

Bharatanatyam is a classical Indian dance form that originated in TamilTamil Nadu, India. It is one of the oldest surviving dance forms in the world, and is considered to be one of the most sophisticated and expressive forms of dance.

Bharatanatyam is a dance of devotion, and is often performed as a way of expressing love and devotion to the Hindu gods and goddesses. The dance is also used to tell stories from Hindu mythology and EpicsEpics.

Bharatanatyam is a highly technical dance form, and requires years of training to master. The dancer must be able to control their body and facial expressions in order to convey the emotions of the dance. The dancer must also be able to sing and play the Musical instruments that accompany the dance.

Bharatanatyam is a beautiful and expressive dance form that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a rich and complex art form that has been passed down through generations.

History of Bharatanatyam

The history of Bharatanatyam is long and complex. The dance form is believed to have originated in the temples of Tamil Nadu, India, over 2,000 years ago. It was originally performed as a way of worshiping the Hindu gods and goddesses.

Over time, Bharatanatyam evolved into a more secular dance form. It began to be performed in public theaters and at social gatherings. The dance also began to incorporate elements of other Indian Dance Forms, such as KathakaliKathakali and MohiniyattamMohiniyattam.

In the 20th century, Bharatanatyam experienced a revival. This was due in part to the efforts of Rukmini Devi Arundale, who founded the Kalakshetra Academy in Chennai, India. The academy promoted Bharatanatyam as a form of art that could be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Today, Bharatanatyam is performed all over the world. It is a popular form of dance that is enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Elements of Bharatanatyam

Bharatanatyam is a highly technical dance form. It requires years of training to master the various elements of the dance.

The mudras are the hand gestures that are used in Bharatanatyam. There are over 200 mudras, each of which has a specific meaning. The mudras are used to convey the emotions of the dance and to tell the story.

The abhinaya is the facial expressions that are used in Bharatanatyam. The dancer must be able to control their facial muscles in order to convey the emotions of the dance.

The kala is the rhythm of the dance. The dancer must be able to keep the rhythm of the music in order to perform the dance correctly.

The tala is the beat of the dance. The dancer must be able to keep the tala of the music in order to perform the dance correctly.

The ragam is the melody of the dance. The dancer must be able to sing the ragam in order to perform the dance correctly.

The padam is the song that is sung during the dance. The dancer must be able to sing the padam in order to perform the dance correctly.

The nattuvari is the footwork of the dance. The dancer must be able to perform the nattuvari in order to perform the dance correctly.

Benefits of Bharatanatyam

Bharatanatyam is a physically and mentally demanding dance form. It has many benefits for both the body and the mind.

Some of the benefits of Bharatanatyam include:

  • Improved flexibility
  • Increased strength
  • Better balance
  • Improved coordination
  • Increased stamina
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved mental focus
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Improved social skills\

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What is the name of the classical dance form originating from South India?


Which Indian dance form is known for its intricate footwork and expressive gestures?

A classical dance form originating from Tamil Nadu.

What are some of the key elements of this dance style?

Dynamic footwork, graceful movements, intricate hand gestures (mudras), and emotive facial expressions.

Can anyone learn Bharatanatyam, or is it restricted to a specific demographic?

It is open to anyone willing to learn, regardless of age, gender, or background.

Who are some famous exponents of this dance form?

Renowned dancers like Rukmini Devi Arundale, Alarmel Valli, and Padma Subrahmanyam have contributed significantly to its popularity and development.

Where can one typically watch Bharatanatyam performances?

In traditional venues such as temples, auditoriums, cultural festivals, and occasionally on television or online platforms.

What is the significance of the accompanying music in Bharatanatyam performances?

The music, often Carnatic classical, plays a crucial role in setting the mood, rhythm, and narrative for the dance pieces.

Are there specific costumes and jewelry associated with Bharatanatyam?

Yes, dancers typically wear vibrant costumes such as sarees or similar attire, adorned with traditional jewelry like anklets, earrings, and necklaces.

How does Bharatanatyam differ from other classical Indian dance forms?

While sharing some common elements, each classical dance form, such as KathakKathak, OdissiOdissi, and KuchipudiKuchipudi, has its unique repertoire, style, and regional influences.

Can Bharatanatyam be adapted to convey contemporary themes and messages?

Yes, many choreographers and dancers have innovatively used Bharatanatyam as a medium to address modern-day issues and express diverse narratives.


Which classical dance form originates from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu?

Which dance style is known for its intricate hand gestures called “mudras”?

What is the primary language of the songs and recitations in this dance form?

  • a) Hindi
  • b) SanskritSanskrit
  • c) TeluguTelugu
  • d) Tamil

Which of the following is a characteristic feature of this dance form?

  • a) Flamboyant costumes with heavy jewelry
  • b) Slow and graceful movements
  • c) Acrobatic jumps and spins
  • d) Narrative storytelling through mime

Who is considered the father of modern revival of this dance form?

  • a) Rukmini Devi Arundale
  • b) Uday Shankar
  • c) Balasaraswati
  • d) Pandit Birju Maharaj

Which musical system is often associated with the accompaniment for performances of this dance style?

  • a) Hindustani classical music
  • b) Ghazals
  • c) Carnatic classical music
  • d) Qawwali

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic element of this dance form?

  • a) Elaborate footwork
  • b) Use of masks
  • c) Expressive facial expressions
  • d) Dynamic body movements

In which settings are performances of this dance form traditionally held?

  • a) Palaces
  • b) Temples
  • c) Theatres
  • d) All of the above

What is the traditional attire worn by performers of this dance style?

  • a) Dhoti and kurta
  • b) Saree with heavy jewelry
  • c) Lehenga-choli
  • d) Salwar kameez

Which of the following Indian Classical Dance Forms is primarily characterized by its linear and geometric movements?

  • a) Kathak
  • b) Odissi
  • c) Kuchipudi
  • d) Bharatanatyam


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