Mains Syllabus of mizoram tet Exam 2024

Mains Syllabus of Mizoram TET Exam 2024

Child Development and Pedagogy

1. Understanding Child Development

  • Cognitive Development:
    • Theories of Cognitive Development: Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner, Kohlberg.
    • Stages of Cognitive Development: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational.
    • Cognitive Processes: Attention, Memory, Perception, Thinking, Language, Problem-solving, Creativity.
    • Factors Influencing Cognitive Development: Heredity, Environment, Nutrition, Socio-economic status, Culture.
  • Socio-Emotional Development:
    • Theories of Socio-Emotional Development: Erikson, Bandura, Bowlby.
    • Stages of Socio-Emotional Development: Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Identity vs. Role Confusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, Generativity vs. Stagnation, Ego Integrity vs. Despair.
    • Social Skills: Communication, Cooperation, Empathy, Assertiveness, Conflict Resolution.
    • Emotional Intelligence: Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy, Social skills.
    • Factors Influencing Socio-Emotional Development: Family, Peers, Culture, Media.
  • Language Development:
    • Theories of Language Development: Chomsky, Skinner, Piaget.
    • Stages of Language Development: Pre-linguistic, Holophrastic, Two-word, Telegraphic, Multi-word.
    • Language Acquisition: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics.
    • Factors Influencing Language Development: Heredity, Environment, Socio-economic status, Culture.
  • Physical Development:
    • Stages of Physical Development: Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood.
    • Motor Development: Gross motor skills, Fine motor skills.
    • Physical Growth: Height, Weight, Body composition.
    • Factors Influencing Physical Development: Nutrition, Exercise, Genetics, Health.

2. Learning and Pedagogy

  • Learning Theories:
    • Behaviorist Theories: Classical Conditioning (Pavlov), Operant Conditioning (Skinner).
    • Cognitive Theories: Information Processing, Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky).
    • Social Learning Theory (Bandura).
  • Principles of Learning:
    • Active Learning, Meaningful Learning, Cooperative Learning, Differentiated Instruction, Assessment for Learning.
  • Teaching-Learning Process:
    • Planning, Organization, Delivery, Evaluation.
    • Teaching Strategies: Direct Instruction, Inquiry-based Learning, Project-based Learning, Cooperative Learning, Problem-solving.
  • Classroom Management:
    • Establishing Rules and Procedures, Positive Reinforcement, Conflict Resolution, Classroom Organization.
  • Assessment for Learning:
    • Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment, Diagnostic Assessment, Portfolio Assessment.
  • Inclusive Education:
    • Understanding the Needs of Diverse Learners, Differentiated Instruction, Universal Design for Learning, Inclusive Classroom Practices.

3. Understanding the Learner

  • Individual Differences:
    • Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences, Giftedness, Learning Disabilities.
  • Motivation and Engagement:
    • Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Factors Affecting Motivation.
  • Learning Difficulties:
    • Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder.
  • Giftedness and Talent:
    • Identifying Gifted Students, Providing Enrichment Opportunities.
  • Social and Emotional Learning:
    • Developing Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Social skills, Relationship skills, Responsible decision-making.

4. The Role of the Teacher

  • Teacher as a Facilitator:
    • Creating a Positive Learning Environment, Fostering Student Engagement, Providing Support and Guidance.
  • Teacher as a Reflective Practitioner:
    • Self-assessment, Professional Development, Continuous Learning.
  • Teacher as a Collaborator:
    • Working with Parents, Colleagues, Community.
  • Teacher as a Leader:
    • Advocating for Students, Promoting Equity and Inclusion.

Language (English)

1. Language Development

  • Phonology:
    • Sounds of English, Phonetic Transcription, Pronunciation, Stress, Intonation.
  • Morphology:
    • Morphemes, Word Formation, Affixes, Roots, Stems.
  • Syntax:
    • Sentence Structure, Parts of Speech, Phrases, Clauses, Types of Sentences.
  • Semantics:
    • Meaning of Words, Lexical Ambiguity, Figurative Language, Idioms, Proverbs.
  • Pragmatics:
    • Language Use in Context, Conversational Skills, Discourse Markers, Register.

2. Language Acquisition

  • First Language Acquisition:
    • Stages of Language Development, Theories of Language Acquisition.
  • Second Language Acquisition:
    • Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition, Theories of Second Language Acquisition.
  • Language Learning Strategies:
    • Vocabulary Building, Grammar Learning, Reading Strategies, Writing Strategies.

