Difference between Cocomo 1 and cocomo 2

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>COCOMO I and COCOMO II, addressing the key differences, pros, cons, similarities, and frequently asked questions.


The Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is a set of Software cost estimation models developed by Barry Boehm. It’s designed to help project managers predict the effort, time, and cost required for software development projects. COCOMO I was the original model, followed by an updated version, COCOMO II, to better reflect modern software development practices.

Key Differences: COCOMO I vs. COCOMO II

Development ModelPrimarily suited for Waterfall model (sequential development).Designed for iterative and incremental development models (e.g., Spiral, Agile) as well as component-based development.
Reuse ModelBased on a linear reuse formula.Uses a non-linear reuse formula, considering the complexity of integrating reused components.
Scale Factors5 scale factors (product, hardware, personnel, project, and multi-site attributes).17 scale factors covering a wider range of attributes, including process maturity, architecture/risk resolution, team cohesion, etc.
Effort Adjustment Factors15 effort multipliers.5 effort multipliers.
Estimation AccuracyLess accurate for modern projects with varying complexities and reuse.Generally considered more accurate for contemporary software development practices due to the expanded set of scale factors and consideration of iterative development.
Project TypesPrimarily focuses on organic, semi-detached, and embedded projects.Includes an additional “Application Composition” project type, reflecting the growing use of component-based development.
EquationsThree levels of estimation (Basic, Intermediate, Detailed) with different equations.Early Design, Post-Architecture, Application Composition models with varying levels of detail for effort estimation.
ApplicabilityMostly applicable to projects developed using procedural languages.Better suited for projects developed using object-oriented languages and projects involving a significant amount of reuse.

Advantages and Disadvantages

COCOMO ISimpler to use and understand, requires less data.Less accurate for modern development practices.
COCOMO IIMore accurate for current software development methods, considers a wider range of factors impacting effort and schedule, flexible to accommodate different levels of project detail.More complex, requires more detailed project information.


  • Both are algorithmic cost estimation models.
  • Both use size (typically in lines of code or function points) as a primary input.
  • Both aim to predict effort, schedule, and cost.
  • Both are based on historical project data.


  1. Which COCOMO model should I use?
    If your project aligns with traditional development models (e.g., Waterfall) and uses procedural languages, COCOMO I might be sufficient. For modern, iterative projects with reuse and object-oriented languages, COCOMO II is generally preferred.

  2. How accurate are COCOMO estimates?
    Both models provide estimates. Accuracy depends on the quality of input data and how well your project aligns with the model’s assumptions.

  3. Are there other cost estimation models besides COCOMO?
    Yes, there are numerous alternatives, including Function Point Analysis (FPA), Use Case Points (UCP), and various proprietary models.

  4. Can COCOMO be used for agile projects?
    COCOMO II is more adaptable to agile principles than COCOMO I. You can use it to estimate effort at different iterations or milestones.

  5. Where can I find tools to help with COCOMO calculations?
    Various COCOMO calculators and tools are available online and in software project management suites.

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