Syllabus and Exam Pattern for kvpy Exam 2024

Syllabus and Exam Pattern for KVPY Exam 2024

The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is a national-level scholarship program in India for students pursuing basic science courses. The KVPY exam is conducted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore on behalf of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. The exam is held annually to select students for the prestigious scholarship program.

Eligibility Criteria for KVPY 2024

To be eligible for the KVPY exam, candidates must meet the following criteria:

For Stream SA (Class 11 Studying):

  • Must be studying in Class 11 in the academic year 2023-24.
  • Must have secured at least 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in Class 10 board examination.

For Stream SX (Class 12 Studying):

  • Must be studying in Class 12 in the academic year 2023-24.
  • Must have secured at least 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in Class 11 board examination.

For Stream SP (B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. Studying):

  • Must be studying in the first year of a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)/Bachelor of Statistics (B.Stat.)/Bachelor of Mathematics (B.Math.)/Integrated Master of Science (Int. M.Sc.)/Master of Science (M.S.) program in basic science subjects.
  • Must have secured at least 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in the qualifying examination for admission to the above-mentioned programs.

Important Note:

  • Candidates must be Indian nationals.
  • Candidates must have passed the qualifying examination (Class 10 or Class 11) from a recognized board in India.
  • Candidates must be pursuing their studies in a recognized institution in India.

KVPY Exam Pattern 2024

The KVPY exam is conducted in two stages:

  • Stage 1: This is a written examination conducted online.
  • Stage 2: This is an interview round conducted at various centers across India.

Stage 1 Exam Pattern:

Table 1: KVPY Stage 1 Exam Pattern

Stream Subjects Duration Total Marks
SA Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics 3 hours 100 marks each
SX Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology 3 hours 100 marks each
SP Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology 3 hours 100 marks each


  • The exam will be conducted in multiple-choice question (MCQ) format.
  • There will be negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • The syllabus for the Stage 1 exam is based on the syllabus of Class 11 and Class 12 of the CBSE board.

Stage 2 Exam Pattern:

Table 2: KVPY Stage 2 Exam Pattern

Stream Subjects Duration Total Marks
SA Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics 3 hours each 100 marks each
SX Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology 3 hours each 100 marks each
SP Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology 3 hours each 100 marks each


  • The Stage 2 exam will be conducted in a written format.
  • The syllabus for the Stage 2 exam is based on the syllabus of Class 11 and Class 12 of the CBSE board.
  • The interview round will be conducted by a panel of experts.
  • The interview round will assess the candidate’s understanding of the subject, analytical skills, and communication skills.

KVPY Syllabus 2024

The KVPY syllabus for the Stage 1 and Stage 2 exams is based on the syllabus of Class 11 and Class 12 of the CBSE board. The detailed syllabus for each subject is given below:


Class 11:

  • Units and Measurement: Units of measurement, fundamental and derived units, SI units, dimensional analysis.
  • Motion in a Straight Line: Position, displacement, velocity, acceleration, uniform and non-uniform motion, equations of motion, graphical representation of motion.
  • Motion in a Plane: Projectile motion, uniform circular motion, angular velocity, angular acceleration, centripetal force.
  • Work, Energy and Power: Work done by a constant force, work done by a variable force, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservation of energy, power.
  • Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion: Centre of mass, moment of inertia, torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum.
  • Gravitation: Newton’s law of gravitation, gravitational potential energy, escape velocity, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.
  • Mechanical Properties of Solids: Stress, strain, elastic modulus, Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus.
  • Mechanical Properties of Fluids: Pressure, Pascal’s law, Archimedes’ principle, buoyancy, viscosity, surface tension.
  • Thermal Properties of Matter: Temperature, heat, specific heat capacity, latent heat, thermal expansion, heat transfer, conduction, convection, radiation.
  • Thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, entropy, heat engines, refrigerators.

Class 12:

