21. Which is the most populous city in Telangana?


Detailed SolutionWhich is the most populous city in Telangana?

22. Ashoka’s edicts found in Karnataka indicate the spread of:

Vedic Religion

Detailed SolutionAshoka’s edicts found in Karnataka indicate the spread of:

23. The organization responsible for the management of railway networks in Karnataka:


Detailed SolutionThe organization responsible for the management of railway networks in Karnataka:

24. The social and economic structure of some princely states in Karnataka was characterized by:

Feudal relationships
Centralized administration
Democratic governance
Industrial development

Detailed SolutionThe social and economic structure of some princely states in Karnataka was characterized by:

25. Which district in Karnataka has the highest population density?

Bangalore Urban
Dakshina Kannada

Detailed SolutionWhich district in Karnataka has the highest population density?

26. The formation of labor unions in Karnataka gained momentum during the:

Early 20th century
Post-independence period
1990s liberalization era
18th century

Detailed SolutionThe formation of labor unions in Karnataka gained momentum during the:

27. The legacy of princely states is visible in Telangana’s:

Cultural traditions
Social structures
All of the above

Detailed SolutionThe legacy of princely states is visible in Telangana’s:

28. Telangana follows the Constitution of India, which establishes a:

Unitary system
Federal system
Confederal system
Presidential system

Detailed SolutionTelangana follows the Constitution of India, which establishes a:

29. Which organization is responsible for the protection and maintenance of archaeological sites in Telangana?

Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
Department of Archaeology and Museums, Telangana
Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH)
Private trusts and organizations

Detailed SolutionWhich organization is responsible for the protection and maintenance of archaeological sites in Telangana?

30. Which region in Telangana had a significant concentration of zamindaris?

Coastal Andhra
Eastern Ghats
Telangana Plateau
River valleys

Detailed SolutionWhich region in Telangana had a significant concentration of zamindaris?