Indian railway
60/30 kmph
35/20 kmph
40/15 kmph
Normal speed
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
2. During failure of signals and communications in DL automatic area the authority to proceed is A. T/D 912 B. T/A 912 C. T/B 912 D. None of these
T/D 912
T/A 912
T/B 912
None of these
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
3. Hand shunting of wagons is totally prohibited in gradients A. 1 in 400 OR Steeper B. ST 1- IN 400 C. 1 in 260 D. None of these
1 in 400 OR Steeper
ST 1- IN 400
1 in 260
None of these
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
4. At station where it is not possible to exchange the signal between Guard and Loco Pilot due to curvature the guard shall ask the LP to start the train on ________. A. Walkie B. VHF C. Walkie-Talkie D. None of these
None of these
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
5. When a train is received at a station during signal failure on signal post telephone, the speed of train is A. 15 kmph B. 25 kmph C. 8 kmph D. None of these
15 kmph
25 kmph
8 kmph
None of these
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
6. During poor visibility the speed of lorry is A. 8 kmph B. 15 kmph C. 5 kmph D. None of these
8 kmph
15 kmph
5 kmph
None of these
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
7. The use of block instrument shall be governed by special instructions to be issued with the prior approval of A. Railway Board B. CRS C. CSO D. None of these
Railway Board
None of these
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
8. Not more than ________ persons including trollyman shall go on a trolly. A. 10 B. 3 C. 9 D. 4
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
9. If the Advanced starter is defective and IBS is working, SM shall issue ________ authority with private number of same station to pass the advanced starter. A. T/369(3b) B. T/369(2B) C. T/369(4b) D. T/369(5b)
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
10. How much block overlap is required at the station equipped with single line MACLS? A. 400 meters B. 180 meters C. 120 meters D. Zero meters
400 meters
180 meters
120 meters
Zero meters
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!