  • Electrostatics: Electric charge, Coulomb’s law, electric field, electric potential, electric potential energy, electric dipole, Gauss’s law, electric flux.
  • Current Electricity: Electric current, drift velocity, Ohm’s law, resistance, resistivity, temperature dependence of resistance, Kirchhoff’s laws, Wheatstone bridge, potentiometer.
  • Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism: Magnetic field due to a current-carrying wire, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, magnetic force on a moving charge, magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor, torque on a current loop, magnetic dipole moment, magnetic field due to a magnetic dipole, Earth’s magnetic field.
  • Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law, motional EMF, eddy currents, self-inductance, mutual inductance.
  • Alternating Current: Alternating current, RMS value, peak value, phase difference, power factor, LCR circuit, resonance, AC generator, transformer.
  • Electromagnetic Waves: Electromagnetic spectrum, properties of electromagnetic waves, Huygens’ principle, Doppler effect.
  • Ray Optics and Optical Instruments: Reflection of light, refraction of light, Snell’s law, total internal reflection, critical angle, lens formula, magnification, power of a lens, human eye, defects of vision, optical instruments.
  • Wave Optics: Wave nature of light, Huygens’ principle, interference, Young’s double-slit experiment, diffraction, diffraction grating, polarization.
  • Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, de Broglie hypothesis, wave-particle duality.
  • Atoms and Nuclei: Rutherford’s model of atom, Bohr’s model of atom, quantum numbers, electronic configuration, radioactivity, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion.
  • Semiconductors: Semiconductors, p-type semiconductors, n-type semiconductors, p-n junction diode, transistor, logic gates.


Class 11:

  • Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry: Matter, states of matter, atoms, molecules, Dalton’s atomic theory, atomic mass, molecular mass, mole concept, stoichiometry, chemical equations, limiting reagent.
  • Structure of Atom: Atomic number, mass number, isotopes, isobars, electronic configuration, quantum numbers, Aufbau principle, Hund’s rule, Pauli exclusion principle.
  • Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties: Periodic table, periodic trends in atomic size, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, valency.
  • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: Ionic bond, covalent bond, coordinate bond, hydrogen bond, VSEPR theory, hybridization, molecular orbital theory.
  • States of Matter: Gases, liquids, solids, intermolecular forces, ideal gas equation, kinetic theory of gases, deviation from ideal behavior, liquefaction of gases.
  • Thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics, enthalpy, heat capacity, Hess’s law, second law of thermodynamics, entropy, Gibbs free energy.
  • Equilibrium: Chemical equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, Le Chatelier’s principle, ionic equilibrium, solubility product, common ion effect, pH, buffer solutions.
  • Redox Reactions: Oxidation, reduction, oxidation number, balancing redox reactions, electrochemical cells, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation.
  • Hydrogen: Preparation, properties, uses of hydrogen, hydrides, water, heavy water.
  • s-Block Elements: Alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, their properties, compounds, uses.
  • p-Block Elements: Group 13 to 18 elements, their properties, compounds, uses.
  • Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques: Nomenclature, IUPAC nomenclature, functional groups, isomerism, methods of purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis.
  • Hydrocarbons: Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons, their properties, reactions, uses.

Class 12:

  • Solid State: Classification of solids, types of solids, crystal lattices, unit cell, packing efficiency, imperfections in solids, electrical and magnetic properties of solids.
  • Solutions: Types of solutions, concentration of solutions, colligative properties, Raoult’s law, ideal and non-ideal solutions, abnormal molecular masses.
  • Electrochemistry: Electrochemical cells, galvanic cells, electrolytic cells, Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, conductivity, molar conductivity, Kohlrausch’s law, batteries, fuel cells, corrosion.
  • Chemical Kinetics: Rate of reaction, factors affecting rate of reaction, rate law, order of reaction, molecularity of reaction, integrated rate equations, half-life, collision theory, Arrhenius equation.
  • Surface Chemistry: Adsorption, types of adsorption, adsorption isotherms, catalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, enzyme catalysis.
  • General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements: Occurrence of metals, principles of extraction, metallurgical processes, refining of metals.
  • p-Block Elements: Group 15 to 18 elements, their properties, compounds, uses.
  • d- and f-Block Elements: Transition elements, general properties, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, magnetic properties, complex formation, lanthanoids, actinoids.
  • Coordination Compounds: Coordination compounds, nomenclature, isomerism, bonding in coordination compounds, Werner’s theory, VBT, CFT, applications of coordination compounds.
  • Haloalkanes and Haloarenes: Nomenclature, preparation, properties, reactions of haloalkanes and haloarenes.
  • Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers: Nomenclature, preparation, properties, reactions of alcohols, phenols, and ethers.
  • Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, preparation, properties, reactions of aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids.
  • Amines: Nomenclature, preparation, properties, reactions of amines.
  • Biomolecules: Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, their structure, properties, and functions.
  • Polymers: Types of polymers, polymerization, natural and synthetic polymers, biodegradable polymers.
  • Chemistry in Everyday Life: Chemicals in medicines, food, cosmetics, cleaning agents, pesticides, fertilizers, dyes, and paints.


