
- Nannaya’s Mahabharata
- Tikkana’s Mahabharata
- Errana’s Mahabharata
- Early Telugu Poets and Works
- Medieval Telugu Literature:
- Potana’s Bhagavata
- Srinatha’s Works
- Allasani Peddana’s Works
- Tenali Ramakrishna’s Works
- Modern Telugu Literature:
- Gurazada Apparao
- Sri Sri
- Viswanatha Satyanarayana
- Devulapalli Krishna Sastry
- Contemporary Telugu Writers
- Telugu Grammar and Linguistics:
- Telugu Language and its Features
- Telugu Grammar
- Telugu Linguistics
- Telugu Folk Literature:
- Folk Songs
- Folk Tales
- Folklore
16. English Literature
- British Literature:
- Old English Period
- Middle English Period
- Renaissance Period
- 18th Century Literature
- 19th Century Literature
- 20th Century Literature
- American Literature:
- Early American Literature
- 19th Century American Literature
- 20th Century American Literature
- Literary Movements:
- Romanticism
- Realism
- Modernism
- Postmodernism
- Literary Genres:
- Poetry
- Drama
- Novel
- Short Story
- Literary Criticism:
- Major Literary Critics
- Critical Theories
17. General Knowledge
- Indian History:
- Major Events and Personalities
- Dynasties and Empires
- Social and Cultural Developments
- Indian Geography:
- Physical Features
- Climate and Vegetation
- Rivers and Mountains
- Major Cities and States
- Indian Polity:
- Constitution
- Government Structure
- Political Parties
- Electoral System
- Indian Economy:
- Economic Growth and Development
- Major Industries and Agriculture
- Economic Reforms
- Science and Technology:
- Major Scientific Discoveries
- Technological Advancements
- Space Technology
- Biotechnology
- Current Affairs:
- National and International Events
- Sports
- Awards and Honors
- Books and Authors
- General Awareness:
- Important Days and Events
- Abbreviations
- Famous Personalities
- General Knowledge about India and the World
Syllabus Table
Subject | Topics |
General Studies | History, Geography, Polity and Governance, Economy, Science and Technology, Current Affairs, Environment and Ecology, Disaster Management, Indian Culture and Heritage, General Mental Ability |
Subject Specific (Optional) | Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Commerce and Accountancy, Economics, Education, History, Law, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Telugu Literature, English Literature, General Knowledge |
Sample Table of Important Topics
Subject | Important Topics |
History | Indian National Movement, History of Telangana, World Wars I and II, Cold War |
Geography | Physical Geography, Indian Geography, Telangana Geography, Global Issues: Climate Change, Pollution, Deforestation |
Polity and Governance | Indian Constitution, Political System, Governance and Administration, Telangana Polity |
Economy | Indian Economy, Telangana Economy, Global Economy |
Science and Technology | General Science, Information Technology, Space Technology, Biotechnology |
Current Affairs | National, International, Telangana |
Environment and Ecology | Environmental Issues, Conservation and Management, Telangana Environment |
Disaster Management | Natural Disasters, Man-made Disasters, Telangana Disaster Management |
Indian Culture and Heritage | Art and Architecture, Literature, Music and Dance, Festivals and Traditions, Telangana Culture and Heritage |
General Mental Ability | Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability |
Exam Pattern
- Mode of Exam: Online
- Duration: 150 minutes (2.5 hours)
- Number of Questions: 150
- Marking Scheme: 1 mark for each correct answer, 0.33 marks deducted for each incorrect answer
- Language: English and Telugu
- Syllabus: As per the syllabus outlined above
Preparation Tips
- Understand the Syllabus: Thoroughly go through the syllabus and identify the important topics.
- Refer to Standard Textbooks: Use standard textbooks and study materials to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subjects.
- Practice Previous Years’ Papers: Solve previous years’ question papers to get familiar with the exam pattern and difficulty level.
- Time Management: Develop a time management strategy to complete the exam within the stipulated time.
- Mock Tests: Take mock tests regularly to assess your preparation level and identify your strengths and weaknesses.
- Stay Updated with Current Affairs: Read newspapers, magazines, and online resources to stay updated with current affairs.
- Focus on Telangana-specific Topics: Pay special attention to topics related to Telangana history, geography, polity, and economy.
- Revision: Regularly revise the topics you have studied to retain the information.
- Stay Calm and Confident: Maintain a positive attitude and stay calm during the exam.