3. Language Skills

  • Reading:
    • Comprehension Skills, Reading Strategies, Fluency, Vocabulary Development.
  • Writing:
    • Composition Skills, Paragraph Writing, Essay Writing, Creative Writing, Technical Writing.
  • Speaking:
    • Pronunciation, Fluency, Vocabulary, Grammar, Discourse Skills.
  • Listening:
    • Active Listening, Comprehension Skills, Note-taking.

4. Language and Literature

  • Literary Genres:
    • Poetry, Prose, Drama.
  • Literary Devices:
    • Figurative Language, Imagery, Symbolism, Theme, Plot, Characterization.
  • Literary Appreciation:
    • Reading and Analyzing Literary Texts, Understanding Literary Context.

5. Language in the Classroom

  • Teaching English as a Second Language:
    • Methods and Techniques, Materials and Resources.
  • Developing Language Skills in the Classroom:
    • Activities and Games, Assessment Strategies.
  • Creating a Language-rich Environment:
    • Classroom Library, Language Walls, Language Games.


1. Number System

  • Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Integers, Rational Numbers, Irrational Numbers, Real Numbers.
  • Place Value, Number Representation, Number Operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division).
  • Factors, Multiples, Prime Numbers, Composite Numbers, HCF, LCM.
  • Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion.

2. Algebra

  • Variables, Expressions, Equations, Inequalities.
  • Linear Equations in One and Two Variables, Solving Equations, Graphing Equations.
  • Polynomials, Factorization, Algebraic Identities.
  • Quadratic Equations, Solving Quadratic Equations.

3. Geometry

  • Basic Geometric Shapes: Lines, Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles.
  • Properties of Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles.
  • Perimeter, Area, Volume.
  • Pythagoras Theorem, Similarity and Congruence.
  • Coordinate Geometry: Cartesian Plane, Plotting Points, Distance Formula, Slope Formula.

4. Measurement

  • Units of Measurement: Length, Mass, Time, Volume, Temperature.
  • Conversion of Units, Measurement Tools.
  • Perimeter, Area, Volume of Regular and Irregular Shapes.

5. Data Handling

  • Collection, Organization, and Representation of Data.
  • Mean, Median, Mode, Range.
  • Probability: Basic Concepts, Events, Probability of Events.

6. Problem Solving

  • Problem-solving Strategies: Logical Reasoning, Pattern Recognition, Estimation, Approximation.
  • Word Problems, Application of Mathematical Concepts in Real-life Situations.

7. Mathematics in the Classroom

  • Teaching Mathematics: Methods and Techniques.
  • Assessment in Mathematics: Formative and Summative Assessment.
  • Developing Mathematical Thinking Skills: Reasoning, Problem-solving, Critical Thinking.

Environmental Studies

1. The Natural World

  • Our Earth: Continents, Oceans, Mountains, Rivers, Forests, Deserts.
  • Weather and Climate: Seasons, Temperature, Rainfall, Wind.
  • Plants and Animals: Classification, Habitats, Food Chains, Ecosystems.
  • Natural Resources: Water, Soil, Air, Minerals, Energy.
  • Environmental Issues: Pollution, Deforestation, Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss.

2. Our Environment

  • The Importance of Environment: Clean Air, Clean Water, Healthy Soil.
  • Environmental Protection: Conservation of Resources, Waste Management, Recycling.
  • Sustainable Development: Meeting the Needs of the Present Without Compromising the Ability of Future Generations to Meet Their Own Needs.

3. Our Community

  • Local Environment: Neighborhood, Community, Village, Town, City.
  • Community Resources: Schools, Hospitals, Markets, Parks, Libraries.
  • Community Issues: Sanitation, Health, Education, Employment.
  • Community Participation: Volunteering, Civic Engagement.

4. Our Culture

  • Traditions, Customs, Festivals, Languages, Art, Music, Dance.
  • Cultural Diversity: Respecting Different Cultures and Values.
  • Cultural Heritage: Preserving and Promoting Cultural Traditions.

5. Our Responsibilities

  • Being Responsible Citizens: Caring for the Environment, Respecting Others, Contributing to Society.
  • Values and Ethics: Honesty, Integrity, Compassion, Empathy.
  • Social Justice: Equality, Fairness, Human Rights.

