Mains Syllabus of fci Exam 2024

Mains Syllabus of FCI Exam 2024

General Studies

1. Indian Economy

  • Economic Development and Planning:
    • Five-Year Plans: Objectives, achievements, and failures.
    • Role of public and private sectors in the Indian economy.
    • Economic reforms since 1991: Liberalization, privatization, and globalization.
    • Issues of poverty, inequality, and unemployment.
    • Sustainable development and environmental concerns.
  • Agriculture and Rural Development:
    • Importance of agriculture in the Indian economy.
    • Green Revolution and its impact.
    • Agricultural policies and subsidies.
    • Rural infrastructure and development.
    • Issues of food security and malnutrition.
  • Industry and Infrastructure:
    • Industrial growth and development.
    • Role of small-scale and large-scale industries.
    • Infrastructure development: Transportation, communication, and energy.
    • Public-private partnerships in infrastructure development.
  • Banking and Finance:
    • Indian financial system: Banks, financial institutions, and markets.
    • Monetary policy and its impact on the economy.
    • Fiscal policy and its role in economic management.
    • Issues of financial inclusion and financial stability.
  • International Trade and Foreign Investment:
    • India’s trade policy and its impact on the economy.
    • Foreign direct investment and its role in economic growth.
    • Regional trade agreements and their implications.
    • Issues of trade imbalances and protectionism.

2. Indian Polity and Governance

  • Constitution of India:
    • Fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy.
    • Structure and functions of the Union and State governments.
    • Separation of powers and checks and balances.
    • Federalism and center-state relations.
  • Political System:
    • Political parties and their role in the Indian democracy.
    • Electoral system and election reforms.
    • Pressure groups and their influence on policymaking.
    • Public opinion and its impact on governance.
  • Governance and Administration:
    • Role of the bureaucracy in policy implementation.
    • Administrative reforms and good governance.
    • Corruption and its impact on development.
    • Citizen-centric governance and e-governance.
  • Social Justice and Welfare:
    • Social inequalities and affirmative action.
    • Welfare schemes and social security measures.
    • Issues of poverty, hunger, and malnutrition.
    • Role of NGOs and civil society in social development.
  • International Relations:
    • India’s foreign policy objectives and strategies.
    • India’s relations with neighboring countries and major powers.
    • India’s role in international organizations.
    • Issues of global security and terrorism.

3. General Science and Technology

  • Science and Technology in India:
    • Role of science and technology in national development.
    • Major scientific and technological institutions in India.
    • Recent advancements in science and technology.
    • Impact of science and technology on society.
  • Space Technology:
    • Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and its achievements.
    • Applications of space technology in various fields.
    • Role of space technology in national security.
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT):
    • Evolution of ICT and its impact on society.
    • Role of ICT in education, healthcare, and governance.
    • Cyber security and its challenges.
  • Biotechnology:
    • Applications of biotechnology in agriculture, medicine, and industry.
    • Ethical and social implications of biotechnology.
  • Environment and Ecology:
    • Environmental issues: Pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
    • Environmental laws and regulations.
    • Sustainable development and environmental conservation.

4. Current Affairs

  • National Events:
    • Major political, economic, and social events in India.
    • Government policies and initiatives.
    • Issues of national importance.
  • International Events:
    • Major global events and their impact on India.
    • International relations and diplomacy.
    • Global issues: Climate change, terrorism, and economic crisis.
  • Sports:
    • Major sporting events and achievements of Indian athletes.
    • Sports policies and infrastructure.
  • Culture and Arts:
    • Indian culture and heritage.
    • Literature, music, and cinema.
    • Art and architecture.

Subject Specific Topics

1. Food Corporation of India (FCI)

  • History and Evolution of FCI:
    • Establishment and objectives of FCI.
    • Evolution of FCI’s role in food security.
    • Major milestones and achievements.
  • Functions and Responsibilities of FCI:
    • Procurement of food grains from farmers.
    • Storage and distribution of food grains.
    • Implementation of the Public Distribution System (PDS).
    • Price stabilization and market intervention.
    • Other functions: Research and development, capacity building.
  • Organizational Structure of FCI:
    • Board of Directors and its composition.
    • Regional offices and their responsibilities.
    • Field offices and their role in procurement and distribution.
  • Challenges and Issues Faced by FCI:
    • Procurement and storage losses.
    • Inefficient distribution system.
    • Corruption and leakages in the PDS.
    • Financial constraints and budgetary issues.
    • Technological advancements and automation.
  • Reforms and Modernization in FCI:
    • Initiatives to improve procurement and storage efficiency.
    • Strengthening the PDS and reducing leakages.
    • Adoption of technology and automation.
    • Capacity building and training of FCI personnel.

