The Lichavi and their republican constitution

The History of Licchavis

The Lichchhavis (also Lichchavi, Licchavi) were an important member of the Vajjian confederacy. The early Indian traditions describe the Lichchhavis as Kshatriyas. Scholars reject the theory of foreign origin of the Lichchhavis on the strength of these traditions. But they were degraded to the status of fallen Kshatriyas due to their championship of non-Brahmanical creeds like Jainism and Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism.

Rise of the Licchavi Power

In the 6th century B.C. the Licchavi power was firmly established. Though the Lichchhavis belonged to the Vajji confederacy, they had autonomous status. Their capital was Vaisali.

Originally, they seem to have an independent status. The Buddhist records preserve the names of important Licchavi leaders among whom the name of Chetaka deserves special mention. Chetaka’s sister Trisala was the mother of Mahavira, the preacher of Jainism. Chetaka’s daughter Chellana was married to king Bimbisara of Magadha. The Lichchhavis thus appear to be highly connected.

The Magadha-Licchavi Struggle-fall of the Licchavis

The Licchavis turned to be great rivals of Magadhan Monarchy. In the reign of Bimbisara of Magadha, they invaded the Magadhan kingdom. In the reign of Ajatasatru, a protracted war began between Magadha and the Lichchhavis. The latter were united with the Vajjis in a confederacy. In the struggle that followed the Lichchhavis and the Vajjis were destroyed.

The causes of the Magadha-Lichchavi war were many. Ajatasatru wanted to take revenge on the Lichchhavis, as their chief Chetaka had refused to extradite Ajatasatru’s step brothers. They had escaped to Vaisali (Licchavi capital) with the royal elephant and family jewels and were granted political asylum. The real cause of the Magadha-Licchavi war was the aggressive imperialism of Magadha against the neighboring republic. The war continued for sixteen years. The Lichchhavis built a mighty alliance with the Vajjis and the other thirty six Ganarajas and also with the kingdom of Kasi-Kosala against Magadha. But the ministers of Ajatasatru sowed seeds of discord among the members of the anti-Magadhan confederacy and destroyed their unity. Ultimately the Vajjian confederacy was destroyed by Ajatasatru. The Vajji territory was annexed to Magadha.

The Licchavi’s republican constitution

There were two Systems of government in the Eastern region. The states of Anga, Magadha, Vatsa etc. were monarchies. Those of Kasf, Kaulala, Videha etc. on the other band were republics. Two of these republics were quite well known, the Republics of the Vajjis or Licchavis and that of the Mallas. Republics were later developments of monarchies and the precursors of democracies. The Licchavis founded their Republic with a view to consolidating their political power. The credit for its foundation goes to Cetaka, who was a wise and valorous king of Videha. He was also the President of the whole Republic. This Republic was the union of eighteen political units, nine of which belonged to the Licchavis and the remaining nine to the Mallas.

The Kings of each unit comprising the Vajji Republic were called Gananayakas. The council of the Gananayakas was called Gana Sabha or Republican Council. It made the constitution and the laws. The individual units were governed in accordance with the constitution of the Gana or the Union. The Vajji Republic was rich and well developed in the fields of Politics, Economics, Society and Religion. The monarchists were highly jealous of this powerful Republic. They were bent upon destroying it. But they were helpless in the face of the powerful Vajjian army.

Videha with its capital at Vaisali was the biggest unit. Vaisali was divided into three zones. The first zone consisted of seven thousand residential houses with golden domes. The middle of the town consisted of fourteen thousand houses with silver domes. The third zone consisted of twenty-one thousand houses with copper domes.

These zones were inhabited by the high, middle and lower classes respectively. Vaisali was not only the capital of the Licchavis, it was the capital of the entire Vajji Republic. It was enclosed within four city walls, each at a distance of two miles from the others. It had several ramparts and entrance-gates. The Republic was a confederation of six clans viz. the Ugras, the Bhojas, the Rajanyas, ihe Iksvakus (the Licchavis), the Jnatasand the Kauravas.


The Lichavi were a dynasty of rulers who reigned in Nepal from the 8th to the 13th centuries. They were the first to unify Nepal and establish a centralized government. The Lichavi were also responsible for introducing Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism and Buddhism to Nepal. Their republican constitution was one of the most progressive documents of its time. It guaranteed freedom of religion, speech, and assembly. It also established a system of checks and balances between the different branches of government. The Lichavi constitution was a major step forward in the development of Democracy in Nepal.

The Lichavi dynasty was founded by King Lichhavi in the 8th century. The Lichavi ruled Nepal for over 500 years. During their reign, the Lichavi made many important contributions to Nepali culture and society. They introduced Hinduism and Buddhism to Nepal. They also built many temples and monasteries. The Lichavi were overthrown in the 13th century by the Malla dynasty. However, their legacy continues to this day. The Lichavi are considered to be the founders of modern Nepal.