6. Environmental Studies in the Classroom

  • Teaching Environmental Studies: Methods and Techniques.
  • Assessment in Environmental Studies: Formative and Summative Assessment.
  • Developing Environmental Awareness: Field Trips, Projects, Activities.

Social Studies

1. History

  • History of Mizoram: Pre-colonial Period, Colonial Period, Post-independence Period.
  • Indian History: Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India.
  • World History: Major Civilizations, World Wars, Cold War.
  • Historical Concepts: Time, Change, Continuity, Cause and Effect, Sources of History.

2. Geography

  • Geography of Mizoram: Physical Features, Climate, Vegetation, Population, Economy.
  • Geography of India: Physical Features, Climate, Vegetation, Population, Economy.
  • World Geography: Continents, Oceans, Major Landforms, Climate Zones, Population Distribution.
  • Geographical Concepts: Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement, Region.

3. Civics

  • Indian Constitution: Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy.
  • Governance in India: Parliament, Executive, Judiciary.
  • Local Self-Government: Panchayati Raj, Municipal Corporations.
  • Citizenship: Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens.

4. Economics

  • Basic Economic Concepts: Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Cost, Production, Consumption, Distribution.
  • Types of Economies: Market Economy, Command Economy, Mixed Economy.
  • Economic Development: Indicators of Economic Development, Role of Government in Economic Development.

5. Social Studies in the Classroom

  • Teaching Social Studies: Methods and Techniques.
  • Assessment in Social Studies: Formative and Summative Assessment.
  • Developing Social Studies Skills: Critical Thinking, Problem-solving, Research Skills.

General Knowledge

1. Current Affairs

  • National and International Events: Political, Economic, Social, Cultural, Sports.
  • Major Issues and Developments: Science and Technology, Environment, Health, Education.

2. Indian Polity

  • Indian Constitution: Features, Amendments, Important Articles.
  • Political System: Parliament, Executive, Judiciary.
  • Election Process: Election Commission, Electoral System.

3. Indian Economy

  • Key Economic Indicators: GDP, Inflation, Unemployment.
  • Major Economic Policies: Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy.
  • Economic Challenges: Poverty, Inequality, Unemployment.

4. Science and Technology

  • Major Scientific Discoveries and Inventions.
  • Space Exploration, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology.
  • Information Technology: Computers, Internet, Mobile Technology.

5. Art and Culture

  • Indian Art and Culture: Music, Dance, Literature, Painting, Architecture.
  • World Heritage Sites in India.
  • Major Festivals and Traditions in India.

6. Sports

  • Major Sports Events and Personalities.
  • Olympics, World Cups, Asian Games.
  • Indian Sports: Cricket, Hockey, Football, Badminton.

7. General Awareness

  • Important Days and Events.
  • Awards and Honors.
  • Books and Authors.
  • Current Trends and Issues.

Teaching Aptitude

1. Nature of Teaching

  • Definition and Objectives of Teaching.
  • Principles of Teaching.
  • Teacher-Learner Interaction.
  • Teaching-Learning Process.

2. Teacher as a Facilitator

  • Role of the Teacher in the Classroom.
  • Creating a Positive Learning Environment.
  • Fostering Student Engagement.
  • Providing Support and Guidance.

3. Teaching Strategies

  • Direct Instruction, Inquiry-based Learning, Project-based Learning, Cooperative Learning, Problem-solving.
  • Differentiated Instruction, Universal Design for Learning.
  • Assessment for Learning.

4. Classroom Management

  • Establishing Rules and Procedures.
  • Positive Reinforcement.
  • Conflict Resolution.
  • Classroom Organization.

5. Professional Ethics

  • Code of Conduct for Teachers.
  • Ethical Responsibilities of Teachers.
  • Teacher-Student Relationship.
  • Teacher-Parent Relationship.

6. Teacher Education

  • Importance of Teacher Education.
  • Teacher Training Programs.
  • Professional Development for Teachers.

7. Teaching Aptitude in the Classroom

  • Assessing Teaching Aptitude.
  • Developing Teaching Skills.
  • Reflecting on Teaching Practices.

ICT in Education

1. Introduction to ICT

  • Definition and Concepts of ICT.
  • Role of ICT in Education.
  • Benefits of ICT in Education.
  • Challenges of ICT in Education.

