“Max Weber said that it is not wise to apply to public administration the sort of moral and ethical norms we apply to matters of personal conscience. It is important to realize that the state bureaucracy might possess its own independent bureaucratic morality.” Critically analyse this statement.

Points to Remember: Weber’s concept of bureaucratic morality. Distinction between personal and bureaucratic ethics. Potential conflicts between personal morality and bureaucratic efficiency. The implications of a separate bureaucratic morality for accountability and ethics in public administration. The need for checks and balances to prevent abuse of power. Introduction: Max Weber, a foundational figure in sociology, … Read more

Discuss Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of seven sins.

Points to Remember: Gandhi’s Seven Social Sins are not a religious doctrine but a social critique. Each sin represents a societal ill hindering progress towards a just and equitable society. Understanding these sins helps analyze contemporary social issues. Addressing these sins requires individual and collective effort. Introduction: Mahatma Gandhi, a pivotal figure in India’s independence … Read more

Analyse John Rawls’s concept of social justice in the Indian Context.

Points to Remember: John Rawls’s Theory of Justice: Focus on principles of justice as fairness, the original position, and the veil of ignorance. Indian Context: Consider India’s diverse population, socio-economic disparities, caste system, and constitutional framework. Application and Critique: Analyze how Rawls’s principles apply to India’s realities and identify potential challenges and limitations. Policy Implications: … Read more

What do you understand by the terms ‘governance’, ‘good governance’ and‘ethical governance’?

Points to Remember: Governance encompasses the processes and structures through which societies manage their affairs. Good governance is characterized by effectiveness, accountability, transparency, and participation. Ethical governance integrates moral principles and values into governance processes. Introduction: The terms “governance,” “good governance,” and “ethical governance” are closely related but distinct concepts crucial for the effective and … Read more

Discuss the Public Services Code as recommended by the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission.

Points to Remember: Key features of the Public Services Code as envisioned by the 2nd ARC. Emphasis on ethics, accountability, and efficiency. Mechanisms for implementation and enforcement. Challenges in implementation and potential solutions. Introduction: The Second Administrative Reforms Commission (2nd ARC), established in 2005, played a crucial role in recommending reforms for the Indian administrative … Read more

Why should impartiality and non-partisanship be considered as foundational values in public services, especially in the present-day socio-political context? Illustrate your answer with examples.

Points to Remember: Impartiality: Treating all individuals and groups fairly and equitably, without bias or favoritism. Non-partisanship: Remaining neutral and objective, avoiding affiliation with any political party or ideology. Public service: The provision of services by government agencies to the public. Socio-political context: The current social and political climate, characterized by increasing polarization and distrust … Read more

Analyse John Rawls’s concept of social justice in the Indian Context.

Points to Remember: John Rawls’s Theory of Justice: Focus on principles of justice as fairness, the original position, the veil of ignorance, and the difference principle. Indian Context: Consider India’s diverse social structure, historical inequalities (caste system), economic disparities, and constitutional provisions for social justice. Application and Critique: Analyze the applicability of Rawls’s theory to … Read more

“Max Weber said that it is not wise to apply to public administration the sort of moral and ethical norms we apply to matters of personal conscience. It is important to realize that the state bureaucracy might possess its own independent bureaucratic morality.” Critically analyse this statement.

Points to Remember: Weber’s concept of bureaucratic morality. Distinction between personal and bureaucratic ethics. Potential conflicts between personal morality and bureaucratic efficiency. The need for accountability and ethical guidelines within bureaucracies. The importance of balancing efficiency with ethical considerations. Introduction: Max Weber, a foundational figure in sociology, argued that public administration operates under a distinct … Read more

Discuss Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of seven sins.

Points to Remember: Gandhi’s Seven Social Sins are not a religious dogma but a social critique. Each sin is interconnected and contributes to societal imbalance. Understanding these sins is crucial for building a just and equitable society. Gandhi’s framework remains relevant in addressing contemporary social issues. Introduction: Mahatma Gandhi, a pivotal figure in India’s independence … Read more

What do you understand by the terms ‘governance’, ‘good governance’ and‘ethical governance’?

Points to Remember: Governance encompasses the processes and structures through which societies are managed. Good governance emphasizes effectiveness, accountability, and transparency. Ethical governance integrates moral principles and values into governance processes. Introduction: The terms “governance,” “good governance,” and “ethical governance” are increasingly crucial in discussions about effective and just societies. Governance, in its broadest sense, … Read more

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