Sex ratio at birth sees an improvement in Haryana

The number of girls born per 1,000 boys has increased to 953 in the city, data from the Health department released on Friday showed. Last year, Gurugrams sex ratio at birth (SRB) was 908. It was 910 in 2019 and 921 in 2020.

Haryana, too, has witnessed a marginal improvement its SRB, which was at 914 last year, is now 921. According to the 2011 Census, the state had the worst gender ratio in the country, at 834. The national Average at that time was 919.

Figures have been piting to a consistent improvement in SRB in the state after the Beti Bachao,Beti Padhao scheme was launched in 2015. That year, the SRB was 876, which rose to 900 in 2016, followed by 914 in 2017. It remained the same in 2018 and improved to 923 in 2019 and 922 the next year.

However, the SRB has fallen in 12 districts. These include Rohtak, which dipped to 944 this year from 945 and Panchkula, from 930 to 893. Districts at the bottom areMahendergarh(844), Rewari (856), Jhajjar (874), Faridabad (874),Karnal(891), Yamunanagar (903), Hisar (909), and Kurukshetra (912).

HP approves new scheme to promote low-cost transport ops in rural belt

Himachal Pradeshchef ministerJai Ram Thkaur said that the was aware of the hardships faced by private transporters, and therefore has provided several concessions to them. This was stated by the CM while addressing the Samman Samaroh of Himachal Pradesh Private Bus Operators Union at Dargola inShahpur Vidhan Sabhaarea ofKangradistrict.

He said that the state government has approved Swarna JayantiGram Swarozgar Transport Schemeto promote low-cost transport operations in rural areas. Under this scheme, unemployed youth would be given permits for buses upto 18 seater at concessional tax rates and as many as 107 routes have been identified under this scheme.

Efforts on to uplift extremely poor, deprived families

In a move to uplift extremely poor families of the State, a two-day workshop was organized on Thursday by Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS) and the Najj Foundation for the development of very poor families of the State. The workshop was inaugurated by Chief Executive Officer (CEO), JSLPS, Suraj Kumar.

The workshop aims to prepare an action plan to ensure a sustainable livelihood for the marginalized communities including the very poor families by connecting them in the mainstream.

The UDAN project through JSLPS has been started for the development of PVTG families. This workshop is the first step towards formulating a national level strategy for the development of very poor families. Under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana National Rural Livelihoods Mission, the Ministry of Rural Development is committed to work under a special strategy for the development of very poor and deprived families in all the States of the Country. JSLPS is working with a good strategy against PVTG development and witch malpractices. There is a need to ensure social inclusion through Sakhi Mandals in the State so that no very poor family remains away from development, this initiative will prove to be a milestone in this direction.

Focus on research work, minister tells IIT-Patna students

Union power and new and ministerR KSingh said engineering students need to understand the challenges before the country and come forward with solutions for the development of the nation.

Launching the three-day workshop on Promotion of research Infrastructure and Entrepreneurship in Science and Technology and product launch at Indian Institute of Technology-Patna, the minister said the Centre would provide funds to the institute for research and development work and also for the Infrastructure Development.

Singh jointly launched the event with state industries ministerSyed Shahnawaz Hussain, building construction ministerAshok KumarChoudhary and secretary ofTechnology Development Board(TDB), government of India, RajeshKumar Pathak. The workshop was organised by IIT-Patna in association TDB.

Chhattisgarh budget: Old Pension Scheme makes comeback, farm labourers to get increased support

Chhattisgarhwill restore the old pension scheme for the employees, waive examination fee for competitive exams organised by the state and increase payouts under the Rajiv Gandhi Bhoomiheen Krishi Mazdoor Nyay Yojana to Rs 7,000, chief minister BhupeshBaghelsaid while presenting the state budget for 2022-23 in Raipur.

Baghel also promised free electricity to farmers in a budget that breached an allocation of Rs 1 lakh crore for the next fiscal.

The Old Pension Scheme, the implementation of which Baghel had agreed to consider following an internal party huddle with leadersRahul GandhiandPriyanka Gandhi Vadralast month, is a crucial announcement that provides social and economic security to the employees of the state. The old scheme will replace the New Pension Scheme (NPS) for employees appointed on and after January 1, 2004, and will benefit about three lakh employees of the state.

Following through on his promise to implement the ‘Chhattisgarh model’ of development that puts the rural economy at the heart of all development initiatives, Baghels budget also raised payouts under the Rajiv Gandhi Bhoomiheen Krishi Mazdoor Nyay Yojana from Rs 6,000 to Rs 7,000 per month.

Baghel, who made a statement by carrying the state budget in a briefcase fashioned out of by-products of cow dung also announced on Tuesday that Gothans, cow sheds and agri-processing hubs, will be developed asMahatma Gandhi Rural Industrial Park. He said processing units will be set up for value addition of local food products and minor forest produce.

