Difference between Where and having clause

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>the WHERE and HAVING clauses in SQL, along with their advantages, disadvantages, similarities, and frequently asked questions.


In the realm of structured query language (SQL), the WHERE and HAVING clauses are essential tools for filtering data. While both serve the purpose of filtering, they operate at distinct stages within a query’s execution and have specific use cases. Understanding their differences is key to crafting precise and efficient SQL queries.

Key Differences: WHERE vs. HAVING

FeatureWHERE ClauseHAVING Clause
Filtering StageFilters rows before grouping and aggregation take place.Filters groups or aggregated results after grouping and aggregation have been performed.
Usage with GROUP BYCan be used with or without GROUP BY.Must be used in Conjunction with GROUP BY.
Aggregate FunctionsCannot contain aggregate functions (e.g., SUM, AVG, COUNT).Can contain aggregate functions to filter based on aggregated values.
SQL StatementsUsed with SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.Used exclusively with SELECT statements.
ExampleSELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > 50000;SELECT department, AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department HAVING AVG(salary) > 60000;
PurposeFilters individual records based on specified conditions.Filters groups or aggregated results based on conditions applied to the aggregated values.
Operation LevelOperates on a row level.Operates on a group or aggregate level.

Advantages and Disadvantages

WHERE Clause

More efficient for filtering individual records before aggregation.Cannot be used to filter based on aggregated values.
Can be used in a variety of SQL statements (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE).Limited to filtering rows only, not groups.


Enables filtering based on aggregated values (results of aggregate functions).Less efficient than WHERE when filtering can be done before aggregation.
Essential when filtering results after GROUP BY.Can only be used with SELECT statements.

Similarities Between WHERE and HAVING

  • Both are used to filter data within SQL queries.
  • Both use conditional expressions to specify filtering criteria.
  • Both contribute to refining the result set returned by a query.

FAQs on WHERE and HAVING Clauses

  1. Can I use both WHERE and HAVING in the same query? Yes, you can. The WHERE clause filters rows before grouping, and the HAVING clause filters groups after aggregation.

  2. Which is faster, WHERE or HAVING? Generally, WHERE is faster as it filters data earlier in the query execution process.

  3. When should I use HAVING instead of WHERE? Use HAVING when you need to filter results based on aggregated values (e.g., Average salary per department).

  4. Is HAVING always used with GROUP BY? Yes, HAVING requires GROUP BY to function, as it operates on groups or aggregated data.

  5. Can I use wildcards with WHERE and HAVING? Yes, you can use wildcards (e.g., %, _) in both clauses for pattern matching in text data.

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