Natural Vegetation of Rajasthan

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Rajasthan is blessed with great variety of natural Resources ranging from scanty vegetation in the western arid region to mixed delicious and sub-tropical evergreen forests in the east and south east of Aravali ranges.

Forest cover is 32744.49 is reserved, 18222 Protected Forest 2046.75 is unclassified forest) which is about 9.57% of the total area of the state.

Area wise the districs with decreasing forest cover are:- Udaipur>Baran>Alwar>Sirohi>Bundi

According the vegetation the forests of Rajasthan are devided into 9 sub-types:-

  • Dhol Forests:- covers about 60 % of the forest area, Mainly located in the South-eastern parts of Aravali hills between 270 m to 770 m. Major species are Dhol and babul.
  • Kattha Forests:- covers about 3 % of the forest area and located in South-eastern regions of the state.
  • Salar Forests:- covers about 5 % of the forest area and located in upper ridges of Aravali. Major species are Salar, Kalayana, Gondla and Ber.
  • Dhak Forests :- covers badly drained clay Soil forest and occupies foot hills and depressions.
  • Bamboo Forests :-covers about 2.5  % of the forest area and located in Chittorgah,kota,Udaipur and Abu regions of the state. It occurs as  pure patches in depressions.
  • Teak Forests :- located in Southern and South-eastern regions of the state.
  • Mixed miscellaneous Forests covers about 20 % of the forest area and located in South-eastern regions of the state in the districts of Bundi, Sirohi, Kota, Udaipur and Chittorgarh.
  • Sub-Tropical Evergreen Forests located about 30 sq km around the Mt. Abu at an elevation of 1000m to 1300m where the rainfall is 150 cm.
  • Thorn Forests are located in arid areas of noth western regions of the state covering the districts of Nagaur,Pali,Sikar,JhunjhunuAjmer,Jaisalmer and Jodhpur.



Various forest products obtained from forests of Rajasthan are:-

  • Gums and Regins
  • Tan and Dyes
  • Oil seeds and Oil yielding Plants
  • Essential oil bearing plants
  • Species providing fibres and flosses
  • Edible product species.


Programmes for development and preservation of Forests:-

  • Plantation of trees in pasture lands
  • Van Mahotsav
  • Harit Rajasthan Yojna

Rajasthan is blessed with great variety of Natural Resources ranging from scanty vegetation in the western arid region to mixed delicious and sub-tropical evergreen forests in the east and south east of Aravali ranges.

Forest cover is 32744.49 is reserved, 18222 Protected Forest 2046.75 is unclassified forest) which is about 9.57% of the total area of the state.

Area wise the districs with decreasing forest cover are:- Udaipur>Baran>Alwar>Sirohi>Bundi

According the vegetation the forests of Rajasthan are devided into 9 sub-types:-

  • Dhol Forests:- covers about 60 % of the forest area, Mainly located in the South-eastern parts of Aravali hills between 270 m to 770 m. Major species are Dhol and babul.
  • Kattha Forests:- covers about 3 % of the forest area and located in South-eastern regions of the state.
  • Salar Forests:- covers about 5 % of the forest area and located in upper ridges of Aravali. Major species are Salar, Kalayana, Gondla and Ber.
  • Dhak Forests :- covers badly drained clay soil forest and occupies foot hills and depressions.
  • Bamboo Forests :-covers about 2.5  % of the forest area and located in Chittorgah,kota,Udaipur and Abu regions of the state. It occurs as  pure patches in depressions.
  • Teak Forests :- located in Southern and South-eastern regions of the state.
  • Mixed miscellaneous Forests covers about 20 % of the forest area and located in South-eastern regions of the state in the districts of Bundi, Sirohi, Kota, Udaipur and Chittorgarh.
  • Sub-Tropical Evergreen Forests located about 30 sq km around the Mt. Abu at an elevation of 1000m to 1300m where the rainfall is 150 cm.
  • Thorn Forests are located in arid areas of noth western regions of the state covering the districts of Nagaur,Pali,Sikar,JhunjhunuAjmer,Jaisalmer and Jodhpur.



Various forest products obtained from forests of Rajasthan are:-

  • Gums and Regins
  • Tan and Dyes
  • Oil seeds and Oil yielding plants
  • Essential oil bearing plants
  • Species providing fibres and flosses
  • Edible product species.


Programmes for development and preservation of Forests:-

  • Plantation of trees in pasture lands
  • Van Mahotsav
  • Harit Rajasthan Yojna


The natural Vegetation of Rajasthan is a diverse and fascinating subject. The state is home to a wide range of plant life, from the hardy desert plants of the Thar Desert to the lush forests of the Aravalli Hills.

The desert vegetation of Rajasthan is adapted to the dry, sandy conditions of the desert. Plants such as the camel thorn, the date palm, and the khejri tree have thick, waxy leaves that help to retain moisture. They also have deep roots that allow them to reach water that is deep underground.