Class 11:

  • Sets, Relations and Functions: Sets, types of sets, operations on sets, relations, types of relations, functions, types of functions, inverse functions, composite functions.
  • Trigonometric Functions: Trigonometric ratios, trigonometric identities, trigonometric equations, inverse trigonometric functions.
  • Algebra: Complex numbers, quadratic equations, sequences and series, arithmetic progression, geometric progression, harmonic progression, binomial theorem.
  • Coordinate Geometry: Straight lines, circles, conic sections, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola.
  • Three Dimensional Geometry: Coordinates in space, direction cosines, direction ratios, distance formula, section formula, projection formula, plane, line, angle between two lines, angle between a line and a plane, distance between two lines, distance between a point and a plane.
  • Limits and Derivatives: Limits, continuity, differentiability, derivatives, rules of differentiation, applications of derivatives.
  • Mathematical Reasoning: Statements, logical connectives, truth tables, quantifiers, logical equivalence, tautology, contradiction.
  • Statistics: Measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, probability, probability distribution, binomial distribution.

Class 12:

  • Relations and Functions: Inverse trigonometric functions, properties of inverse trigonometric functions, graphs of inverse trigonometric functions.
  • Matrices: Matrices, types of matrices, operations on matrices, determinant of a matrix, inverse of a matrix, adjoint of a matrix, applications of matrices.
  • Determinants: Determinants, properties of determinants, minors and cofactors, area of a triangle, Cramer’s rule.
  • Vectors: Vectors, types of vectors, operations on vectors, scalar product, vector product, applications of vectors.
  • Linear Programming: Linear programming problems, graphical method, simplex method.
  • Probability: Conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem, independent events, random variables, probability distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution.
  • Calculus: Continuity, differentiability, derivatives, applications of derivatives, maxima and minima, rate of change, increasing and decreasing functions, tangents and normals, Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange’s mean value theorem, indeterminate forms, L’Hospital’s rule, integrals, definite integrals, properties of definite integrals, applications of definite integrals, area under a curve, volume of a solid of revolution.
  • Differential Equations: Differential equations, order and degree of a differential equation, formation of a differential equation, methods of solving differential equations, linear differential equations.


Class 11:

  • The Living World: What is living? Biodiversity, taxonomy, classification, binomial nomenclature, five kingdom classification, plant kingdom, animal kingdom.
  • Biological Classification: Five kingdom classification, monera, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia, viruses, viroids, lichens.
  • Plant Kingdom: Algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms, plant life cycles.
  • Animal Kingdom: Phylum porifera, coelenterata, platyhelminthes, annelida, arthropoda, mollusca, echinodermata, chordata, animal tissues.
  • Morphology of Flowering Plants: Root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, seed, modifications of root, stem, and leaf.
  • Anatomy of Flowering Plants: Tissues, tissue systems, anatomy of dicot and monocot roots, stems, and leaves.
  • Structural Organisation in Animals: Animal tissues, epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, nervous tissue, organ, organ system, human digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system, endocrine system.
  • Cell: The Unit of Life: Cell theory, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, cell organelles, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, vacuoles, plastids.
  • Biomolecules: Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, their structure, properties, and functions.
  • Cell Cycle and Cell Division: Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, significance of mitosis and meiosis.
  • Transport in Plants: Movement of water and minerals in plants, transpiration, ascent of sap, translocation of food.
  • Mineral Nutrition: Essential elements, macronutrients, micronutrients, deficiency symptoms, nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle.
  • Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis, light reaction, dark reaction, factors affecting photosynthesis, C3, C4, and CAM pathways.
  • Respiration in Plants: Respiration, aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, fermentation, respiratory quotient.
  • Plant Growth and Development: Plant growth, growth regulators, auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, ethylene, seed germination, flowering, photoperiodism, vernalization.

Class 12:

  • Reproduction in Organisms: Reproduction, asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, modes of reproduction, vegetative propagation, fragmentation, budding, sporulation, regeneration, parthenogenesis, sexual reproduction in flowering plants, pollination, fertilization, seed formation, fruit formation.
  • Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants: Flower structure, pollination, fertilization, seed formation, fruit formation, apomixis, polyembryony.
  • Human Reproduction: Male reproductive system, female reproductive system, gametogenesis, fertilization, pregnancy, parturition, lactation, reproductive health, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, infertility.
  • Reproductive Health: Population growth, birth control, family planning, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, infertility.
  • Genetics and Evolution: Mendel’s laws of inheritance, inheritance of one gene, inheritance of two genes, sex determination, mutations, genetic disorders, evolution, Darwin’s theory of evolution, evidence of evolution, human evolution.
  • Molecular Basis of Inheritance: DNA, RNA, structure of DNA, structure of RNA, DNA replication, transcription, translation, genetic code, gene expression, regulation of gene expression.
  • Biology and Human Welfare: Biotechnology, genetic engineering, transgenic organisms, biopesticides, biofertilizers, tissue culture, single-cell protein, bioremediation, human health, diseases, pathogens, immunity, AIDS, cancer, drugs, antibiotics, vaccines.
  • Biotechnology: Principles and Processes: Genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, gene cloning, polymerase chain reaction, DNA fingerprinting, applications of biotechnology.
  • Biotechnology and its Applications: Biotechnology in agriculture, biotechnology in medicine, biotechnology in industry, bioethics.
  • Ecology and Environment: Ecosystem, types of ecosystems, food chains, food webs, ecological pyramids, energy flow, nutrient cycling, biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity, environmental pollution, air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, global warming, ozone layer depletion, sustainable development.
  • Environmental Issues: Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, global warming, ozone layer depletion, biodiversity loss, sustainable development.

Tips for Preparing for KVPY 2024

  • Start early: The earlier you start preparing, the better.
  • Understand the syllabus: Go through the syllabus thoroughly and make sure you understand all the topics.
  • Refer to good study materials: Use NCERT textbooks, reference books, and online resources to study.
  • Practice mock tests: Take as many mock tests as possible to get familiar with the exam pattern and time management.
  • Analyze your mistakes: After every mock test, analyze your mistakes and work on your weak areas.
  • Stay focused and motivated: It is important to stay focused and motivated throughout your preparation.
  • Take breaks: Take regular breaks to avoid burnout.
  • Get enough sleep: Make sure you get enough sleep before the exam.
  • Eat healthy food: Eat healthy food to keep your energy levels up.
  • Stay calm and confident: On the day of the exam, stay calm and confident.


The KVPY exam is a challenging but rewarding exam. With proper preparation and hard work, you can crack the exam and secure a scholarship to pursue your dream career in basic science. Remember to stay focused, motivated, and confident throughout your preparation. All the best!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Short Answers


  • Q: What is KVPY?
    • A: KVPY is a national-level scholarship program in India for students pursuing basic science courses.
  • Q: Who conducts the KVPY exam?
    • A: The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore conducts the KVPY exam on behalf of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.
  • Q: When is the KVPY exam held?
    • A: The KVPY exam is held annually. The exact dates are announced by the KVPY authorities.
  • Q: What is the eligibility criteria for KVPY?
    • A: Eligibility criteria vary based on the stream (SA, SX, SP) and include factors like class, board exam marks, and nationality.
  • Q: What is the exam pattern for KVPY?
    • A: The exam is conducted in two stages: a written exam (Stage 1) and an interview round (Stage 2).
  • Q: What is the syllabus for KVPY?
    • A: The syllabus is based on the CBSE board syllabus for Class 11 and Class 12.
  • Q: How can I prepare for the KVPY exam?
    • A: Start early, understand the syllabus, refer to good study materials, practice mock tests, analyze your mistakes, stay focused, and get enough rest.

Exam Specific:

  • Q: What is the duration of the KVPY Stage 1 exam?
    • A: The duration is 3 hours.
  • Q: What is the marking scheme for the KVPY Stage 1 exam?
    • A: Each subject carries 100 marks, and there is negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • Q: What is the format of the KVPY Stage 1 exam?
    • A: The exam is in multiple-choice question (MCQ) format.
  • Q: What is the syllabus for the KVPY Stage 2 exam?
    • A: The syllabus is based on the CBSE board syllabus for Class 11 and Class 12.
  • Q: What is the duration of the KVPY Stage 2 exam?
    • A: The duration is 3 hours for each subject.
  • Q: What is the marking scheme for the KVPY Stage 2 exam?
    • A: Each subject carries 100 marks.
  • Q: What is the format of the KVPY Stage 2 exam?
    • A: The exam is in a written format.
  • Q: What is the interview round like for KVPY?
    • A: The interview round assesses the candidate’s understanding of the subject, analytical skills, and communication skills.


  • Q: What are the benefits of getting a KVPY scholarship?
    • A: The scholarship provides financial assistance for pursuing basic science courses.
  • Q: How can I apply for the KVPY exam?
    • A: The application process is online, and details are available on the official KVPY website.
  • Q: What are some good resources for preparing for the KVPY exam?
    • A: NCERT textbooks, reference books, online resources, and mock tests are helpful resources.

Note: These are just a few examples of frequently asked questions. The specific questions and answers may vary depending on the individual’s needs and circumstances. It is always best to refer to the official KVPY website for the most up-to-date information.