Prelims Syllabus of bis Exam 2024

Prelims Syllabus of BIS Exam 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Indian Polity and Governance

1.1. Constitution of India

  • Salient features of the Constitution: This section delves into the fundamental principles and key characteristics of the Indian Constitution, including its preamble, fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy, and basic structure doctrine.
  • Union and its Territories: Understanding the structure of the Indian government, including the role of the President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, Parliament, and the Judiciary.
  • Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles: A detailed analysis of the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution, their significance, and the limitations imposed on them. The directive principles of state policy, their role in shaping social and economic policies, and their relationship with fundamental rights are also covered.
  • Parliamentary System: This section examines the functioning of the Indian Parliament, including its composition, powers, and procedures. It also explores the relationship between the executive and the legislature.
  • Judiciary: The role of the Supreme Court and High Courts in upholding the Constitution, protecting fundamental rights, and ensuring the rule of law is discussed. The concept of judicial review and its significance in the Indian context are also covered.
  • Federalism: This section analyzes the distribution of powers between the Union and the States, the concept of cooperative federalism, and the mechanisms for resolving inter-state disputes.
  • Local Self-Government: The importance of Panchayati Raj and Municipal Corporations in promoting democratic decentralization and grassroots participation is discussed.

1.2. Governance and Public Policy

  • Central Administrative Structure: This section explores the organization and functioning of the Indian bureaucracy, including the role of the All India Services, the Central Secretariat, and the various departments and ministries.
  • Public Policy Formulation and Implementation: The process of policy formulation, including the role of different stakeholders, the stages of policy cycle, and the challenges in policy implementation are discussed.
  • Good Governance: This section examines the principles of good governance, including transparency, accountability, responsiveness, and participation. It also explores the role of civil society and the media in promoting good governance.
  • Electoral System: The Indian electoral system, including the role of the Election Commission, the conduct of elections, and the challenges to free and fair elections are discussed.
  • Social Welfare Schemes: This section examines the various social welfare schemes implemented by the government, including their objectives, target groups, and effectiveness.
  • Public Finance and Budgeting: The Indian budget process, the role of the Finance Commission, and the challenges of fiscal management are discussed.

1.3. Current Issues in Indian Polity and Governance

  • Contemporary Issues: This section covers current issues related to Indian polity and governance, such as electoral reforms, judicial activism, federalism, and the role of the media.
  • Constitutional Amendments: Recent constitutional amendments and their impact on the Indian polity are discussed.
  • Significant Government Initiatives: Important government initiatives and policies in areas such as education, healthcare, and social justice are analyzed.

2. Indian Economy

2.1. Indian Economy: Structure and Development

  • Basic Economic Concepts: This section covers fundamental economic concepts such as GDP, inflation, unemployment, and balance of payments.
  • Economic Growth and Development: The historical evolution of the Indian economy, the factors contributing to economic growth, and the challenges of achieving sustainable development are discussed.
  • Sectors of the Indian Economy: The structure of the Indian economy, including the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors, and their contribution to GDP are analyzed.
  • Infrastructure: The importance of infrastructure development in driving economic growth and the challenges faced by India in this area are discussed.
  • Human Resource Development: The role of education, healthcare, and skill development in enhancing human capital and promoting economic growth is examined.

2.2. Economic Reforms and Policies

  • Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization: The impact of economic reforms on the Indian economy, including the liberalization of trade and investment, privatization of public sector enterprises, and globalization are discussed.
  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy: The role of the Reserve Bank of India in managing monetary policy and the government’s role in fiscal policy are examined.
  • Planning in India: The evolution of planning in India, the role of the Planning Commission, and the challenges of achieving planned development are discussed.
  • Poverty and Inequality: The extent of poverty and inequality in India, the government’s efforts to address these issues, and the challenges in achieving inclusive growth are analyzed.

2.3. Current Issues in Indian Economy

  • Contemporary Issues: This section covers current issues related to the Indian economy, such as inflation, unemployment, fiscal deficit, and the impact of global economic trends.
  • Economic Policies and Initiatives: Recent economic policies and initiatives of the government, including the Make in India program, the Digital India initiative, and the Goods and Services Tax (GST) are discussed.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: The challenges and opportunities facing the Indian economy in the coming years are analyzed.

3. History of Modern India

3.1. The Rise of Nationalism in India

  • Early Nationalist Movements: This section examines the emergence of nationalist movements in India during the 19th century, including the role of social reformers, religious leaders, and early nationalist organizations.
  • The Indian National Congress: The formation, growth, and evolution of the Indian National Congress, its role in shaping the nationalist movement, and the different phases of its leadership are discussed.
  • The Rise of Extremist Nationalism: The emergence of extremist nationalist groups, their ideologies, and their impact on the nationalist movement are analyzed.
  • The Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement: The significance of the partition of Bengal, the Swadeshi movement, and their impact on the nationalist movement are discussed.
  • The Rise of Gandhi: The emergence of Mahatma Gandhi as a leader of the nationalist movement, his philosophy of Satyagraha, and his role in shaping the course of the freedom struggle are examined.

