Books for tnpsc group ii Exam 2024

Books for TNPSC Group II Exam 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

General Studies: The Foundation

The TNPSC Group II exam tests your knowledge across a wide range of subjects, making a strong foundation in General Studies crucial. Here’s a breakdown of key areas and recommended books:

1. History:

  • Ancient India:
    • Ancient India by R.S. Sharma
    • A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India by Romila Thapar
    • India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma
  • Medieval India:
    • Medieval India by Satish Chandra
    • A History of Medieval India by K.A. Nizami
  • Modern India:
    • India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
    • Modern India by Rajiv Ahir
    • A History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra
  • Tamil Nadu History:
    • History of Tamil Nadu by K.K. Pillay
    • Tamil Nadu History by S.S. Balachandran
    • History of Tamil Nadu by A.S. Panneerselvam

2. Geography:

  • India’s Geography:
    • Certificate Physical and Human Geography by G.C. Leong
    • India: A Comprehensive Geography by D.R. Khullar
    • Geography of India by Majid Husain
  • Tamil Nadu Geography:
    • Geography of Tamil Nadu by S.P. Thyagarajan
    • Tamil Nadu Geography by R.S. Sharma
    • Geography of Tamil Nadu by K.S. Sivakumar

3. Polity:

  • Indian Polity:
    • Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
    • Introduction to the Constitution of India by D.D. Basu
    • Indian Polity for Civil Services Examination by M. Puri
  • Tamil Nadu Polity:
    • Tamil Nadu Public Administration by P.S. Appasamy
    • Tamil Nadu Polity by S.S. Balachandran
    • Tamil Nadu Administration by R.S. Sharma

4. Economics:

  • Indian Economy:
    • Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
    • Indian Economy by Sanjiv Verma
    • Economic Survey of India (Annual Publication)
  • Tamil Nadu Economy:
    • Tamil Nadu Economy by S.P. Thyagarajan
    • Tamil Nadu Economy by R.S. Sharma
    • Tamil Nadu Economic Survey (Annual Publication)

5. Science and Technology:

  • Science and Technology for Civil Services Examination by Arihant Publications
  • Science and Technology for Competitive Exams by Disha Publications
  • Science and Technology by Spectrum Publications

6. Current Affairs:

  • The Hindu
  • The Indian Express
  • The Times of India
  • Yojana
  • Kurukshetra
  • Pratiyogita Darpan
  • Competition Success Review (CSR)

7. Environment and Ecology:

  • Environment and Ecology by R. Rajagopalan
  • Environment and Ecology by P.D. Sharma
  • Environment and Ecology by S.P. Thyagarajan

8. Disaster Management:

  • Disaster Management by K.K. Pillay
  • Disaster Management by S.S. Balachandran
  • Disaster Management by R.S. Sharma

9. Aptitude and Reasoning:

  • A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R.S. Aggarwal
  • Logical Reasoning by M.K. Pandey

10. General Knowledge:

  • Manorama Yearbook
  • India Yearbook
  • Lucent’s General Knowledge
  • General Knowledge for Competitive Exams by Disha Publications

Subject-Specific Books for TNPSC Group II

While General Studies form the core of the exam, TNPSC Group II also includes subject-specific papers. Here are some recommended books for these subjects:

1. Accountancy and Auditing:

  • Accountancy for Competitive Examinations by Padma Publications
  • Auditing for Competitive Examinations by Padma Publications
  • Principles of Accounting by T.S. Grewal
  • Auditing and Assurance Services by A.K. Jain

2. Secretarial Practice:

  • Secretarial Practice by M.C. Kuchhal
  • Secretarial Practice by N.D. Kapoor
  • Company Law by P.C. Jain

3. Computer Science:

  • Computer Fundamentals by P.K. Sinha
  • Computer Science by B.D. Gupta
  • Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

4. Law:

  • Indian Contract Act by Avtar Singh
  • The Law of Torts by R.K. Bangia
  • Criminal Law by R.V. Kelkar

5. Economics:

  • Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
  • Indian Economy by Sanjiv Verma
  • Economic Survey of India (Annual Publication)

