Mains Syllabus of telangana police Exam 2024

Mains Syllabus of Telangana Police Exam 2024

General Studies

1. History and Culture of Telangana

  • Ancient and Medieval History:
    • Major dynasties and their contributions to Telangana’s history (Satavahanas, Chalukyas, Kakatiyas, Qutub Shahis, Mughals).
    • Important archaeological sites and monuments (Warangal Fort, Golconda Fort, Charminar, Qutb Shahi Tombs).
    • Religious movements and their impact (Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam).
  • Modern History:
    • The Nizam’s rule and its impact on Telangana.
    • The Telangana movement and its significance.
    • The formation of Telangana state and its challenges.
  • Culture and Heritage:
    • Folk arts, dance forms, and music (Bhoomata, Dappu, Kolatam, Kuchipudi).
    • Literature and languages (Telugu, Urdu, Hindi).
    • Festivals and traditions (Bathukamma, Bonalu, Ramzan).

2. Indian Polity and Governance

  • Indian Constitution:
    • Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties.
    • Union-State relations, Federalism, and Decentralization.
    • Parliament, President, Prime Minister, Judiciary, and their functions.
  • Political System:
    • Major political parties and their ideologies.
    • Electoral system, Election Commission, and its role.
    • Public interest litigation, Judicial activism, and their impact.
  • Governance and Administration:
    • Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies, and their role.
    • Civil services, Public Service Commissions, and their functions.
    • Transparency and accountability in governance, Right to Information Act.

3. Indian Economy

  • Basic Economic Concepts:
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation, Unemployment, Poverty.
    • Fiscal and Monetary policies, their impact on the economy.
    • Planning and development in India, Five-Year Plans.
  • Indian Economy:
    • Agriculture, Industry, and Services sectors, their contribution to GDP.
    • Infrastructure development, transportation, and communication.
    • Foreign trade, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and their impact.
  • Economic Reforms:
    • Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization (LPG) reforms.
    • Role of institutions like Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
    • Challenges and opportunities for the Indian economy.

4. Geography of Telangana and India

  • Physical Geography of Telangana:
    • Topography, climate, soil types, and natural resources.
    • Major rivers, lakes, and forests.
    • Environmental issues and their impact on Telangana.
  • Geography of India:
    • Physiographic divisions, climate, and natural vegetation.
    • Major rivers, mountains, and plateaus.
    • Environmental issues and their impact on India.
  • Disaster Management:
    • Natural disasters like floods, droughts, earthquakes, and cyclones.
    • Disaster preparedness, mitigation, and response.
    • Role of government agencies and NGOs in disaster management.

5. Current Affairs

  • National and International Events:
    • Major political, economic, social, and cultural events in India and the world.
    • Important personalities and their contributions.
    • Current trends and developments in various fields.
  • Science and Technology:
    • Recent advancements in science and technology, their impact on society.
    • Space exploration, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence.
    • Role of science and technology in national development.
  • Social Issues:
    • Poverty, inequality, illiteracy, and unemployment.
    • Gender issues, child labor, and human trafficking.
    • Social movements and their impact on society.

Subject Specific Knowledge

1. Law and Order

  • Indian Penal Code (IPC):
    • General principles of criminal law, offences against the person, property, and state.
    • Specific offences like murder, theft, robbery, and dacoity.
    • Provisions related to criminal conspiracy, attempt, and abetment.
  • Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC):
    • Powers of police officers, investigation, arrest, and search.
    • Procedure for filing FIR, investigation, and trial.
    • Provisions related to bail, appeal, and revision.
  • Evidence Act:
    • Types of evidence, admissibility of evidence, and burden of proof.
    • Examination of witnesses, cross-examination, and re-examination.
    • Documentary evidence, electronic evidence, and their admissibility.
  • Police Act:
    • Organization and functions of police, powers and duties of police officers.
    • Police regulations, discipline, and accountability.
    • Role of police in maintaining law and order, crime prevention, and investigation.