3.2. The Indian Freedom Struggle

  • The Non-Cooperation Movement: The launch, objectives, and impact of the Non-Cooperation Movement are discussed.
  • The Civil Disobedience Movement: The significance of the Civil Disobedience Movement, its key events, and its contribution to the freedom struggle are analyzed.
  • The Quit India Movement: The launch, objectives, and impact of the Quit India Movement are discussed.
  • The Role of Other Leaders: The contributions of other prominent leaders of the freedom struggle, such as Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Subhas Chandra Bose, and Maulana Azad are examined.
  • The Partition of India: The causes, consequences, and the human cost of the partition of India are discussed.

3.3. Post-Independence India

  • The Challenges of Nation-Building: The challenges faced by India after independence, including the integration of princely states, the refugee crisis, and the economic challenges are discussed.
  • The Nehruvian Era: The policies and achievements of Jawaharlal Nehru’s leadership, including the development of heavy industries, the establishment of public sector enterprises, and the adoption of a socialist model of development are examined.
  • The Emergency: The declaration of emergency in 1975, its impact on Indian democracy, and the subsequent restoration of democratic institutions are discussed.
  • The Rise of Regionalism: The emergence of regional parties and the rise of regionalism in Indian politics are analyzed.
  • The Economic Reforms: The liberalization, privatization, and globalization reforms of the 1990s and their impact on the Indian economy are discussed.

4. Geography

4.1. Physical Geography of India

  • Location and Extent: The geographical location of India, its boundaries, and its physical features are discussed.
  • Relief Features: The major relief features of India, including the Himalayas, the Indo-Gangetic Plain, the Deccan Plateau, and the coastal plains are analyzed.
  • Climate: The different climatic regions of India, including the monsoon climate, the tropical climate, and the arid climate are discussed.
  • Soils: The major soil types of India, including alluvial soils, black soils, red soils, and laterite soils are examined.
  • Drainage Systems: The major river systems of India, including the Ganga, the Indus, the Brahmaputra, and the Godavari are analyzed.
  • Natural Vegetation: The different types of natural vegetation found in India, including forests, grasslands, and deserts are discussed.
  • Wildlife: The rich biodiversity of India, including its national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and endangered species are examined.

4.2. Human Geography of India

  • Population: The demographic characteristics of India, including its population growth, distribution, and density are discussed.
  • Agriculture: The importance of agriculture in the Indian economy, the different cropping patterns, and the challenges faced by Indian agriculture are analyzed.
  • Industry: The growth and development of industries in India, including the heavy industries, the light industries, and the service sector are examined.
  • Transportation and Communication: The infrastructure of transportation and communication in India, including roads, railways, airways, and telecommunications are discussed.
  • Urbanization: The process of urbanization in India, the growth of cities, and the challenges of urban planning are analyzed.
  • Social Issues: The major social issues facing India, including poverty, inequality, illiteracy, and gender discrimination are discussed.

4.3. Geography of World

  • Continents and Oceans: The major continents and oceans of the world, their geographical features, and their significance are discussed.
  • Major Landforms: The major landforms of the world, including mountains, plateaus, plains, and deserts are analyzed.
  • Climate and Vegetation: The different climatic regions of the world and the associated vegetation types are discussed.
  • Natural Resources: The distribution of natural resources around the world, including minerals, energy resources, and water resources are examined.
  • Human Geography of the World: The major population patterns, economic activities, and cultural diversity of the world are discussed.

5. General Science

5.1. Physics

  • Basic Concepts of Physics: This section covers fundamental concepts in physics, including motion, force, energy, heat, light, and sound.
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion: The three laws of motion formulated by Isaac Newton and their applications are discussed.
  • Gravitation: The concept of gravity, Newton’s law of universal gravitation, and its applications are examined.
  • Electricity and Magnetism: The basic concepts of electricity and magnetism, including electric current, voltage, resistance, and magnetic fields are discussed.
  • Modern Physics: This section covers basic concepts of modern physics, including atomic structure, radioactivity, and nuclear energy.

5.2. Chemistry

  • Basic Concepts of Chemistry: This section covers fundamental concepts in chemistry, including atoms, molecules, elements, compounds, and chemical reactions.
  • Periodic Table: The periodic table of elements, its organization, and the trends in properties of elements are discussed.
  • Chemical Bonding: The different types of chemical bonds, including ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and metallic bonds are examined.
  • Acids, Bases, and Salts: The properties of acids, bases, and salts, their reactions, and their applications are discussed.
  • Organic Chemistry: This section covers basic concepts of organic chemistry, including hydrocarbons, functional groups, and organic reactions.