6. Commerce:

  • Business Studies by T.S. Grewal
  • Business Organisation and Management by C.B. Gupta
  • Marketing Management by Philip Kotler

7. Agriculture:

  • Agriculture by D.K. Das
  • Agriculture by R.S. Sharma
  • Agriculture by S.P. Thyagarajan

8. Veterinary Science:

  • Veterinary Science by R.S. Sharma
  • Veterinary Science by S.P. Thyagarajan
  • Veterinary Science by K.K. Pillay

9. Forestry:

  • Forestry by R.S. Sharma
  • Forestry by S.P. Thyagarajan
  • Forestry by K.K. Pillay

10. Engineering:

  • Engineering Mechanics by R.K. Bansal
  • Strength of Materials by R.K. Rajput
  • Fluid Mechanics by R.K. Bansal

11. Medical:

  • Human Physiology by Guyton and Hall
  • Anatomy by B.D. Chaurasia
  • Pathology by Robbins and Cotran

12. Education:

  • Education in India by N.K. Jain
  • Educational Psychology by P.K. Trivedi
  • Educational Administration by S.C. Tripathy

Tips for Effective Book Selection

  • Understand the Syllabus: Thoroughly analyze the TNPSC Group II syllabus to identify the specific topics and areas covered.
  • Refer to Previous Year Papers: Analyze past exam papers to understand the pattern, difficulty level, and frequently asked topics.
  • Choose Reputable Authors: Opt for books written by renowned authors with a strong reputation in the field.
  • Consider Multiple Sources: Don’t rely on just one book. Refer to multiple sources for a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
  • Focus on Conceptual Clarity: Prioritize understanding the concepts rather than simply memorizing facts.
  • Practice Regularly: Solve previous year papers and mock tests to assess your preparation level and identify areas requiring improvement.

Table 1: Recommended Books for TNPSC Group II General Studies

Subject Book Title Author Publisher
History Ancient India R.S. Sharma
A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India Romila Thapar
India’s Ancient Past R.S. Sharma
Medieval India Satish Chandra
A History of Medieval India K.A. Nizami
India’s Struggle for Independence Bipan Chandra
Modern India Rajiv Ahir
A History of Modern India Bipan Chandra
History of Tamil Nadu K.K. Pillay
Tamil Nadu History S.S. Balachandran
History of Tamil Nadu A.S. Panneerselvam
Geography Certificate Physical and Human Geography G.C. Leong
India: A Comprehensive Geography D.R. Khullar
Geography of India Majid Husain
Geography of Tamil Nadu S.P. Thyagarajan
Tamil Nadu Geography R.S. Sharma
Geography of Tamil Nadu K.S. Sivakumar
Polity Indian Polity M. Laxmikanth
Introduction to the Constitution of India D.D. Basu
Indian Polity for Civil Services Examination M. Puri
Tamil Nadu Public Administration P.S. Appasamy
Tamil Nadu Polity S.S. Balachandran
Tamil Nadu Administration R.S. Sharma
Economics Indian Economy Ramesh Singh
Indian Economy Sanjiv Verma
Economic Survey of India
Tamil Nadu Economy S.P. Thyagarajan
Tamil Nadu Economy R.S. Sharma
Tamil Nadu Economic Survey
Science and Technology Science and Technology for Civil Services Examination Arihant Publications
Science and Technology for Competitive Exams Disha Publications
Science and Technology Spectrum Publications
Current Affairs The Hindu
The Indian Express
The Times of India
Pratiyogita Darpan
Competition Success Review (CSR)
Environment and Ecology Environment and Ecology R. Rajagopalan
Environment and Ecology P.D. Sharma
Environment and Ecology S.P. Thyagarajan
Disaster Management Disaster Management K.K. Pillay
Disaster Management S.S. Balachandran
Disaster Management R.S. Sharma
Aptitude and Reasoning A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations R.S. Aggarwal
Logical Reasoning M.K. Pandey
General Knowledge Manorama Yearbook
India Yearbook
Lucent’s General Knowledge
General Knowledge for Competitive Exams Disha Publications

