Prelims Syllabus of mptet Exam 2024

MP TET 2024 Prelims Syllabus: A Comprehensive Guide

Paper 1: For Classes 1 to 5

Child Development and Pedagogy (30 Marks)

1.1. Understanding Child Development:

  • Concept of Development: Stages of development (infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence), principles of development (interrelation, continuity, integration, individual differences), factors influencing development (heredity, environment, socio-economic factors, culture).
  • Cognitive Development: Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational stages), Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory (zone of proximal development, scaffolding), information processing theory (attention, memory, thinking, problem-solving).
  • Socio-Emotional Development: Erikson’s psychosocial theory (trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority, identity vs. role confusion), theories of attachment (Bowlby, Ainsworth), development of self-concept, social skills, emotional regulation, moral development (Kohlberg’s stages).
  • Language Development: Stages of language development (babbling, one-word stage, two-word stage, telegraphic speech, complex sentences), factors influencing language development (environment, interaction, cognitive abilities), language disorders.
  • Learning and Pedagogy: Learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism), principles of learning (motivation, reinforcement, feedback, active learning), teaching-learning strategies (inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, cooperative learning, differentiated instruction).

1.2. Understanding the Learner:

  • Individual Differences: Learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), multiple intelligences (Gardner), giftedness, learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD), inclusive education.
  • Assessment for Learning: Types of assessment (formative, summative, diagnostic), assessment tools (observation, portfolio, projects, tests), assessment for learning, feedback, grading and reporting.
  • Classroom Management: Creating a positive learning environment, classroom rules and routines, managing student behavior, conflict resolution, effective communication with students and parents.
  • Role of the Teacher: Teacher as facilitator, guide, mentor, and evaluator, professional development, ethical considerations in teaching.

Language I (Hindi/English) (30 Marks)

2.1. Language Structure:

  • Grammar: Parts of speech, tenses, verb forms, sentence structure, punctuation, articles, prepositions, conjunctions.
  • Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, idioms, proverbs, phrases.
  • Comprehension: Reading comprehension passages, identifying main ideas, supporting details, inferences, vocabulary in context.

2.2. Language Skills:

  • Reading: Fluency, comprehension, decoding skills, vocabulary building.
  • Writing: Paragraph writing, essay writing, letter writing, creative writing, grammar and mechanics.
  • Speaking: Pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, communication skills.
  • Listening: Active listening, understanding spoken language, note-taking.

Language II (English/Hindi) (30 Marks)

3.1. Language Structure:

  • Grammar: Parts of speech, tenses, verb forms, sentence structure, punctuation, articles, prepositions, conjunctions.
  • Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, idioms, proverbs, phrases.
  • Comprehension: Reading comprehension passages, identifying main ideas, supporting details, inferences, vocabulary in context.

3.2. Language Skills:

  • Reading: Fluency, comprehension, decoding skills, vocabulary building.
  • Writing: Paragraph writing, essay writing, letter writing, creative writing, grammar and mechanics.
  • Speaking: Pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, communication skills.
  • Listening: Active listening, understanding spoken language, note-taking.

Mathematics (30 Marks)

4.1. Number System:

  • Numbers: Natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, real numbers, place value, number system, operations on numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
  • Fractions: Types of fractions (proper, improper, mixed), operations on fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), decimal fractions, conversion of fractions to decimals and vice versa.
  • Decimals: Place value, operations on decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), conversion of decimals to fractions and vice versa.
  • Percentage: Concept of percentage, converting fractions and decimals to percentages, calculating percentage, applications of percentage.
  • Ratio and Proportion: Concept of ratio and proportion, solving problems involving ratio and proportion.

4.2. Algebra:

  • Basic Algebraic Concepts: Variables, constants, expressions, equations, inequalities, solving linear equations in one variable.
  • Geometry: Basic geometric shapes (triangle, square, rectangle, circle), perimeter and area of plane figures, volume and surface area of solid figures.
  • Mensuration: Units of measurement, conversion of units, calculation of perimeter, area, volume, and surface area.
  • Data Handling: Collection, organization, and interpretation of data, bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, mean, median, mode.

Environmental Studies (30 Marks)

5.1. The Natural World:

  • Our Environment: Components of the environment (air, water, soil, plants, animals), interdependence of living organisms, food chains and food webs, ecosystems.
  • Plants and Animals: Types of plants and animals, their habitats, adaptations, importance of biodiversity, conservation of plants and animals.
  • Our Earth: Earth’s structure, continents and oceans, climate and weather, natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, droughts), pollution (air, water, soil), conservation of natural resources.