5.3. Biology

  • Cell Structure and Function: The structure and functions of the cell, including its organelles and their roles are discussed.
  • Plant and Animal Kingdom: The classification of plants and animals into different kingdoms, their characteristics, and their importance are examined.
  • Human Physiology: The functions of different organ systems in the human body, including the digestive system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, and the nervous system are discussed.
  • Ecology and Environment: The concepts of ecology, ecosystems, biodiversity, and environmental issues are examined.
  • Genetics and Evolution: The basic principles of genetics, including inheritance, DNA, and evolution are discussed.

5.4. General Science and Technology

  • Space Exploration: This section covers the history of space exploration, the achievements of different space agencies, and the future of space exploration.
  • Information Technology: The evolution of information technology, the impact of computers and the internet on society, and the latest advancements in this field are discussed.
  • Biotechnology: The applications of biotechnology in various fields, including medicine, agriculture, and industry are examined.
  • Nanotechnology: The principles of nanotechnology, its applications, and its potential impact on society are discussed.
  • Environmental Science: The major environmental issues facing the world, including climate change, pollution, and deforestation are analyzed.

6. Current Events

6.1. National Events

  • Major Political Developments: This section covers significant political events in India, including elections, government policies, and major political controversies.
  • Economic Developments: Important economic events, including the performance of the Indian economy, government policies, and major economic reforms are discussed.
  • Social and Cultural Developments: This section covers significant social and cultural events in India, including social movements, cultural festivals, and developments in the arts and literature.
  • Science and Technology: Major advancements in science and technology in India, including space exploration, biotechnology, and information technology are discussed.
  • Sports: Important sporting events and achievements of Indian athletes are covered.

6.2. International Events

  • Global Politics: This section covers major international political events, including international relations, conflicts, and diplomatic initiatives.
  • International Economy: Important economic events, including global trade, financial markets, and economic policies of major countries are discussed.
  • International Organizations: The role of international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund are examined.
  • Science and Technology: Major advancements in science and technology around the world are discussed.
  • Sports: Important international sporting events and achievements of athletes from different countries are covered.

7. Reasoning and Comprehension

7.1. Verbal Reasoning

  • Analogies: This section tests the ability to identify relationships between words and concepts.
  • Classification: This section tests the ability to group words or concepts based on common characteristics.
  • Series: This section tests the ability to identify patterns in sequences of numbers, letters, or words.
  • Logical Deduction: This section tests the ability to draw logical conclusions from given information.
  • Verbal Reasoning: This section tests the ability to understand and interpret written information.

7.2. Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • Analogies: This section tests the ability to identify relationships between figures.
  • Classification: This section tests the ability to group figures based on common characteristics.
  • Series: This section tests the ability to identify patterns in sequences of figures.
  • Spatial Reasoning: This section tests the ability to visualize and manipulate objects in space.
  • Data Interpretation: This section tests the ability to interpret and analyze data presented in tables, charts, and graphs.

7.3. Comprehension

  • Reading Comprehension: This section tests the ability to understand and interpret written passages.
  • Critical Thinking: This section tests the ability to analyze and evaluate arguments.
  • Logical Reasoning: This section tests the ability to identify logical fallacies and to construct sound arguments.

8. General Awareness

8.1. Current Affairs

  • National Current Affairs: This section covers recent events in India, including politics, economy, society, and culture.
  • International Current Affairs: This section covers recent events around the world, including international relations, conflicts, and global issues.
  • Science and Technology: This section covers recent advancements in science and technology, including space exploration, biotechnology, and information technology.
  • Sports: This section covers recent sporting events and achievements of athletes.
  • Arts and Culture: This section covers recent developments in the arts and culture, including literature, music, and cinema.

8.2. Static General Knowledge

  • History: This section covers important historical events, personalities, and movements.
  • Geography: This section covers important geographical features, countries, and regions.
  • Economy: This section covers important economic concepts, institutions, and policies.
  • Polity: This section covers important aspects of the Indian Constitution, government, and political system.
  • Science: This section covers important scientific discoveries, inventions, and concepts.

9. Aptitude

9.1. Quantitative Aptitude

  • Number Systems: This section covers basic concepts of number systems, including integers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
  • Arithmetic: This section covers basic arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Algebra: This section covers basic concepts of algebra, including equations, inequalities, and functions.
  • Geometry: This section covers basic concepts of geometry, including lines, angles, triangles, circles, and quadrilaterals.
  • Data Interpretation: This section tests the ability to interpret and analyze data presented in tables, charts, and graphs.