2. Food Security and Public Distribution System (PDS)

  • Concept of Food Security:
    • Dimensions of food security: Availability, accessibility, and utilization.
    • Factors affecting food security: Population growth, climate change, and economic factors.
    • Role of government in ensuring food security.
  • Public Distribution System (PDS):
    • Objectives and principles of the PDS.
    • Structure and functioning of the PDS.
    • Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS).
    • Coverage and beneficiaries of the PDS.
  • Challenges and Issues in the PDS:
    • Leakages and corruption in the system.
    • Inefficient distribution and storage.
    • Targeting errors and exclusion of eligible beneficiaries.
    • Quality and nutritional adequacy of food grains.
  • Reforms and Modernization in the PDS:
    • Initiatives to improve targeting and efficiency.
    • Strengthening the supply chain and reducing leakages.
    • Introduction of technology and automation.
    • Diversification of commodities and nutritional enhancement.

3. Agriculture and Food Processing

  • Indian Agriculture:
    • Importance of agriculture in the Indian economy.
    • Major crops and their production patterns.
    • Agricultural policies and subsidies.
    • Challenges faced by Indian agriculture: Climate change, soil degradation, and market volatility.
  • Food Processing Industry:
    • Role of food processing in value addition and employment generation.
    • Major food processing sectors in India.
    • Government policies and initiatives for promoting food processing.
    • Challenges and opportunities in the food processing sector.
  • Food Safety and Quality:
    • Food safety regulations and standards.
    • Food adulteration and its impact on public health.
    • Role of food testing laboratories and regulatory bodies.
    • Consumer awareness and education on food safety.

4. Warehousing and Logistics

  • Importance of Warehousing in Food Supply Chain:
    • Role of warehousing in storage, preservation, and distribution of food grains.
    • Types of warehouses: Government warehouses, private warehouses, and cold storage facilities.
    • Importance of efficient warehousing for food security.
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management:
    • Role of logistics in the efficient movement of food grains from farm to consumer.
    • Challenges in food logistics: Infrastructure constraints, transportation costs, and perishable nature of food products.
    • Importance of technology and automation in logistics.
  • Government Initiatives in Warehousing and Logistics:
    • National Food Security Mission (NFSM).
    • Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY).
    • Schemes for promoting cold storage and warehousing infrastructure.

5. Economics and Finance

  • Economics of Food Security:
    • Demand and supply dynamics of food grains.
    • Price fluctuations and their impact on consumers and producers.
    • Role of government intervention in food markets.
  • Financial Management in FCI:
    • Sources of funding for FCI operations.
    • Budgetary allocation and expenditure management.
    • Financial performance and profitability of FCI.
    • Debt management and financial sustainability.


Table 1: Major Functions of FCI

Function Description
Procurement Purchasing food grains from farmers at Minimum Support Price (MSP)
Storage Maintaining adequate storage facilities for procured food grains
Distribution Supplying food grains through the Public Distribution System (PDS)
Price Stabilization Intervening in the market to stabilize prices of food grains
Market Intervention Buying and selling food grains to regulate market supply and demand
Research and Development Conducting research on food storage, preservation, and distribution
Capacity Building Training and development of FCI personnel

Table 2: Key Challenges Faced by FCI

Challenge Description
Procurement and Storage Losses Losses due to spoilage, infestation, and pilferage
Inefficient Distribution System Delays and leakages in the distribution of food grains
Corruption and Leakages in the PDS Misappropriation of food grains and financial resources
Financial Constraints and Budgetary Issues Limited funding for FCI operations
Technological Advancements and Automation Need to adopt new technologies for efficiency and transparency

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Short Answers for FCI Mains Exam 2024

General Studies

1. Indian Economy

  • Q: What are the major objectives of the Five-Year Plans in India?
    • A: The Five-Year Plans aim to achieve economic growth, reduce poverty, create employment, and improve infrastructure.
  • Q: What are the key features of the economic reforms initiated in 1991?
    • A: Liberalization, privatization, and globalization were the key features, aimed at opening up the economy to foreign investment and competition.
  • Q: What are the major challenges to agricultural development in India?
    • A: Climate change, soil degradation, lack of irrigation facilities, and inadequate market infrastructure are some of the major challenges.
  • Q: What are the main components of the Indian financial system?
    • A: Banks, financial institutions, stock markets, and insurance companies are the key components.
  • Q: What are the benefits and drawbacks of foreign direct investment (FDI)?
    • A: FDI can bring in capital, technology, and employment opportunities, but it can also lead to exploitation of resources and job displacement.