2. ICT Tools and Resources

  • Computers, Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones.
  • Internet, Intranet, E-mail, Social Media.
  • Educational Software, Learning Management Systems (LMS).
  • Online Resources: Websites, Blogs, Podcasts, Videos.

3. ICT Integration in Teaching

  • Integrating ICT into the Curriculum.
  • Developing ICT-based Teaching Materials.
  • Using ICT for Assessment.
  • ICT for Teacher Professional Development.

4. ICT for Learning

  • E-learning, Blended Learning, Online Learning.
  • Interactive Learning Platforms.
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Education.
  • ICT for Special Needs Education.

5. ICT for School Management

  • School Management Systems.
  • ICT for Communication and Collaboration.
  • ICT for Data Management and Reporting.

6. ICT Policy and Infrastructure

  • National Education Policy on ICT.
  • ICT Infrastructure in Schools.
  • Digital Literacy for Teachers and Students.

7. ICT in the Classroom

  • Developing ICT Skills for Teachers.
  • Creating a Technology-rich Learning Environment.
  • Using ICT to Enhance Student Learning.

Syllabus for Paper-II (for Classes I-V)

1. Language (English)

  • Language Development:
    • Phonological Awareness, Vocabulary Development, Grammar, Sentence Structure.
  • Language Skills:
    • Reading Comprehension, Writing, Speaking, Listening.
  • Literature:
    • Children’s Literature, Story Telling, Poetry, Drama.
  • Language in the Classroom:
    • Teaching English as a Second Language, Creating a Language-rich Environment.

2. Mathematics

  • Number System:
    • Counting, Place Value, Number Operations, Fractions, Decimals.
  • Geometry:
    • Basic Shapes, Measurement, Perimeter, Area.
  • Data Handling:
    • Collection, Organization, and Representation of Data.
  • Problem Solving:
    • Word Problems, Application of Mathematical Concepts.

3. Environmental Studies

  • The Natural World:
    • Plants, Animals, Weather, Climate, Natural Resources.
  • Our Environment:
    • Environmental Protection, Conservation, Waste Management.
  • Our Community:
    • Local Environment, Community Resources, Community Issues.
  • Our Culture:
    • Traditions, Customs, Festivals, Languages.

4. Social Studies

  • History:
    • History of Mizoram, Indian History, World History.
  • Geography:
    • Geography of Mizoram, Geography of India, World Geography.
  • Civics:
    • Indian Constitution, Governance in India, Local Self-Government.

5. Art Education

  • Drawing and Painting:
    • Basic Techniques, Color Theory, Composition.
  • Craft:
    • Paper Craft, Clay Modeling, Fabric Art.
  • Music:
    • Singing, Instrumental Music, Rhythm, Melody.
  • Dance:
    • Folk Dances, Creative Dance.

6. Physical Education

  • Physical Fitness:
    • Exercise, Nutrition, Health.
  • Games and Sports:
    • Indoor Games, Outdoor Games, Team Sports.
  • Yoga and Meditation:
    • Basic Asanas, Breathing Exercises.

7. Work Education

  • Life Skills:
    • Communication, Problem-solving, Decision-making.
  • Practical Skills:
    • Gardening, Cooking, Sewing, Carpentry.
  • Vocational Skills:
    • Introduction to Different Occupations.

Syllabus for Paper-II (for Classes VI-VIII)

1. Language (English)

  • Language Development:
    • Grammar, Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, Punctuation.
  • Language Skills:
    • Reading Comprehension, Writing, Speaking, Listening.
  • Literature:
    • Poetry, Prose, Drama, Literary Devices.
  • Language in the Classroom:
    • Teaching English as a Second Language, Developing Language Skills.

2. Mathematics

  • Number System:
    • Integers, Rational Numbers, Real Numbers, Exponents, Powers.
  • Algebra:
    • Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Polynomials.
  • Geometry:
    • Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Perimeter, Area, Volume.
  • Data Handling:
    • Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Probability.

3. Science

  • Physics:
    • Motion, Force, Work, Energy, Heat, Light, Sound.
  • Chemistry:
    • Matter, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures, Chemical Reactions.
  • Biology:
    • Living Organisms, Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems, Plants, Animals, Human Body.

4. Social Studies

  • History:
    • Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India, History of Mizoram.
  • Geography:
    • Physical Features, Climate, Vegetation, Population, Economy of Mizoram and India.
  • Civics:
    • Indian Constitution, Governance in India, Local Self-Government, Citizenship.