5.2. The Social World:

  • Family and Friends: Family structure, roles and responsibilities of family members, importance of family, friends, and community.
  • Our Culture: Different cultures and traditions, festivals, languages, art and craft, music and dance.
  • Our Country: India’s geography, history, culture, heritage, national symbols, important personalities.
  • Global Connections: Different countries and their cultures, global issues (poverty, hunger, disease, war), importance of peace and harmony.

5.3. Health and Hygiene:

  • Personal Hygiene: Importance of cleanliness, healthy habits, balanced diet, exercise, diseases and their prevention.
  • Community Health: Cleanliness of surroundings, sanitation, waste management, health services, role of government in public health.
  • Safety and Security: Traffic rules, road safety, fire safety, first aid, emergency services.

Teaching Learning Material (TLM) (10 Marks)

  • Concept of TLM: Definition, importance, types of TLM (visual aids, manipulative aids, audio-visual aids, digital aids).
  • Selection and Use of TLM: Factors to consider while selecting TLM, effective use of TLM in the classroom, integration of TLM with teaching methods.
  • Development of TLM: Simple and inexpensive TLM, using readily available materials, adapting TLM to different learning situations.

Paper 2: For Classes 6 to 8

Child Development and Pedagogy (30 Marks)

1.1. Understanding Child Development:

  • Concept of Development: Stages of development (middle childhood, adolescence), principles of development (interrelation, continuity, integration, individual differences), factors influencing development (heredity, environment, socio-economic factors, culture).
  • Cognitive Development: Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (concrete operational, formal operational stages), Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory (zone of proximal development, scaffolding), information processing theory (attention, memory, thinking, problem-solving), metacognition.
  • Socio-Emotional Development: Erikson’s psychosocial theory (industry vs. inferiority, identity vs. role confusion), theories of attachment (Bowlby, Ainsworth), development of self-concept, social skills, emotional regulation, moral development (Kohlberg’s stages), peer relationships, gender identity.
  • Language Development: Factors influencing language development (environment, interaction, cognitive abilities), language disorders, second language acquisition.
  • Learning and Pedagogy: Learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism), principles of learning (motivation, reinforcement, feedback, active learning), teaching-learning strategies (inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, cooperative learning, differentiated instruction), assessment for learning.

1.2. Understanding the Learner:

  • Individual Differences: Learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), multiple intelligences (Gardner), giftedness, learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD), inclusive education.
  • Assessment for Learning: Types of assessment (formative, summative, diagnostic), assessment tools (observation, portfolio, projects, tests), assessment for learning, feedback, grading and reporting.
  • Classroom Management: Creating a positive learning environment, classroom rules and routines, managing student behavior, conflict resolution, effective communication with students and parents.
  • Role of the Teacher: Teacher as facilitator, guide, mentor, and evaluator, professional development, ethical considerations in teaching.

Language I (Hindi/English) (30 Marks)

2.1. Language Structure:

  • Grammar: Parts of speech, tenses, verb forms, sentence structure, punctuation, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, clauses, phrases.
  • Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, idioms, proverbs, phrases, word formation, etymology.
  • Comprehension: Reading comprehension passages, identifying main ideas, supporting details, inferences, vocabulary in context, critical analysis of texts.

2.2. Language Skills:

  • Reading: Fluency, comprehension, decoding skills, vocabulary building, critical reading, literary appreciation.
  • Writing: Paragraph writing, essay writing, letter writing, creative writing, report writing, grammar and mechanics, composition skills.
  • Speaking: Pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, communication skills, public speaking, debates, discussions.
  • Listening: Active listening, understanding spoken language, note-taking, critical listening.

Language II (English/Hindi) (30 Marks)

3.1. Language Structure:

  • Grammar: Parts of speech, tenses, verb forms, sentence structure, punctuation, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, clauses, phrases.
  • Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, idioms, proverbs, phrases, word formation, etymology.
  • Comprehension: Reading comprehension passages, identifying main ideas, supporting details, inferences, vocabulary in context, critical analysis of texts.

3.2. Language Skills:

  • Reading: Fluency, comprehension, decoding skills, vocabulary building, critical reading, literary appreciation.
  • Writing: Paragraph writing, essay writing, letter writing, creative writing, report writing, grammar and mechanics, composition skills.
  • Speaking: Pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, communication skills, public speaking, debates, discussions.
  • Listening: Active listening, understanding spoken language, note-taking, critical listening.