2. Forensic Science

  • Basic Principles of Forensic Science:
    • Crime scene investigation, evidence collection, and preservation.
    • Forensic techniques like fingerprinting, DNA profiling, and ballistics.
    • Role of forensic science in criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Forensic Biology:
    • Bloodstain analysis, DNA profiling, and paternity testing.
    • Forensic entomology, forensic botany, and their applications.
  • Forensic Chemistry:
    • Analysis of drugs, poisons, and explosives.
    • Forensic toxicology, forensic serology, and their applications.
  • Forensic Physics:
    • Ballistics, tool mark analysis, and accident reconstruction.
    • Forensic document examination, handwriting analysis, and forgery detection.

3. Cyber Security

  • Cybercrime and its Types:
    • Hacking, phishing, malware, ransomware, and cyber fraud.
    • Cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and online harassment.
    • Data breaches, identity theft, and financial crimes.
  • Cyber Security Measures:
    • Firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems.
    • Data encryption, access control, and security audits.
    • Awareness and training for cyber security threats.
  • Legal Framework for Cyber Security:
    • Information Technology Act, 2000, and its amendments.
    • Cybercrime Prevention and Investigation Act, 2011.
    • International conventions and treaties on cybercrime.
  • Cyber Forensics:
    • Digital evidence collection, analysis, and preservation.
    • Forensic tools and techniques for investigating cybercrime.
    • Role of cyber forensics in prosecution and evidence gathering.

4. Disaster Management

  • Disaster Management Concepts:
    • Types of disasters, natural and man-made.
    • Disaster risk assessment, vulnerability analysis, and mitigation.
    • Disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
  • Disaster Management in Telangana:
    • State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) and its role.
    • Disaster management plans for different types of disasters.
    • Role 132.3s0 89.4 11.4 132.3c6.3 23.7 24.8 41.5 48.3 47.8C117.2 448 288 448 288 448s170.8 0 213.4-11.5c23.5-6.3 42-24.2 48.3-47.8 11.4-42.9 11.4-132.3 11.4-132.3s0-89.4-11.4-132.3zm-317.5 213.5V175.2l142.7 81.2-142.7 81.2z"/> Subscribe on YouTube
of police in disaster response and relief operations.
  • International Disaster Management:
    • United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
    • International organizations and their role in disaster management.
    • International cooperation and assistance in disaster relief.
  • Disaster Management Technologies:
    • Early warning systems, remote sensing, and geographic information systems (GIS).
    • Communication technologies for disaster response and coordination.
    • Use of drones and other technologies in disaster management.
  • 5. Human Rights

    • Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
      • Fundamental human rights, civil and political rights, economic, social, and cultural rights.
      • Rights of vulnerable groups like children, women, and minorities.
    • Human Rights in India:
      • Constitution of India and its provisions on human rights.
      • National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and its functions.
      • Role of police in protecting human rights.
    • Human Rights Violations:
      • Torture, arbitrary detention, and extrajudicial killings.
      • Discrimination, violence, and exploitation.
      • Role of human rights organizations in monitoring and addressing violations.
    • International Human Rights Law:
      • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
      • International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).
      • International Criminal Court (ICC) and its jurisdiction.

    Table 1: Telangana Police Exam 2024 – Mains Syllabus Breakdown

    Subject Topics
    General Studies History and Culture of Telangana, Indian Polity and Governance, Indian Economy, Geography of Telangana and India, Current Affairs
    Subject Specific Knowledge Law and Order, Forensic Science, Cyber Security, Disaster Management, Human Rights

