Defining blue revolution, explain the problems and strategies for pisciculture development in India.

Points to Remember: Definition of Blue Revolution Importance of Pisciculture in India Problems hindering pisciculture development Strategies for sustainable pisciculture development Policy recommendations and best practices Introduction: The “Blue Revolution” refers to the significant increase in the production of aquatic organisms, primarily fish, through aquaculture and fisheries management. It aims to enhance food security, improve … Read more

“The ideal solution of depleting ground water resources in India is water harvesting system.” How can it be made effective in urban areas?

Keywords: Depleting groundwater resources, India, water harvesting, urban areas, effective implementation. Required Approach: Primarily factual and analytical, with some policy recommendations (opinion-based). Points to Remember: The severity of India’s groundwater depletion. The potential of water harvesting as a solution. Challenges in implementing water harvesting in urban areas. Strategies for effective implementation. Policy and technological interventions. … Read more

Why is India taking keen interest in the Arctic region?

Points to Remember: India’s strategic interests in the Arctic. Economic opportunities in the Arctic. Scientific research and environmental concerns. Geopolitical implications and collaborations. India’s Arctic policy and future plans. Introduction: India’s burgeoning interest in the Arctic region, though geographically distant, is driven by a confluence of strategic, economic, scientific, and environmental factors. While not an … Read more

Why is Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) needed? How does it help in navigation?

Points to Remember: IRNSS’s primary purpose is to provide accurate positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services to India. It enhances India’s strategic autonomy in navigation. It offers improved accuracy and reliability compared to GPS in the Indian region. IRNSS has diverse applications beyond navigation. Introduction: India’s reliance on foreign satellite navigation systems like GPS, GLONASS, … Read more

Define mantle plume and explain its role in plate tectonics.

Points to Remember: Mantle plumes are upwellings of hot rock from deep within the Earth’s mantle. They are thought to be responsible for hotspot volcanism. Their role in plate tectonics is complex and debated, but they can influence plate movement and create volcanic chains. Introduction: Plate tectonics, the theory describing the movement of Earth’s lithospheric … Read more

How can the mountain ecosystem be restored from the negative impact of development initiatives and tourism?

Points to Remember: Sustainable tourism practices Reforestation and afforestation Waste management and pollution control Community involvement Policy and regulatory frameworks Introduction: Mountain ecosystems are fragile and highly sensitive to environmental changes. Development initiatives, including infrastructure projects like roads and hydropower dams, and burgeoning tourism, often inflict significant damage. These impacts include deforestation, soil erosion, biodiversity … Read more

Discuss the causes of depletion of mangroves and explain their importance in maintaining coastal ecology.

Points to Remember: Causes of Mangrove Depletion: Deforestation, aquaculture, pollution, climate change, coastal development. Importance of Mangroves: Coastal protection, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, fisheries support, livelihood provision. Introduction: Mangroves are salt-tolerant trees and shrubs that grow in intertidal zones of tropical and subtropical coastlines. They form unique and highly productive ecosystems, acting as a crucial buffer … Read more

Assess the impact of global warming on the coral life system with examples.

Keywords: Global warming, coral life system, impact, examples. Required Approach: Factual and analytical. Points to Remember: Rising ocean temperatures Ocean acidification Coral bleaching Loss of biodiversity Economic impacts Mitigation and adaptation strategies Introduction: Global warming, primarily driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, is significantly impacting marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs. Coral reefs, often called the … Read more

How is efficient and affordable urban mass transport key to the rapid economic development in India?

Points to Remember: Efficiency: Reduced travel time, increased productivity. Affordability: Accessibility for all socioeconomic groups. Economic Impact: Job creation, increased business activity, reduced congestion costs. Environmental Impact: Reduced pollution, carbon emissions. Social Impact: Improved quality of life, social equity. Introduction: Rapid economic development in India hinges on several interconnected factors, with efficient and affordable urban … Read more