Mathematics (30 Marks)

4.1. Number System:

  • Integers: Operations on integers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), properties of integers, number line, representation of integers.
  • Rational Numbers: Operations on rational numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), properties of rational numbers, representation of rational numbers on the number line.
  • Real Numbers: Concept of real numbers, irrational numbers, representation of real numbers on the number line, operations on real numbers.
  • Exponents and Powers: Laws of exponents, operations on exponents, scientific notation.
  • Algebraic Expressions: Variables, constants, terms, coefficients, like and unlike terms, operations on algebraic expressions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

4.2. Algebra:

  • Linear Equations in One Variable: Solving linear equations in one variable, word problems involving linear equations.
  • Linear Equations in Two Variables: Graphing linear equations in two variables, solving simultaneous linear equations in two variables.
  • Quadratic Equations: Solving quadratic equations by factorization, completing the square, and quadratic formula.
  • Geometry: Basic geometric shapes (triangle, square, rectangle, circle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium), properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles, construction of geometric figures, area and perimeter of plane figures, volume and surface area of solid figures.
  • Mensuration: Units of measurement, conversion of units, calculation of perimeter, area, volume, and surface area.
  • Data Handling: Collection, organization, and interpretation of data, bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, histograms, mean, median, mode, range, frequency distribution.

Science (30 Marks)

5.1. Physical Science:

  • Matter and Its Properties: States of matter (solid, liquid, gas), properties of matter (mass, volume, density), changes of state, mixtures and solutions, separation of mixtures.
  • Force and Motion: Concept of force, types of forces (gravitational force, frictional force, magnetic force), motion, speed, velocity, acceleration, Newton’s laws of motion.
  • Light: Reflection of light, refraction of light, lenses, human eye, optical instruments.
  • Sound: Production of sound, propagation of sound, characteristics of sound (pitch, loudness, timbre), reflection of sound, echo.
  • Heat: Concept of heat, temperature, transfer of heat (conduction, convection, radiation), thermal expansion.

5.2. Biological Science:

  • Living Organisms: Characteristics of living organisms, classification of living organisms (plants, animals), plant and animal cells, tissues, organs, organ systems.
  • Plant Kingdom: Parts of a plant, photosynthesis, respiration, reproduction in plants, types of plants (herbs, shrubs, trees).
  • Animal Kingdom: Types of animals (vertebrates, invertebrates), animal tissues, organs, organ systems, reproduction in animals, adaptation of animals to their environment.
  • Human Body: Skeletal system, muscular system, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system, endocrine system, sense organs.
  • Health and Hygiene: Diseases and their prevention, vaccination, sanitation, personal hygiene, healthy habits.

5.3. Environmental Science:

  • Our Environment: Components of the environment (air, water, soil, plants, animals), interdependence of living organisms, food chains and food webs, ecosystems.
  • Pollution: Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, effects of pollution on human health and environment.
  • Conservation of Natural Resources: Importance of conservation, conservation of forests, water, soil, energy, wildlife.
  • Climate Change: Causes and effects of climate change, global warming, greenhouse effect, measures to mitigate climate change.

Social Studies (30 Marks)

6.1. History:

  • Ancient India: Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Period, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire, major dynasties and rulers, social, economic, and cultural aspects of ancient India.
  • Medieval India: Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, Vijayanagara Empire, Bahmani Kingdom, social, economic, and cultural aspects of medieval India.
  • Modern India: British rule in India, Indian National Movement, Independence of India, partition of India, post-independence India.

6.2. Geography:

  • India: Physical features of India (mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers, deserts), climate of India, natural vegetation, wildlife, population distribution, major industries, agriculture, transportation, tourism.
  • World Geography: Continents and oceans, major mountain ranges, rivers, deserts, climate zones, population distribution, major countries and their geographical features.

6.3. Civics:

  • Indian Constitution: Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, organs of government (legislature, executive, judiciary), democracy, secularism, socialism.
  • Local Self-Government: Panchayati Raj, Municipal Corporations, role of local self-government in development.
  • Nationalism and Patriotism: Concept of nationalism and patriotism, national symbols, national heroes, role of citizens in nation-building.

6.4. Economics:

  • Basic Economic Concepts: Needs, wants, resources, production, consumption, distribution, scarcity, opportunity cost.
  • Economic Activities: Agriculture, industry, services, trade, employment, unemployment.
  • Money and Banking: Functions of money, banking system, credit, loans, interest rates.

