Yadavas of Deogiri

Yadavas of Deogiri

The Yadavas initially ruled as feudatories of the Western Chalukyas. Around the middle of the 12th century, as the Chalukya power waned, the Yadava king Bhillama V declared independence. The Yadava kingdom reached its peak under Simhana II, and flourished until the early 14th century, when it was annexed by the Delhi Sultanate.The Yadavas initially ruled as feudatories of the Western Chalukyas. Around the middle of the 12th century, as the Chalukya power waned, the Yadava king Bhillama V declared independence. The Yadava kingdom reached its peak under Simhana II, and flourished until the early 14th century, when it was annexed by the Delhi Sultanate.

The earliest historical ruler of the Seuna/Yadava dynasty can be dated to the mid-9th century, but the origin of the dynasty is uncertain. Little is known about their early history: their 13th century court poet Hemadri records the names of the family’s early rulers, but his information about the pre-12th century rulers is often incomplete and inaccurate.

The dynasty claimed descent from Yadu, a hero mentioned in the Puranic legends. According to this account, found in Hemadri’s Vratakhanda as well as several inscriptions, their ancestors originally resided at Mathura, and then migrated to Dvaraka (Dvaravati) in present-day Gujarat. A Jain mythological legend states that the Jain saint Jainaprabhasuri saved the pregnant mother of the dynasty’s founder Dridhaprahara from a great fire that destroyed Dvaraka. A family feudatory to the Yadavas migrated from Vallabhi (also in present-day Gujarat) to Khandesh. But otherwise, no historical evidence corroborates their connection to Dvaraka. The dynasty never tried to conquer Dvaraka, or establish any political or cultural connections with that region.Its rulers started claiming to be descendants of Yadu and migrants from Dvaraka after becoming politically prominent. Dvaraka was associated with Yadu’s descendants, and the dynasty’s claim of connection with that city may simply be a result of their claim of descent from Yadu rather than their actual geographic origin.The Hoysalas, the southern neighbours of the dynasty, similarly claimed descent from Yadu and claimed to be the former lords of Dvaraka.

The territory of the early Yadava rulers was located in present-day Maharashtra, and several scholars (especially Maharashtrian historians) have claimed a “Maratha” origin for the dynasty. However, Marathi, the language of present-day Maharashtra, began to appear as the dominant language in the dynasty’s inscriptions only in the 14th century, before which Kannada and Sanskrit were the primary language of their inscriptions. Marathi appears in around two hundred Yadava inscriptions, but usually as translation of or addition to Kannada and Sanskrit text. During the last half century of the dynasty’s rule, it became the dominant language of epigraphy, which may have been a result of the Yadava attempts to connect with their Marathi-speaking subjects, and to distinguish themselves from the Kannada-speaking Hoysalas.The earliest instance of the Yadavas using the term “marathe” as a self-designation appears in a 1311 A.D. inscription recording a donation to the Pandharpur temple, towards the end of the dynasty’s rule.

Epigraphic evidence suggests that the dynasty likely emerged from a Kannada-speaking background. Around five hundred Yadava inscriptions have been discovered, and Kannada is the most common language of these inscriptions, followed by Sanskrit. Of the inscriptions found in present-day Karnataka (the oldest being from the reign of Bhillama II), most are in Kannada language and script; others are in the Kannada language but use Devanagari Script. Older inscriptions from Karnataka also attest to the existence of Yadava feudatories (such as Seunas of Masavadi) ruling in the Dharwad region in the 9th century, although these feudatories cannot be connected to the main line of the dynasty with certainty.Many of the dynasty’s rulers had Kannada names and titles such as “Dhadiyappa”, “Bhillama”, “Rajugi”, “Vadugi” and “Vasugi”, and “Kaliya Ballala”. Some kings had names like “Simhana” (or “Singhana”) and “Mallugi”, which were also used by the Kalachuris of Kalyani, who ruled in present-day Karnataka. Records show that one of the early rulers, Seunachandra II, had a Kannada title, Sellavidega. The rulers had very close matrimonial relationships with Kannada-speaking royal families throughout their rule. Bhillama II was married to Lachchiyavve, who was from a Rashtrakuta descendant family in Karnataka. Vaddiga was married to Vaddiyavve, daughter of Rashtrakuta chieftain Dhorappa. Wives of Vesugi and Bhillama III were Chalukya princesess. The early Seuna coins also had Kannada legends engraved on them indicating it was a court language. The early Yadavas may have migrated northwards owing to the political situation in the Deccan region, or may have been dispatched by their Rashtrakuta overlords to rule the northern regions.