Important Resources
- TSPC Official Website: https://tspsc.gov.in/
- Telangana State Government Websites: https://telangana.gov.in/
- Standard Textbooks and Study Materials:
- NCERT Textbooks
- Lucent’s General Knowledge
- Manorama Yearbook
- India Yearbook
- Telangana State Government Publications
- Online Resources:
- Newspapers (The Hindu, Indian Express, Times of India)
- Magazines (India Today, Outlook)
- Online Study Platforms (Unacademy, Byju’s, Gradeup)
Note: This syllabus breakdown is for informational purposes only. Please refer to the official TSPC notification for the most up-to-date syllabus and exam pattern.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for TSPC Group II Exam 2024 (Prelims)
General Studies
1. What are the major social reform movements in India during the 19th century?
- Answer: Some key social reform movements include the Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission, and the Satya Shodhak Samaj. They aimed to address issues like caste discrimination, widow remarriage, and female education.
2. What are the major physical features of Telangana?
- Answer: Telangana is characterized by the Deccan Plateau, the Godavari and Krishna river systems, and hills like the Nallamala and the Eastern Ghats.
3. What are the fundamental rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution?
- Answer: The six fundamental rights are: Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right Against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and Right to Constitutional Remedies.
4. What are the major economic reforms implemented in India since 1991?
- Answer: The major reforms include liberalization, privatization, and globalization, aimed at opening up the economy to foreign investment and promoting market forces.
5. What are the key environmental issues facing India today?
- Answer: India faces challenges like air and water pollution, deforestation, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
6. What are the different types of natural disasters that occur in India?
- Answer: India is prone to earthquakes, floods, cyclones, droughts, and landslides.
7. What are some of the major classical dance forms of India?
- Answer: Some prominent classical dance forms include Bharatanatyam, Kathakali, Odissi, Kuchipudi, and Kathak.
8. What are the different types of reasoning questions asked in the General Mental Ability section?
- Answer: Reasoning questions can include analogies, classification, series, coding-decoding, and logical reasoning.
Subject Specific (Optional)
1. What are the major cropping systems practiced in India?
- Answer: Common cropping systems include monoculture, intercropping, mixed cropping, and relay cropping.
2. What are the key principles of animal breeding?
- Answer: Animal breeding aims to improve desirable traits like milk production, meat quality, and disease resistance through selective breeding and genetic manipulation.
3. What are the different types of building materials used in construction?
- Answer: Common building materials include concrete, steel, bricks, timber, and stone.
4. What are the major components of a power system?
- Answer: A power system consists of power generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization.
5. What are the different types of manufacturing processes?
- Answer: Manufacturing processes include metal cutting, casting, forging, welding, and machining.
6. What are the key concepts in database management systems?
- Answer: Key concepts include relational databases, SQL, data modeling, and database normalization.
7. What are the major financial statements used in accounting?
- Answer: The major financial statements are the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.
8. What are the different types of market structures in microeconomics?
- Answer: Market structures include perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.
9. What are the major educational theories that influence teaching practices?
- Answer: Key educational theories include behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism.
10. What are the major dynasties and empires that ruled ancient India?
- Answer: Some prominent dynasties include the Mauryan Empire, the Gupta Empire, the Chola Empire, and the Vijayanagara Empire.
11. What are the different branches of law in India?
- Answer: Branches of law include criminal law, civil law, family law, property law, and environmental law.
12. What are the major political ideologies that have shaped the world?
- Answer: Major ideologies include liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, and fascism.
13. What are the key concepts in sociology?
- Answer: Key concepts include social structure, social institutions, social groups, social stratification, and social change.
14. What are the different schools of thought in psychology?
- Answer: Schools of thought include behaviorism, psychoanalysis, humanism, and cognitive psychology.
15. What are the major works of ancient Telugu literature?
- Answer: Important works include Nannaya’s Mahabharata, Tikkana’s Mahabharata, Errana’s Mahabharata, and Potana’s Bhagavata.
16. What are the major literary movements in English literature?
- Answer: Major movements include Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, and Postmodernism.
17. What are some important general knowledge topics to focus on?
- Answer: Focus on Indian history, geography, polity, economy, science and technology, current affairs, and general awareness about India and the world.
Note: These are just a few examples of frequently asked questions. The actual questions may vary depending on the specific syllabus and exam pattern. It is important to refer to the official TSPC notification and study materials for a comprehensive understanding of the exam.