5. Art Education

  • Drawing and Painting:
    • Techniques, Perspective, Composition, Color Theory.
  • Craft:
    • Paper Craft, Clay Modeling, Fabric Art, Woodwork.
  • Music:
    • Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Music Theory.
  • Dance:
    • Folk Dances, Classical Dances, Contemporary Dance.

6. Physical Education

  • Physical Fitness:
    • Exercise, Nutrition, Health, Sports Training.
  • Games and Sports:
    • Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Football, Volleyball.
  • Yoga and Meditation:
    • Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation Techniques.

7. Work Education

  • Life Skills:
    • Communication, Problem-solving, Decision-making, Teamwork.
  • Practical Skills:
    • Gardening, Cooking, Sewing, Carpentry, Electronics.
  • Vocational Skills:
    • Introduction to Different Occupations, Entrepreneurship.

Table 1: Distribution of Marks for Mizoram TET Exam 2024

Subject Paper I (Classes I-V) Paper II (Classes VI-VIII)
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
Language (English) 30 30
Mathematics 30 30
Environmental Studies 30
Social Studies 30
Teaching Aptitude 20 20
ICT in Education 20 20
Total 160 160

Table 2: Important Dates for Mizoram TET Exam 2024

Event Date
Notification Release To be announced
Application Start Date To be announced
Application Last Date To be announced
Admit Card Release To be announced
Exam Date To be announced
Result Declaration To be announced

Note: The above syllabus and dates are tentative and subject to change. Please refer to the official notification released by the Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) for the most accurate and updated information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Mizoram TET Exam 2024

1. What is the eligibility criteria for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • You must be a citizen of India and have a Bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks. You must also have a B.Ed. or equivalent teaching qualification.

2. What is the age limit for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • There is no upper age limit for the Mizoram TET Exam.

3. How many papers are there in the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • There are two papers in the Mizoram TET Exam: Paper I for Classes I-V and Paper II for Classes VI-VIII.

4. What is the exam pattern for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • Each paper is a computer-based test (CBT) with multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The duration of each paper is 2 hours.

5. What is the syllabus for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • The syllabus covers Child Development and Pedagogy, Language (English), Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Social Studies, Teaching Aptitude, ICT in Education, and General Knowledge.

6. How can I prepare for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • You can prepare by studying the syllabus thoroughly, practicing previous years’ question papers, and joining coaching classes.

7. What are the important books for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • There are many good books available for the Mizoram TET Exam. You can refer to books by renowned authors and publishers.

8. What is the selection process for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • Candidates are selected based on their performance in the written exam. The qualifying marks for the exam are set by the Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE).

9. What is the validity of the Mizoram TET certificate?

  • The Mizoram TET certificate is valid for a period of 7 years from the date of declaration of the result.

10. Where can I find the official notification for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • The official notification for the Mizoram TET Exam is released on the website of the Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE).

11. What is the application fee for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • The application fee for the Mizoram TET Exam is mentioned in the official notification.

12. How can I apply for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • You can apply for the Mizoram TET Exam online through the official website of the MBSE.

13. What are the important documents required for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • You will need to submit scanned copies of your photograph, signature, and educational certificates during the online application process.

14. What are the exam centers for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • The exam centers for the Mizoram TET Exam are mentioned in the official notification.

15. What are the guidelines for the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • The guidelines for the Mizoram TET Exam are mentioned in the official notification and admit card.

16. What are the consequences of cheating in the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • Cheating in the Mizoram TET Exam is a serious offense and can lead to cancellation of candidature and other penalties.

17. What are the job opportunities after clearing the Mizoram TET Exam?

  • Clearing the Mizoram TET Exam makes you eligible to apply for teaching positions in government and private schools in Mizoram.

18. What are the salary and benefits for teachers in Mizoram?

  • The salary and benefits for teachers in Mizoram are determined by the government and vary depending on the level of education and experience.

19. What are the career growth opportunities for teachers in Mizoram?

  • Teachers in Mizoram can progress through the ranks based on their performance and experience. They can also pursue higher education and specialized training to enhance their career prospects.

20. What are the challenges faced by teachers in Mizoram?

  • Teachers in Mizoram face challenges such as limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and student diversity.

Note: These FAQs are for general guidance only. Please refer to the official website of the Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) for the most accurate and updated information.