“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”–M. K. Gandhi

Points to Remember: The power of thought in shaping individual character and destiny. The interconnectedness of thoughts, actions, and outcomes. The role of self-awareness and mindful thinking in personal growth. The limitations of the statement and the influence of external factors. Introduction: Mahatma Gandhi’s profound statement, “A man is but the product of his thoughts. … Read more

There is a view that the official secrets act is an obstacle to the implementation of Rights to Information act. Do you agree with the view? Discuss

Points to Remember: The Official Secrets Act (OSA) and the Right to Information Act (RTI Act) have conflicting aims. OSA prioritizes national security and confidentiality, while the RTI Act promotes transparency and accountability. The overlap between information covered by OSA and information requested under RTI Act creates challenges. Judicial interpretations and amendments play a crucial … Read more

What do you understand by probity in governance? Based on your understanding of the term, suggest measures for ensuring probity in government.

Points to Remember: Probity in governance is about integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct in public life. It encompasses transparency, accountability, and fairness in all government actions. Ensuring probity requires a multi-pronged approach involving legal frameworks, institutional reforms, and ethical training. Introduction: Probity in governance refers to the adherence to high ethical standards and principles of … Read more

Effective utilization of public finds is crucial to meet development goals. Critically examine the reasons for under-utilization and mis-utilization of public funds and their implications.

Points to Remember: Effective public fund utilization is essential for achieving development goals. Underutilization and misutilization stem from various systemic and individual factors. These issues have significant economic, social, and political implications. Addressing these requires systemic reforms, enhanced transparency, and accountability. Introduction: Effective utilization of public funds is the cornerstone of sustainable development. Public funds, … Read more

“Non-performance of duty by a public servant is a form of corruption”. Do you agree with this view? Justify your answer.

Points to Remember: Definition of corruption and non-performance of duty. Different forms of corruption. The link between non-performance and corruption. Arguments for and against considering non-performance as corruption. Consequences of non-performance. Policy recommendations for addressing non-performance. Introduction: Corruption, broadly defined, is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It encompasses a wide range of … Read more

What is meant by ‘crisis of conscience’? How does it manifest in the public domain?

Points to Remember: Definition of “crisis of conscience” Manifestations in the public domain (individual and collective levels) Examples from history and current events Potential consequences and solutions Introduction: A “crisis of conscience” refers to a period of intense moral conflict or turmoil within an individual or a group. It arises when deeply held beliefs, values, … Read more

Explain the basic principles of citizens’ charter movement and bring out its importance.

Points to Remember: Citizen’s Charter: A declaration of commitments made by an organization to its citizens regarding service standards, accountability, and transparency. Basic Principles: User-centricity, transparency, accountability, participation, and redressal. Importance: Improved service delivery, enhanced citizen satisfaction, increased government accountability, and strengthened democracy. Introduction: The Citizen’s Charter movement is a global initiative aimed at improving … Read more

What do you understand by the term‘public servant’? Reflect on the expected role of public servant. (150 words, 10 marks) 2019

Points to Remember: Definition of a public servant. Expected roles and responsibilities. Ethical considerations. Accountability and transparency. Introduction: A “public servant” refers to an individual employed by a government or public agency to perform duties in the public interest. Their role transcends mere job execution; it involves upholding the principles of good governance, serving the … Read more

“Emotional Intelligence is the ability to make your emotions work for you instead of against you.” Do you agree with this view? Discuss.

Points to Remember: Definition of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Components of EQ Benefits of high EQ Challenges and limitations of EQ EQ’s role in personal and professional success Practical applications and development of EQ Introduction: Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and also to recognize and influence the emotions … Read more

What are the basic principles of public life? Illustrate any three with suitable examples.

Points to Remember: Integrity Objectivity Accountability Openness Honesty Leadership Introduction: Public life encompasses the activities and interactions of individuals and institutions within a society’s political, social, and economic spheres. The principles governing this realm are crucial for ensuring good governance, citizen trust, and societal well-being. These principles aren’t static; they evolve with societal values and … Read more

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