Teaching Learning Material (TLM) (10 Marks)

  • Concept of TLM: Definition, importance, types of TLM (visual aids, manipulative aids, audio-visual aids, digital aids).
  • Selection and Use of TLM: Factors to consider while selecting TLM, effective use of TLM in the classroom, integration of TLM with teaching methods.
  • Development of TLM: Simple and inexpensive TLM, using readily available materials, adapting TLM to different learning situations.


Table 1: MP TET 2024 Prelims Syllabus – Paper 1 (Classes 1 to 5)

Subject Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy 30
Language I (Hindi/English) 30
Language II (English/Hindi) 30
Mathematics 30
Environmental Studies 30
Teaching Learning Material (TLM) 10
Total 130

Table 2: MP TET 2024 Prelims Syllabus – Paper 2 (Classes 6 to 8)

Subject Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy 30
Language I (Hindi/English) 30
Language II (English/Hindi) 30
Mathematics 30
Science 30
Social Studies 30
Teaching Learning Material (TLM) 10
Total 160

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – MP TET 2024 Prelims Syllabus

1. What are the different stages of child development?

  • Answer: The stages of child development are typically categorized as infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. Each stage is characterized by unique physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional milestones.

2. What are the key principles of learning?

  • Answer: Some key principles of learning include motivation, reinforcement, feedback, active learning, and individual differences. These principles guide effective teaching practices.

3. What are the different types of assessment?

  • Answer: Assessment can be formative (monitoring progress), summative (evaluating learning), or diagnostic (identifying learning needs). Each type serves a different purpose in the learning process.

4. What are some effective classroom management strategies?

  • Answer: Effective classroom management involves establishing clear rules and routines, fostering positive relationships with students, and using appropriate strategies to address challenging behaviors.

5. What are the different types of TLM (Teaching Learning Material)?

  • Answer: TLM can be visual aids (charts, posters), manipulative aids (blocks, puzzles), audio-visual aids (videos, recordings), or digital aids (interactive software, simulations).

6. What are the key differences between Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories of cognitive development?

  • Answer: Piaget emphasized individual cognitive development through stages, while Vygotsky focused on the role of social interaction and culture in shaping cognitive development.

7. What are some common learning disabilities?

  • Answer: Common learning disabilities include dyslexia (reading difficulties), dysgraphia (writing difficulties), dyscalculia (math difficulties), and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

8. What are some effective strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities?

  • Answer: Strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities include differentiated instruction, providing accommodations, using assistive technology, and collaborating with specialists.

9. What are the key components of a balanced diet?

  • Answer: A balanced diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. It provides essential nutrients for growth and development.

10. What are some important environmental issues facing the world today?

  • Answer: Important environmental issues include climate change, pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. These issues require global action to address.

11. What are the key features of the Indian Constitution?

  • Answer: The Indian Constitution guarantees fundamental rights, outlines fundamental duties, and establishes the principles of democracy, secularism, and socialism.

12. What are the different branches of government in India?

  • Answer: The three branches of government in India are the legislature (Parliament), the executive (Prime Minister and Council of Ministers), and the judiciary (Supreme Court and High Courts).

13. What are the main economic activities in India?

  • Answer: India’s economy is based on agriculture, industry, and services. These sectors contribute to the country’s economic growth and development.

14. What are some important historical events in Indian history?

  • Answer: Important historical events in Indian history include the Indus Valley Civilization, the Mauryan Empire, the Gupta Empire, the Mughal Empire, the British Raj, and the Indian independence movement.

15. What are some important geographical features of India?

  • Answer: India’s geography includes the Himalayas, the Deccan Plateau, the Indo-Gangetic Plain, major rivers like the Ganges and the Indus, and diverse climates.

16. What are some effective strategies for teaching science concepts?

  • Answer: Effective science teaching involves hands-on activities, experiments, demonstrations, and inquiry-based learning.

17. What are some effective strategies for teaching social studies concepts?

  • Answer: Effective social studies teaching involves using primary sources, maps, timelines, simulations, and discussions to engage students in learning about history, geography, civics, and economics.

18. What are some important considerations when selecting TLM?

  • Answer: When selecting TLM, it’s important to consider the age and learning needs of students, the specific learning objectives, the availability of resources, and the potential for engagement.

19. How can TLM be effectively integrated into teaching methods?

  • Answer: TLM can be integrated into teaching methods by using them to introduce new concepts, reinforce learning, provide visual aids, facilitate hands-on activities, and promote active learning.

20. What are some tips for preparing for the MP TET exam?

  • Answer: Tips for preparing for the MP TET exam include reviewing the syllabus thoroughly, practicing previous year’s papers, joining coaching classes, and seeking guidance from experienced teachers.