What does ‘accountability’ mean in the context of public service? What measures can be adopted to ensure individual and collective accountability of public servants?

Points to Remember: Definition of accountability in public service. Individual vs. collective accountability. Mechanisms for ensuring accountability. Challenges in enforcing accountability. Recommendations for improvement. Introduction: Accountability in public service refers to the obligation of public servants to be answerable for their actions and decisions to the public, their superiors, and relevant oversight bodies. It’s a … Read more

It is often said that poverty leads to corruption. However there is no dearth of instances where affluent and powerful people indulge in corruption in a big way. What are the basic causes of corruption among people? Support your answer with examples.

Points to Remember: Poverty as a driver of corruption. Corruption among the affluent and powerful. Root causes of corruption: individual, systemic, and societal factors. Examples of corruption across different socioeconomic strata. Policy recommendations to combat corruption. Introduction: Corruption, the abuse of entrusted power for private gain, is a global scourge undermining development, eroding public trust, … Read more

There is a heavy ethical responsibility on the public servants because they occupy positions of power,handle huge amounts of public funds, and their decisions have wide ranging impact on society and environment. What steps have you taken to improve your ethical competence to handle such responsibility?

Points to Remember: High ethical standards are crucial for public servants. Public servants handle significant power, funds, and societal impact. Continuous improvement of ethical competence is necessary. Transparency, accountability, and integrity are key ethical principles. Introduction: Public servants occupy positions of immense responsibility. Their actions directly influence the lives of citizens and the health of … Read more

What do you understand by ‘probity’ in public life? What are the difficulties in practicing it in the present times? How can these difficulties be overcome?

Points to Remember: Probity in public life means integrity, honesty, and incorruptibility in the conduct of public officials. Difficulties in practicing probity stem from political pressures, lack of transparency, weak institutional mechanisms, and societal factors. Overcoming these difficulties requires strengthening institutions, promoting transparency, enhancing accountability, and fostering a culture of ethics. Introduction: Probity in public … Read more

What is meant by ‘crisis of conscience’? Narrate one incident in your life when you were faced with such a crisis and how you resolved the same.

Points to Remember: Definition of “crisis of conscience.” Personal experience with a crisis of conscience. The process of resolving the crisis. Reflection on the experience and its impact. Introduction: A “crisis of conscience” refers to a situation where an individual experiences a deep internal conflict between their personal values, beliefs, and moral principles, and the … Read more

What do you understand by the term ‘voice of conscience’? How do you prepare yourself to heed to the voice of conscience?

Points to Remember: Definition and understanding of “voice of conscience.” Internal and external factors influencing conscience. Methods for strengthening and heeding the voice of conscience. Practical application and challenges. Introduction: The “voice of conscience” refers to an inner sense of right and wrong, a moral compass guiding individual behavior and decisions. It’s not a literal … Read more

(b) Indicate two more attributes which you consider important for public service. Justify your answer.

Points to Remember: Two additional crucial attributes for public service beyond those already discussed are integrity and empathy. Introduction: Effective public service requires a diverse skillset extending beyond technical competence. While attributes like professionalism and efficiency are essential, a deeper commitment to ethical conduct and understanding the needs of the citizenry are equally crucial for … Read more

(a) What do you understand by the following terms in the context of public service? 1. Integrity; 2. Perseverance 3. Spirit of Service 4. Commitment 5. Courage of Conviction

Points to Remember: Integrity: Honesty, strong moral principles, and adherence to ethical conduct. Perseverance: Steadfastness in the face of challenges and obstacles. Spirit of Service: A selfless dedication to serving the public good. Commitment: Dedication and loyalty to one’s duties and responsibilities. Courage of Conviction: Willingness to act on one’s beliefs even in the face … Read more

(b) Differentiate ‘moral intuition from ‘moral reasoning’ with suitable examples.

Points to Remember: Moral intuition is a gut feeling or immediate sense of right and wrong. Moral reasoning is a conscious, deliberative process of evaluating moral situations. Both intuition and reasoning play crucial roles in moral decision-making. Introduction: Moral decision-making, a cornerstone of human behavior, is a complex process influenced by various factors. Two key … Read more

(b) ‘Probity is essential for an effective system of governance and socio-economic development.’ Discuss.

Points to Remember: Probity’s definition and its various facets. Probity’s role in governance and socio-economic development. Challenges to maintaining probity. Strategies to enhance probity. Introduction: Probity, encompassing integrity, honesty, and uprightness, is the bedrock of any effective system of governance and socio-economic development. It signifies adherence to high ethical standards and a commitment to transparency … Read more