Table 2: Recommended Books for TNPSC Group II Subject-Specific Papers

Subject Book Title Author Publisher
Accountancy and Auditing Accountancy for Competitive Examinations Padma Publications
Auditing for Competitive Examinations Padma Publications
Principles of Accounting T.S. Grewal
Auditing and Assurance Services A.K. Jain
Secretarial Practice Secretarial Practice M.C. Kuchhal
Secretarial Practice N.D. Kapoor
Company Law P.C. Jain
Computer Science Computer Fundamentals P.K. Sinha
Computer Science B.D. Gupta
Computer Networks Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Law Indian Contract Act Avtar Singh
The Law of Torts R.K. Bangia
Criminal Law R.V. Kelkar
Economics Indian Economy Ramesh Singh
Indian Economy Sanjiv Verma
Economic Survey of India
Commerce Business Studies T.S. Grewal
Business Organisation and Management C.B. Gupta
Marketing Management Philip Kotler
Agriculture Agriculture D.K. Das
Agriculture R.S. Sharma
Agriculture S.P. Thyagarajan
Veterinary Science Veterinary Science R.S. Sharma
Veterinary Science S.P. Thyagarajan
Veterinary Science K.K. Pillay
Forestry Forestry R.S. Sharma
Forestry S.P. Thyagarajan
Forestry K.K. Pillay
Engineering Engineering Mechanics R.K. Bansal
Strength of Materials R.K. Rajput
Fluid Mechanics R.K. Bansal
Medical Human Physiology Guyton and Hall
Anatomy B.D. Chaurasia
Pathology Robbins and Cotran
Education Education in India N.K. Jain
Educational Psychology P.K. Trivedi
Educational Administration S.C. Tripathy

Remember, this list is not exhaustive, and you can explore other books based on your individual preferences and learning style. The key is to choose books that align with the syllabus, provide clear explanations, and are engaging to read.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Short Answers:

1. What are the most important subjects for the TNPSC Group II exam?

  • General Studies is the foundation, covering History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Science & Technology, Current Affairs, Environment & Ecology, Disaster Management, Aptitude & Reasoning, and General Knowledge.

2. How many books should I refer to for each subject?

  • Aim for 2-3 books per subject, focusing on one primary source and one or two supplementary books for deeper understanding.

3. Are there any specific books for Tamil Nadu-related topics?

  • Yes, several books focus on Tamil Nadu History, Geography, Polity, and Economy. These are crucial for the exam.

4. Should I focus on standard textbooks or coaching materials?

  • Standard textbooks provide a strong foundation, while coaching materials can offer exam-specific strategies and practice questions.

5. How important are previous year papers?

  • Previous year papers are essential for understanding the exam pattern, difficulty level, and frequently asked topics.

6. What are some good resources for current affairs?

  • Newspapers like The Hindu, The Indian Express, and The Times of India are excellent sources. Magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra, Pratiyogita Darpan, and Competition Success Review (CSR) also provide valuable insights.

7. How can I improve my aptitude and reasoning skills?

  • Practice regularly using books by R.S. Aggarwal and M.K. Pandey. Focus on understanding the concepts and applying them to different scenarios.

8. What are some tips for effective book selection?

  • Analyze the syllabus, refer to previous year papers, choose reputable authors, consider multiple sources, prioritize conceptual clarity, and practice regularly.

9. Where can I find these books?

  • Online retailers like Amazon and Flipkart, local bookstores, and libraries are good options.

10. Is it necessary to buy all the recommended books?

  • Not necessarily. Choose books based on your individual needs and learning style. Focus on the most relevant and effective resources.

11. How can I manage time effectively while preparing for the exam?

  • Create a study plan, allocate specific time slots for each subject, take regular breaks, and prioritize topics based on their importance and difficulty level.

12. What are some tips for staying motivated during preparation?

  • Set realistic goals, celebrate small victories, seek support from friends and family, and remember the end goal.


What are some common mistakes to avoid during preparation?

  • Procrastination, neglecting important topics, relying solely on coaching materials, and not practicing enough.

14. How can I improve my writing skills for the exam?

  • Practice writing answers to previous year papers, focus on clarity, conciseness, and accuracy, and seek feedback from experienced individuals.

15. What are some last-minute tips for the exam?

  • Revise important concepts, stay calm and focused, manage time effectively, and read the instructions carefully.