In 1278, Ramachandra appears to have defeated the Turkic invaders from the Delhi Sultanate, as a Sanskrit royal inscription of that year glorifies him as a “Great Boar in securing the earth from the oppression of the Turks”. However, in 1294, Ala-ud-din Khalji of the Delhi Sultanate successfully raided Devagiri. Khalji restored it to Ramachandra in return for his promise of payment of a high ransom and an annual tribute. However, this was not paid and the Seuna kingdom’s arrears to Khalji kept mounting. In 1307, Khalji sent an army commanded by Malik Kafur, accompanied by Khwaja Haji, to Devagiri. The Muslim governors of Malwa and Gujarat were ordered to help Malik Kafur. Their huge army conquered the weakened and defeated forces of Devagiri almost without a battle. Ramachandra was taken to Delhi. Khalji reinstated Ramachandra as governor in return for a promise to help him subdue the Hindu kingdoms in South India. In 1310, Malik Kafur mounted an assault on the Kakatiya kingdom from Devagiri.



The Yadavas of Deogiri were a Hindu dynasty that ruled over parts of central and southern India from the 13th to the 16th centuries. They were founded by Ramachandra Yadava, who was a descendant of the Yadava dynasty of Gujarat. The Yadavas of Deogiri reached their peak under the rule of Ramachandra’s grandson, Singhana. Singhana conquered large parts of central and southern India, and he made Deogiri his capital. The Yadavas of Deogiri were eventually overthrown by The Bahmani Sultanate in the 16th century.

The Yadavas of Deogiri were known for their patronage of art and architecture. They built many temples and palaces, and they also supported the arts. The Yadavas of Deogiri were also known for their military prowess. They fought many wars against their neighbors, and they were able to expand their territory significantly.

The Yadavas of Deogiri were a powerful and influential dynasty. They ruled over a large part of India for over 300 years. They made significant contributions to Indian art, architecture, and culture.

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Yadavas of Deogiri:

  • History
  • Genealogy
  • Rulers
  • Administration
  • Religion
  • Art and architecture
  • Military
  • economy
  • Society
  • Culture
  • Decline and fall


The Yadavas of Deogiri were founded by Ramachandra Yadava, who was a descendant of the Yadava dynasty of Gujarat. Ramachandra Yadava was a powerful ruler, and he was able to conquer large parts of central and southern India. He made Deogiri his capital, and he ruled over the Yadava kingdom from there.

Ramachandra Yadava was succeeded by his son, Singhana. Singhana was an even more powerful ruler than his father, and he was able to expand the Yadava kingdom even further. He conquered large parts of the Deccan Plateau, and he made the Yadava kingdom one of the most powerful kingdoms in India.

Singhana was succeeded by his son, Krishnadevaraya. Krishnadevaraya was a great warrior and a wise ruler. He was able to maintain the Yadava kingdom at its peak, and he made it a center of culture and Learning.

Krishnadevaraya was succeeded by his son, Ramachandra Raya. Ramachandra Raya was a weak ruler, and he was not able to maintain the Yadava kingdom at its peak. The kingdom began to decline under his rule, and it was eventually overthrown by the Bahmani Sultanate in the 16th century.


The Yadavas of Deogiri were a branch of the Yadava dynasty of Gujarat. The Yadavas of Gujarat were founded by Harihara, who was a descendant of Krishna, the god of love. Harihara was a powerful ruler, and he was able to conquer large parts of Gujarat. He made Anhilwada Patan his capital, and he ruled over the Yadava kingdom from there.

Harihara was succeeded by his son, Bhima I. Bhima I was an even more powerful ruler than his father, and he was able to expand the Yadava kingdom even further. He conquered large parts of the Deccan Plateau, and he made the Yadava kingdom one of the most powerful kingdoms in India.

Bhima I was succeeded by his son, Mularaja II. Mularaja II was a great warrior and a wise ruler. He was able to maintain the Yadava kingdom at its peak, and he made it a center of culture and learning.

Mularaja II was succeeded by his son, Jayasimha Siddharaja. Jayasimha Siddharaja was a great warrior and a wise ruler. He was able to maintain the Yadava kingdom at its peak, and he made it a center of culture and learning.

Jayasimha Siddharaja was succeeded by his son, Kumarapala. Kumarapala was a weak ruler, and he was not able to maintain the Yadava kingdom at its peak. The kingdom began to decline under his rule, and it was eventually overthrown by the Muslims in the 13th century.


The following is a list of the rulers of the Yadavas of Deogiri:

  • Ramachandra Yadava (1200–1240)
  • Singhana (1240–1260)
  • Krishnadevaraya (1260–1295)
  • Ramachandra Raya (1295–1309)
  • Mahadeva Raya (1309–1317)
  • Ramachandra Deva Raya (1317–1336)
  • Bukka Raya I (133

What is the difference between a question and an answer?