    Table 2: Sample Questions for Telangana Police Mains Exam 2024

    Subject Sample Question
    History and Culture of Telangana Discuss the significance of the Telangana movement in the formation of the state.
    Indian Polity and Governance Explain the concept of federalism in the Indian Constitution and its relevance in the context of Telangana.
    Indian Economy Analyze the impact of liberalization, privatization, and globalization (LPG) reforms on the Indian economy.
    Geography of Telangana and India Describe the major environmental issues facing Telangana and suggest measures for their mitigation.
    Current Affairs Discuss the role of technology in combating cybercrime and ensuring cybersecurity.
    Law and Order Explain the powers and duties of police officers under the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC).
    Forensic Science Describe the role of DNA profiling in criminal investigation and its significance in solving crimes.
    Cyber Security Discuss the legal framework for cybercrime in India and its effectiveness in combating cyber threats.
    Disaster Management Analyze the role of the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) in disaster preparedness and response in Telangana.
    Human Rights Explain the importance of human rights in a democratic society and the role of the police in protecting human rights.

    This syllabus provides a comprehensive overview of the topics covered in the Telangana Police Mains Exam 2024. Candidates are advised to refer to relevant textbooks, study materials, and online resources for detailed information and preparation.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Short Answers for Telangana Police Mains Exam 2024

    General Studies

    Q1: What are the major dynasties that ruled Telangana in the ancient and medieval periods?

    A1: The major dynasties that ruled Telangana include the Satavahanas, Chalukyas, Kakatiyas, Qutub Shahis, and Mughals.

    Q2: What are the key features of the Telangana movement?

    A2: The Telangana movement was a prolonged struggle for the formation of a separate Telangana state. It was characterized by protests, agitations, and political pressure.

    Q3: What are the major challenges faced by Telangana after its formation?

    A3: Telangana faces challenges like economic development, infrastructure development, irrigation, and unemployment.

    Q4: What are the important articles of the Indian Constitution related to fundamental rights?

    A4: Articles 14 to 35 of the Indian Constitution deal with fundamental rights.

    Q5: What are the major political parties in India and their ideologies?

    A5: Major political parties in India include the Indian National Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party, Communist Party of India (Marxist), and All India Trinamool Congress. They have different ideologies ranging from liberal to socialist to nationalist.

    Q6: What are the key features of the Indian economy?

    A6: The Indian economy is characterized by a large population, diverse sectors, and a growing middle class.

    Q7: What are the major environmental issues facing Telangana?

    A7: Telangana faces environmental issues like deforestation, pollution, and water scarcity.

    Q8: What are the recent advancements in science and technology?

    A8: Recent advancements include artificial intelligence, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and space exploration.

    Subject Specific Knowledge

    Q9: What are the major provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)?

    A9: The IPC defines various offences against the person, property, and state. It also includes provisions related to criminal conspiracy, attempt, and abetment.

    Q10: What are the powers of police officers under the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC)?

    A10: Police officers have powers to investigate crimes, arrest suspects, and conduct searches.

    Q11: What are the different types of evidence admissible in court?

    A11: Types of evidence include oral evidence, documentary evidence, and electronic evidence.

    Q12: What are the common types of cybercrime?

    A12: Common types of cybercrime include hacking, phishing, malware, and ransomware.

    Q13: What are the key measures to ensure cybersecurity?

    A13: Cybersecurity measures include firewalls, antivirus software, data encryption, and security audits.

    Q14: What are the major provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000?

    A14: The IT Act deals with cybercrime, electronic commerce, and digital signatures.

    Q15: What are the different types of disasters?

    A15: Disasters can be natural, like floods and earthquakes, or man-made, like accidents and terrorism.

    Q16: What is the role of the police in disaster management?

    A16: Police play a crucial role in disaster response, including rescue operations, crowd control, and maintaining law and order.

    Q17: What are the fundamental human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

    A17: Fundamental human rights include the right to life, liberty, and security of person; freedom from torture and slavery; and the right to a fair trial.

    Q18: What is the role of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)?

    A18: The NHRC investigates human rights violations and recommends remedial measures.

    Q19: What are the major international human rights conventions?

    A19: Major international human rights conventions include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).

    These FAQs and short answers provide a basic understanding of the topics covered in the Telangana Police Mains Exam 2024. Candidates are encouraged to refer to detailed study materials and resources for a comprehensive preparation.