2. Indian Polity and Governance

  • Q: What are the fundamental rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution?
    • A: The fundamental rights include the right to equality, freedom, religion, culture, and education.
  • Q: What is the role of the judiciary in the Indian political system?
    • A: The judiciary acts as the guardian of the Constitution, ensuring that laws are consistent with fundamental rights and protecting citizens’ liberties.
  • Q: What are the key features of the Indian federal system?
    • A: The Indian federal system divides powers between the central government and state governments, with a strong central government.
  • Q: What are the major challenges to good governance in India?
    • A: Corruption, lack of transparency, bureaucratic inefficiency, and political interference are some of the major challenges.
  • Q: What are the objectives of India’s foreign policy?
    • A: India’s foreign policy aims to promote national security, economic interests, and global peace and cooperation.

3. General Science and Technology

  • Q: What are the major achievements of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)?
    • A: ISRO has successfully launched numerous satellites, including communication, navigation, and remote sensing satellites.
  • Q: What are the applications of information and communication technology (ICT) in various sectors?
    • A: ICT is used in education, healthcare, agriculture, banking, and governance to improve efficiency and access.
  • Q: What are the ethical and social implications of biotechnology?
    • A: Biotechnology raises ethical concerns about genetic modification, privacy, and potential misuse of technology.
  • Q: What are the major environmental challenges facing India?
    • A: Pollution, climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss are some of the major environmental challenges.
  • Q: What are the key principles of sustainable development?
    • A: Sustainable development aims to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

4. Current Affairs

  • Q: What are the major political developments in India in recent years?
    • A: Recent political developments include the rise of regional parties, the changing political landscape, and the impact of social media on elections.
  • Q: What are the key economic challenges facing India today?
    • A: Unemployment, inflation, inequality, and the impact of global economic slowdown are some of the key economic challenges.
  • Q: What are the major international events that have impacted India in recent times?
    • A: The global pandemic, the Ukraine war, and the rise of China are some of the major international events that have impacted India.
  • Q: What are the recent achievements of Indian athletes in international sports?
    • A: Indian athletes have achieved significant success in various sports, including cricket, hockey, badminton, and wrestling.
  • Q: What are the major cultural and artistic events happening in India?
    • A: India hosts a wide range of cultural and artistic events, including film festivals, music concerts, and art exhibitions.

Subject Specific Topics

1. Food Corporation of India (FCI)

  • Q: What is the primary objective of FCI?
    • A: FCI’s primary objective is to ensure food security for the nation by procuring, storing, and distributing food grains.
  • Q: What are the major challenges faced by FCI in procurement and storage?
    • A: FCI faces challenges such as storage losses due to spoilage and infestation, and difficulties in procuring grains from remote areas.
  • Q: What are the key reforms undertaken by FCI in recent years?
    • A: FCI has implemented reforms to improve procurement efficiency, reduce storage losses, and strengthen the Public Distribution System (PDS).

2. Food Security and Public Distribution System (PDS)

  • Q: What are the key components of food security?
    • A: Food security encompasses availability, accessibility, and utilization of food.
  • Q: What are the objectives of the Public Distribution System (PDS)?
    • A: The PDS aims to provide affordable food grains to the poor and vulnerable sections of society.
  • Q: What are the major challenges faced by the PDS?
    • A: The PDS faces challenges such as leakages, inefficiencies in distribution, and targeting errors.

3. Agriculture and Food Processing

  • Q: What are the major challenges faced by Indian agriculture?
    • A: Climate change, soil degradation, lack of irrigation facilities, and inadequate market infrastructure are some of the major challenges.
  • Q: What is the role of the food processing industry in the Indian economy?
    • A: The food processing industry plays a crucial role in value addition, employment generation, and reducing post-harvest losses.
  • Q: What are the key measures taken by the government to promote food safety and quality?
    • A: The government has implemented regulations and standards to ensure food safety and quality, and has established food testing laboratories.

4. Warehousing and Logistics

  • Q: What is the importance of warehousing in the food supply chain?
    • A: Warehousing plays a crucial role in storing, preserving, and distributing food grains, ensuring their availability throughout the year.
  • Q: What are the major challenges faced by the food logistics sector?
    • A: The food logistics sector faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, high transportation costs, and the perishable nature of food products.
  • Q: What are the government initiatives to promote warehousing and logistics infrastructure?
    • A: The government has launched schemes to promote cold storage facilities, warehouses, and improve transportation infrastructure.

5. Economics and Finance

  • Q: What are the key factors that influence the demand and supply of food grains?
    • A: Factors such as population growth, income levels, and government policies influence the demand and supply of food grains.
  • Q: What are the sources of funding for FCI operations?
    • A: FCI receives funding from the government budget, through borrowing, and from its own revenue generated from operations.
  • Q: What are the key financial challenges faced by FCI?
    • A: FCI faces challenges such as high storage costs, losses due to spoilage, and the need to manage its debt burden.

These FAQs and short answers provide a basic understanding of the key topics covered in the FCI Mains Exam 2024. It is important to refer to comprehensive study materials and practice previous years’ question papers for a thorough preparation.