9.2. Logical Reasoning

  • Analogies: This section tests the ability to identify relationships between words or concepts.
  • Classification: This section tests the ability to group words or concepts based on common characteristics.
  • Series: This section tests the ability to identify patterns in sequences of numbers, letters, or words.
  • Logical Deduction: This section tests the ability to draw logical conclusions from given information.
  • Logical Reasoning: This section tests the ability to understand and interpret logical arguments.

9.3. General Intelligence and Reasoning

  • Verbal Reasoning: This section tests the ability to understand and interpret written information.
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning: This section tests the ability to understand and interpret visual information.
  • Analytical Reasoning: This section tests the ability to analyze and solve problems using logical reasoning.
  • Decision Making: This section tests the ability to make sound decisions based on given information.
  • Problem Solving: This section tests the ability to solve problems using a variety of methods.

10. Computer Proficiency

  • Basic Computer Concepts: This section covers fundamental concepts of computers, including hardware, software, operating systems, and networks.
  • Microsoft Office Suite: This section covers the basic functionalities of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Internet and Email: This section covers the basics of internet browsing, email communication, and online search.
  • Cybersecurity: This section covers basic concepts of cybersecurity, including viruses, malware, and online safety.
  • Computer Programming: This section covers basic concepts of computer programming, including programming languages, algorithms, and data structures.

Table 1: BIS Exam 2024 Syllabus Breakdown

Subject Topics
Indian Polity and Governance Constitution of India, Governance and Public Policy, Current Issues in Indian Polity and Governance
Indian Economy Indian Economy: Structure and Development, Economic Reforms and Policies, Current Issues in Indian Economy
History of Modern India The Rise of Nationalism in India, The Indian Freedom Struggle, Post-Independence India
Geography Physical Geography of India, Human Geography of India, Geography of World
General Science Physics, Chemistry, Biology, General Science and Technology
Current Events National Events, International Events
Reasoning and Comprehension Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Comprehension
General Awareness Current Affairs, Static General Knowledge
Aptitude Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, General Intelligence and Reasoning
Computer Proficiency Basic Computer Concepts, Microsoft Office Suite, Internet and Email, Cybersecurity, Computer Programming

Table 2: BIS Exam 2024 Important Dates

Event Date
Notification Release [To be announced]
Online Application Start Date [To be announced]
Online Application Last Date [To be announced]
Admit Card Release [To be announced]
Exam Date [To be announced]
Result Declaration [To be announced]

Note: The above syllabus and important dates are tentative and subject to change. Please refer to the official notification released by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for the latest information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for BIS Exam 2024:

1. What is the eligibility criteria for the BIS Exam?

  • Answer: The eligibility criteria for the BIS Exam typically include a graduate degree in a relevant field and a minimum age requirement. Refer to the official notification for specific details.

2. What is the exam pattern for the BIS Exam?

  • Answer: The BIS Exam is usually a computer-based test consisting of multiple-choice questions covering various subjects like General Studies, Reasoning, and Aptitude. The exact pattern and number of sections may vary, so check the official notification.

3. How can I prepare for the BIS Exam?

  • Answer: Start by understanding the syllabus thoroughly. Refer to standard textbooks, study materials, and online resources. Practice mock tests and previous years’ papers to get familiar with the exam pattern and time management.

4. What are the important books for the BIS Exam preparation?

  • Answer: There are many good books available for each subject. Refer to recommendations from previous year’s toppers or online forums. Focus on books that cover the syllabus comprehensively and provide practice questions.

5. What is the selection process for the BIS Exam?

  • Answer: The selection process usually involves a written exam followed by an interview. The final selection is based on the candidate’s performance in both stages.

6. What is the salary and benefits for BIS officers?

  • Answer: BIS officers enjoy a competitive salary and benefits package, including allowances, medical insurance, and pension. Refer to the official website for detailed information.

7. How can I apply for the BIS Exam?

  • Answer: The application process is usually online. Visit the official website of BIS and follow the instructions provided in the notification.

8. What are some tips for the BIS Exam preparation?

  • Answer: Stay focused and disciplined. Create a study plan and stick to it. Practice regularly and analyze your performance. Stay updated with current affairs and revise the syllabus thoroughly.

9. What are the important topics to focus on for the BIS Exam?

  • Answer: The syllabus covers a wide range of topics. Focus on areas where you are weak and prioritize topics that are frequently asked in the exam.

10. What are the resources available for BIS Exam preparation?

  • Answer: There are many online and offline resources available, including websites, books, coaching classes, and mock tests. Choose resources that suit your learning style and budget.

Note: The above FAQs are general in nature. Refer to the official notification and website of BIS for the most accurate and up-to-date information.