The scrub vegetation of Rajasthan is found in the semi-arid areas of the state. This vegetation is less dense than desert vegetation and is adapted to the drier conditions of these areas. Plants such as the acacia, the mesquite, and the neem tree have smaller leaves and shallower roots than desert plants. This allows them to survive on less water.

The forest vegetation of Rajasthan is found in the hilly areas of the state. This vegetation is more dense than scrub vegetation and is adapted to the cooler, moister conditions of these areas. Plants such as the deodar, the pine, and the oak tree have large leaves and deep roots. This allows them to absorb more water and nutrients from the soil.

The Grassland vegetation of Rajasthan is found in the plains of the state. This vegetation is adapted to the hot, dry conditions of these areas. Plants such as the jowar, the bajra, and the ragi are Grasses that have long roots that allow them to reach water that is deep underground. They also have small leaves that help to reduce water loss.

The aquatic vegetation of Rajasthan is found in the rivers, lakes, and ponds of the state. This vegetation is adapted to the wet conditions of these areas. Plants such as the lotus, the water hyacinth, and the lily have large leaves that help them to float on the surface of the water. They also have roots that allow them to absorb nutrients from the water.

The natural vegetation of Rajasthan is an important part of the state’s ecosystem. It provides food and shelter for animals, helps to regulate the Climate, and prevents soil erosion. It is also a source of beauty and inspiration for people all over the world.

In recent years, the natural vegetation of Rajasthan has been under threat from human activities such as deforestation, mining, and pollution. These activities have led to the loss of habitat for many plant and animal species. They have also contributed to Climate Change, which is causing the desert to expand and the forests to shrink.

It is important to protect the natural vegetation of Rajasthan for the sake of the Environment and for the people who live there. We can do this by reducing our impact on the environment, planting trees, and supporting organizations that are working to protect the environment.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the natural vegetation of Rajasthan:

  1. What is the natural vegetation of Rajasthan?

The natural vegetation of Rajasthan is a mix of desert, scrub, and forest. The desert areas are home to a variety of cacti and other succulents, as well as a few hardy trees such as the khejri. The scrub areas are more diverse, with a variety of grasses, shrubs, and trees. The forests are found in the eastern and southern parts of the state, and are home to a variety of trees, including sal, teak, and deodar.

  1. What are the main threats to the natural vegetation of Rajasthan?

The main threats to the natural vegetation of Rajasthan are deforestation, overgrazing, and climate change. Deforestation is the clearing of forests for agriculture, development, or other purposes. Overgrazing is the grazing of Livestock on land that is not able to support them, which can lead to the destruction of vegetation. Climate change is causing the desert areas of Rajasthan to expand, which is putting pressure on the natural vegetation in these areas.

  1. What are some of the conservation efforts that are being made to protect the natural vegetation of Rajasthan?

There are a number of conservation efforts that are being made to protect the natural vegetation of Rajasthan. These include:

  • Creating Protected Areas, such as national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, where the natural vegetation is protected from development and other threats.
  • Raising awareness about the importance of the natural vegetation and the threats it faces.
  • Promoting sustainable practices, such as grazing management and water conservation, which can help to protect the natural vegetation.

  • What are some of the benefits of protecting the natural vegetation of Rajasthan?

The natural vegetation of Rajasthan provides a number of benefits, including:

  • It helps to regulate the climate.
  • It provides habitat for a variety of plants and animals.
  • It helps to prevent soil erosion.
  • It provides a source of food, medicine, and other resources for humans.
  • It is a source of spiritual and cultural value for many people.

  • What can you do to help protect the natural vegetation of Rajasthan?

There are a number of things you can do to help protect the natural vegetation of Rajasthan, including:

  • Reduce your consumption of products that are made from or require the destruction of natural resources.
  • Support organizations that are working to protect the natural vegetation of Rajasthan.
  • Get involved in conservation efforts in your community.
  • Educate others about the importance of protecting the natural vegetation.
  1. Which of the following is not a type of vegetation found in Rajasthan?
    (A) Desert
    (B) Scrub
    (C) Forest
    (D) Grassland

  2. The Thar Desert is located in which state?
    (A) Rajasthan
    (B) Gujarat
    (C) Haryana
    (D) Punjab

  3. The main type of vegetation found in the Thar Desert is:
    (A) Desert scrub
    (B) Desert grassland
    (C) Desert forest
    (D) None of the above

  4. The Thar Desert is home to a variety of animals, including:
    (A) Camels
    (B) Snakes
    (C) Scorpions
    (D) All of the above

  5. The Thar Desert is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors the chance to experience the unique desert landscape and wildlife.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  6. The Thar Desert is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  7. The Thar Desert is the largest desert in India.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  8. The Thar Desert is located in the northwestern part of India.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  9. The Thar Desert is home to a variety of plant life, including:
    (A) Cacti
    (B) Date palms
    (C) Acacia trees
    (D) All of the above

  10. The Thar Desert is a popular destination for birdwatchers, as it is home to a variety of bird species, including:
    (A) Flamingos
    (B) Sand grouse
    (C) Houbara bustards
    (D) All of the above