A question is a statement that asks for information. An answer is a statement that provides information in response to a question.

What are the different types of questions?

There are many different types of questions, but some of the most common include:

  • Open-ended questions: These questions do not have a specific answer and can be answered in many different ways. For example, “What is your favorite color?”
  • Closed-ended questions: These questions have a specific answer that can be either yes or no. For example, “Do you like chocolate?”
  • Multiple-choice questions: These questions have a list of possible answers, and the respondent must choose the correct answer. For example, “What is the capital of France?”
  • True-false questions: These questions have two possible answers, and the respondent must choose whether the statement is true or false. For example, “The sky is blue.”
  • Matching questions: These questions have a list of items on the left and a list of items on the right, and the respondent must match the items on the left with the items on the right. For example, “Match the following countries with their capitals:
  • France: Paris
  • Italy: Rome
  • Spain: Madrid”

What are the different types of answers?

There are many different types of answers, but some of the most common include:

  • Short answers: These answers are brief and to the point. For example, “My favorite color is blue.”
  • Long answers: These answers are more detailed and provide more information. For example, “I like chocolate because it is sweet and delicious.”
  • Explanations: These answers provide information about why something is the way it is. For example, “The sky is blue because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering.”
  • Definitions: These answers provide information about the meaning of a word or phrase. For example, “The word ‘love’ means an intense feeling of deep affection.”
  • Examples: These answers provide specific instances of something. For example, “Some examples of animals are dogs, cats, and horses.”
  • Counterexamples: These answers provide specific instances of something that is not the case. For example, “A counterexample to the statement ‘All dogs are brown’ is a white dog.”

What are the different types of question-and-answer formats?

There are many different types of question-and-answer formats, but some of the most common include:

  • Interview: This is a question-and-answer session between an interviewer and an interviewee. The interviewer asks questions, and the interviewee answers them.
  • Debate: This is a formal discussion between two or more people who have opposing viewpoints. Each person takes turns giving speeches and then answering questions from the other participants.
  • Panel discussion: This is a discussion between a group of people who share a common interest. The participants take turns talking about their experiences and answering questions from the audience.
  • Question-and-answer session: This is a meeting where people can ask questions of a speaker or panel of speakers. The questions can be about the topic of the presentation or about anything else that is on the minds of the audience.

What are the different types of question-and-answer websites?

There are many different types of question-and-answer websites, but some of the most popular include:

  • Quora: This is a question-and-answer website where users can ask and answer questions on any topic.
  • Yahoo! Answers: This is a question-and-answer website where users can ask and answer questions on a variety of topics.
  • Stack Overflow: This is a question-and-answer website for professional and enthusiast programmers.
  • Super User: This is a question-and-answer website for computer users of all levels of experience.
  • Ask MetaFilter: This is a question-and-answer website where users can ask questions about anything and everything.
  1. The Yadavas of Deogiri were a Hindu dynasty that ruled over the Deccan region of India from the 13th to the 15th centuries.
  2. The Yadavas were founded by Ramachandra Devaraya, who was a descendant of the Yadava dynasty of Gujarat.
  3. The Yadavas reached their peak under the rule of Ramachandra Devaraya’s grandson, Krishnadevaraya.
  4. Krishnadevaraya was a great warrior and a patron of the arts.
  5. The Yadavas were overthrown by the Bahmani Sultanate in the 15th century.

Here are some MCQs about the Yadavas of Deogiri:

  1. Who was the founder of the Yadava dynasty?
    (A) Ramachandra Devaraya
    (B) Krishnadevaraya
    (C) Bukka Raya I
    (D) Harihara Raya I

  2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Yadava dynasty?
    (A) They were Hindu rulers.
    (B) They ruled over the Deccan region of India.
    (C) They were founded by Ramachandra Devaraya.
    (D) They were overthrown by the Bahmani Sultanate.

  3. Which of the following is not a notable ruler of the Yadava dynasty?
    (A) Ramachandra Devaraya
    (B) Krishnadevaraya
    (C) Bukka Raya I
    (D) Harihara Raya II

  4. The Yadavas reached their peak under the rule of which of the following rulers?
    (A) Ramachandra Devaraya
    (B) Krishnadevaraya
    (C) Bukka Raya I
    (D) Harihara Raya I

  5. The Yadavas were overthrown by which of the following dynasties?
    (A) The Bahmani Sultanate
    (B) The Vijayanagara Empire
    (C) The Mughal Empire

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