Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding. Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or later.-Swami Vivekanand

Points to Remember: Perseverance and dedication are crucial for success. Obstacles are inevitable in any endeavor. Success is achievable through consistent effort. Swami Vivekananda’s quote emphasizes the importance of resilience. Introduction: Swami Vivekananda’s quote, “Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding. Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or … Read more

26. “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until and unless we obtain peace within ourselves.”-Dalai Lama

Points to Remember: The interconnectedness of inner and outer peace. The role of individual transformation in achieving global peace. The limitations of solely focusing on external solutions for peace. The importance of mindfulness, compassion, and self-awareness. The practical application of inner peace principles to conflict resolution. Introduction: The Dalai Lama’s quote, “We can never obtain … Read more

“Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, it is better for us all.”-Erik Erikson

Points to Remember: Interdependence as a fundamental aspect of human existence. Benefits and challenges of interdependence. The role of social structures and institutions in fostering interdependence. The importance of cooperation and empathy. Potential negative consequences of excessive dependence. Introduction: Erik Erikson’s quote, “Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the … Read more

Besides domain knowledge, a public official needs innovativeness and creativity of a high order as well, while resolving ethical dilemmas. Discuss with suitable example.

Points to Remember: Domain knowledge is crucial for effective public service. Innovativeness and creativity are essential for ethical decision-making. Ethical dilemmas require nuanced solutions. Examples illustrate the interplay of knowledge, innovation, and ethics. Introduction: Public officials face complex ethical dilemmas daily. Successfully navigating these challenges requires more than just expertise in their specific field (domain … Read more

Should impartial and being non-partisan be considered as indispensable qualities to make a successful civil servant? Discuss with illustrations

Points to Remember: Impartiality: Treating all individuals and groups fairly, without bias or favoritism. Non-partisanship: Not aligning with or promoting any particular political party or ideology. Successful civil servant: Effective and ethical performance of duties, contributing to good governance. Illustrations: Real-world examples demonstrating the impact of impartiality and non-partisanship (or lack thereof). Introduction: The success … Read more

An independent and empowered social audit mechanism is an absolute must in every sphere of public service, including judiciary, to ensure performance, accountability and ethical conduct. Elaborate.

Points to Remember: Importance of social audit mechanisms. Applicability across all public sectors, including the judiciary. Focus on performance, accountability, and ethical conduct. Challenges in implementing such mechanisms. Suggestions for improvement and strengthening. Introduction: The demand for transparency and accountability in public service delivery is paramount for a functioning democracy. While traditional oversight mechanisms like … Read more

Integrity is a value that empowers the human being.” Justify with suitable illustration.

Points to Remember: Integrity’s definition and its impact on individuals and society. Examples of integrity in action (positive illustrations). Consequences of lacking integrity (negative illustrations). The link between integrity and empowerment. The role of integrity in building trust and fostering positive relationships. Introduction: Integrity, often defined as the quality of being honest and having strong … Read more

Identify ten essential values that are needed to be an effective public servant. Describe the ways and means to prevent non-ethical behavior in the public servants.

Points to Remember: Ten essential values for effective public service. Mechanisms to prevent unethical behavior in public servants. Introduction: Effective public service is the cornerstone of a well-functioning democracy. It relies heavily on the ethical conduct and commitment of its servants. Public servants are entrusted with significant power and responsibility, impacting the lives of citizens … Read more

Impact of digital technology as reliable source of input for rational decision making is a debatable issue. Critically evaluate with suitable example.

Points to Remember: Digital technology’s impact on rational decision-making is complex and multifaceted. Reliability is key – digital data can be biased, inaccurate, or manipulated. Access to technology and digital literacy are crucial factors. Ethical considerations and potential for misuse must be addressed. A balanced approach is needed, leveraging the benefits while mitigating the risks. … Read more

Identify five ethical traits on which one can plot the performance of a civil servant. Justify their inclusion in the matrix.

Points to Remember: Five key ethical traits for evaluating civil servant performance. Justification for each trait’s inclusion. Balanced perspective on the importance of ethical conduct in public service. Introduction: The ethical conduct of civil servants is paramount to the effective and just functioning of a government. A civil servant’s actions directly impact the lives of … Read more