“Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.-Dalai Lama.

Points to Remember: The Dalai Lama’s quote emphasizes the importance of considering opportunity costs when evaluating success. True success involves a holistic assessment, not just material gains. Sacrifices made should align with one’s values and long-term goals. Introduction: The Dalai Lama’s quote, “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to … Read more

Given below are the three quotations of great thinkers. What do each of these quotations convey to you in the present context? (a) “The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Points to Remember: Gandhi’s quote emphasizes the power of action over ritual. The quote highlights the importance of compassion and empathy in addressing societal challenges. The present context requires an interpretation of the quote’s relevance to contemporary issues. Introduction: Mahatma Gandhi’s quote, “The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand … Read more

“If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.”–Abdul Kalam.

Keywords: Corruption, beautiful minds, societal members, father, mother, teacher, societal change, nation-building. Required Approach: Primarily analytical, with elements of opinion based on the quote’s assertion. Points to Remember: The role of parents (father and mother) in shaping a child’s moral compass and values. The crucial role of teachers in imparting knowledge, critical thinking, and ethical … Read more

Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have the right to do and what is right to do.’-Potter Stewart

Points to Remember: The distinction between legal rights and moral obligations. The complexities of ethical decision-making. The role of personal values and societal norms. The potential conflict between legal and ethical considerations. Introduction: Potter Stewart’s quote, “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have the right to do and what is right to do,” … Read more

(a) Is conscience a more reliable guide when compared to laws, rules and regulations in the context of ethical decision making ? Discuss.

Points to Remember: Conscience as an internal moral compass. Laws, rules, and regulations as external frameworks. Conflicts between conscience and legal frameworks. The limitations of both conscience and legal systems. The importance of a nuanced approach to ethical decision-making. Introduction: Ethical decision-making is a complex process involving navigating internal moral compasses and external societal norms. … Read more

In contemporary world, corporate sector’s contribution in generating wealth and employment is increasing. In doing so, they are bringing in unprecedented onslaught on the climate, environmental sustainability and living conditions of human beings. In this background, do you Responsibility (CSR) is efficient and sufficient enough to fulfill the social roles and responsibilities needed in the corporate work mandated? Critically examine.

Points to Remember: The increasing role of the corporate sector in wealth generation and employment. The negative environmental and social impacts of corporate activities. The effectiveness and sufficiency of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in addressing these impacts. The need for a balanced approach considering both the positive and negative aspects of CSR. Introduction: The contemporary … Read more

What do you understand by ‘moral integrity’ and ‘professional efficiency’ in the context of corporate governance of India? Illustrate with suitable examples.

Points to Remember: Moral integrity: Adherence to strong moral principles and ethical conduct in all corporate dealings. Professional efficiency: Competent and effective performance of duties, maximizing output while adhering to legal and ethical standards. Corporate governance in India: Framework of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. It aims to … Read more

(a) What really matters for success, character, happiness and lifelong achievements is a definite set of emotional skills – your EQ- not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests.” Do you agree with this view ? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Points to Remember: The importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) The role of Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) The interplay between EQ and IQ in achieving success Limitations of solely relying on EQ Introduction: The statement posits that emotional skills (EQ) are more crucial than cognitive abilities (IQ) for success, happiness, and lifelong achievements. While IQ, traditionally measured … Read more

Whistle blower, who reports corruption and illegal activities, wrongdoing and misconduct to the concerned authorities, runs the risk of being exposed to grave danger, physical harm and victimization by the vested interests, accused persons and his team. What policy measures would you suggest to strengthen protection mechanism to safeguard the whistle blower?

Keywords: Whistleblower, protection, corruption, illegal activities, policy measures, safeguard. Required Approach: Analytical and Policy-Oriented Points to Remember: The importance of whistleblowers in combating corruption. The risks faced by whistleblowers. Existing legal frameworks for whistleblower protection. Gaps in existing protection mechanisms. Policy recommendations to strengthen protection. Introduction: Whistleblowers play a crucial role in exposing corruption, illegal … Read more

Russia and Ukraine war has been going on for the last seven months. Different countries have taken independent stands and actions keeping in view their own national interests. We are all aware that war has its own impact on the different aspects of society, including human tragedy. What are those ethical issues that are crucial to be considered while launching the war and its continuation so far? Illustrate with justification the ethical issues involved in the given state of affair.

Points to Remember: The ethical implications of the Russo-Ukrainian War are multifaceted and complex. Considerations include justifications for war, proportionality of force, treatment of civilians, and the long-term consequences of conflict. International law and humanitarian principles provide a framework for evaluating ethical conduct. Introduction: The ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War, initiated by Russia’s full-scale invasion in February … Read more

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