The Lichavi constitution was one of the most progressive documents of its time. It guaranteed freedom of religion, speech, and assembly. It also established a system of checks and balances between the different branches of government. The Lichavi constitution was a major step forward in the development of democracy in Nepal.

The Lichavi constitution was divided into three parts: The Preamble, the body, and the conclusion. The preamble stated the purpose of the constitution and the principles on which it was based. The body of the constitution contained the articles that established the government and its powers. The conclusion contained the signatures of the members of the constituent assembly.

The Lichavi constitution was a major step forward in the development of democracy in Nepal. It guaranteed freedom of religion, speech, and assembly. It also established a system of checks and balances between the different branches of government. The Lichavi constitution was a progressive document that helped to lay the foundation for a democratic Nepal.

The Lichavi constitution was not without its flaws. One of the main criticisms of the constitution was that it was too centralized. The constitution gave too much power to the king and the central government. This led to a lack of local autonomy and a concentration of power in the hands of a few.

Another criticism of the Lichavi constitution was that it was not inclusive. The constitution did not guarantee the rights of Women, minorities, or other marginalized groups. This led to discrimination and inequality.

Despite its flaws, the Lichavi constitution was a major step forward in the development of democracy in Nepal. It guaranteed freedom of religion, speech, and assembly. It also established a system of checks and balances between the different branches of government. The Lichavi constitution was a progressive document that helped to lay the foundation for a democratic Nepal.

What is a republic?

A republic is a form of government in which the country is led by elected representatives and not by a monarch.

What is a constitution?

A constitution is a document that outlines the basic principles and laws of a country.

What are the benefits of a republic?

Republics are often seen as being more democratic than other forms of government, as they give all citizens a say in how their country is run. They are also often seen as being more stable than monarchies, as they are not subject to the whims of a single individual.

What are the drawbacks of a republic?

Republics can be slow to make decisions, as they require the agreement of a large number of people. They can also be unstable, as they are often subject to political infighting.

What is the history of republics?

The first republics were established in ancient Greece and Rome. The Roman Republic was particularly influential, and its System of Government was adopted by many other countries throughout history.

What are some examples of republics?

Some examples of republics include the United States, France, and Germany.

What is the future of republics?

Republics are likely to remain the most common form of government in the world. They are seen as being more democratic and stable than other forms of government, and they are well-suited to the needs of modern societies.

What are some common misconceptions about republics?

One common misconception about republics is that they are always democratic. This is not necessarily the case, as there are many republics that are not democratic. For example, the People’s Republic of China is a republic, but it is not a democracy.

Another common misconception about republics is that they are always stable. This is also not necessarily the case, as there are many republics that have been unstable. For example, the Weimar Republic in Germany was a republic that was very unstable and eventually collapsed.

What are some interesting facts about republics?

One interesting fact about republics is that the first republics were established in ancient Greece and Rome. The Roman Republic was particularly influential, and its system of government was adopted by many other countries throughout history.

Another interesting fact about republics is that the United States is the oldest surviving republic in the world. The United States was founded in 1776, and it has been a republic ever since.

What are some Resources for Learning more about republics?

There are many resources available for learning more about republics. Some good resources include books, articles, and websites.

Here are some multiple choice questions about the Lichavi and their republican constitution:

  1. The Lichavi were a people who lived in what is now Nepal.
  2. The Lichavi were a Hindu people.
  3. The Lichavi were a Buddhist people.
  4. The Lichavi were a Jain people.

  5. The Lichavi ruled Nepal from the 8th century to the 13th century.

  6. The Lichavi were a powerful and influential dynasty.
  7. The Lichavi were a peaceful and tolerant dynasty.
  8. The Lichavi were a warlike and aggressive dynasty.

  9. The Lichavi were known for their art, architecture, and literature.

  10. The Lichavi were known for their military prowess.
  11. The Lichavi were known for their religious Tolerance.

  12. The Lichavi were eventually overthrown by the Malla dynasty.

  13. The Lichavi were eventually overthrown by the Shah dynasty.
  14. The Lichavi were eventually overthrown by the Rana dynasty.

  15. The Lichavi left a lasting legacy on Nepal.

  16. The Lichavi left no legacy on Nepal.
  17. The Lichavi had a mixed legacy on Nepal.

  18. The Lichavi are still remembered and celebrated in Nepal today.

  19. The Lichavi are forgotten and ignored in Nepal today.
  20. The Lichavi are somewhere in between remembered and forgotten in Nepal today.

  21. The Lichavi are a fascinating and important part of Nepal’s history.

  22. The Lichavi are a boring and irrelevant part of Nepal’s history.
  23. The Lichavi are somewhere in between fascinating and boring in Nepal’s history.

  24. The Lichavi are a reminder of the rich and diverse history of Nepal.

  25. The Lichavi are a reminder of the dark and troubled history of Nepal.
  26. The Lichavi are somewhere in between a reminder of the rich and diverse history and a reminder of the dark and troubled history of Nepal.