As a part of this initiative, assistance will be also given to local youth for setting up small and Cottage industries related to bamboo and wooden crafts, Metal-crafts”>Metal Crafts and other handicrafts.

Madhya Pradesh to focus on growing medicines, spices, says CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan

Chief ministerShivraj Singh Chouhansaid that the Growth rate of the state at 19.7 percent has been the highest in the country at current prices. Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture has contributed the most to this growth.

CM said,Burhanpurhas made a special place in the production of spices, where turmeric, ginger, coriander, onion are being produced in large quantities. Burhanpur is also a leader in banana, sugarcane and . The economic Empowerment of the farmer will be possible through diversification of crops.

Chouhan further said that remarkable achievement has been made in the field of agriculture in the state in which the expansion of Irrigation facilities has played an important role. With the increase in the area under irrigation, production has greatly increased.

Madhya Pradeshis first in the country in the production of wheat. Burhanpur district is considered to be a cash Cropping district. There is a need to encourage the cultivation of fruits, flowers and medicines here.

He further said that the country has been known for centuries in the world in the production of spices. Spices have been going from India to many countries of the world, in which the southern states have been ahead.

New parking policy: Facilities in offing, fines loom

The citys civic body has set up a Traffic and Parking Cell to implement the new parking policy.

The first meeting of the cell was held recently in which various challenges in the implementation of the policy and issues relating to traffic and parking were discussed. During the meeting, various decisions were made including the creation of sub-committees to implement the policy. The civic body will also formulate bylaws of the policy. The civic body will shortly upload a list of parking spots in the city on its official web portal. After the list is declared, citizens who park their vehicles elsewhere will be fined by traffic Police. It was also decided to launch a drive to keep footpaths and roads encroachment-free.

Traffic police will seize any unclaimed vehicles on roadsides. Apart from that, it was decided that the cell will identify more spots for parking vehicles and declare them.

The draft parking policy was okayed by the AMC and was sent to the for approval.

The state government approved the policy and it was implemented from November 1, 2021.

Rajasthan to introduce law to make CCTVs must in private institutes, business hubs: Minister

Parliamentary affairs ministerShanti Dhariwal told the assembly that the will introduce a law that will make it mandatory for private institutions and commercial establishments in the state to install CCTV cameras and connect the feed to the Abhay Command and Control centre.

Dhariwal said NCRB figures point out that UP ranked No. 1 in cases of violent crimes. He also said between 2017 and 2018, over 30% of complainants had to move to the court to file FIRs, however, the figure was reduced to a mere 16.7% in 2021.
The minister said regular decoy operations were carried out from SP offices at the Police stations to examine the compulsory FIR registration policy.

Scientist develop energy- efficient hydrogen production by urea electrolysis

Indian Scientists have designed an electrocatalyst system for energy-efficient hydrogen production with the help of electrolysis of urea. The urea electrolysis is helpful towards urea-based waste treatment with low-cost hydrogen production. This can be utilized for energy production towards our country’s benefits.

The energy requirement for production of hydrogen through water electrolysis can be reduced by 70 % through urea electrolysis. The energy-intensive counterpart of water splitting, Oxygen evolution, can be replaced with urea oxidation in urea electrolysis. The low-cost, earth-abundant Ni-based catalysts are widely applied for this process. The main challenge associated with urea oxidation is retaining the prolonged activity of the Catalyst as the strong adsorption of the reactive intermediate (COx) on the active site, referred to as catalyst poisoning, causes activity loss.

Labour Ministry launches Donate-a-Pension initiative

Union Labour and EMPLOYMENT Minister Bhupender Yadav launched the Donate-a-Pension programme under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan (PM-SYM) for people to contribute to the pension fund of their support staff.

It is an initiative under (PM-SYM) pension scheme where citizens can donate the premium contribution of their immediate support staff such as domestic workers, drivers, helpers etc,

The Donate-a-Pension programme which was launched today is part of many initiatives by the Labour Ministry to be launched in the Iconic Week being celebrated by the Ministry from March 7 to 13.

The objective of National Festival is to hear the voice of youth between 18 and less than 25 years of age, who will join various careers in coming years, including public Services.National Youth Parliament Festival (NYPF) is based on the idea given by Prime Minister in his Mann Ki Baat Address on 31st December 2017.

Taking inspiration from the idea of Prime Minister, the first NYPF 2019 was organised from 12 January to 27 February 2019 at District, State & National level with the theme Be the Voice of New India and Find solutions and Contribute to Policy.

National Youth Festival is celebrated every year from 12th to 16th January. 12th January being the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, is observed as National Youth Day. This year, NYPF is also being organized along with the National Youth Festival.