1. Telangana’s primary source of revenue is:

Income tax
Property tax
State GST (Goods and Services Tax)
Central grants

Detailed SolutionTelangana’s primary source of revenue is:

2. The highest civilian honor in Telangana is the:

Telangana Ratna Award
Telangana Vibhushan Award
Telangana Gaurav Award
Telangana Pratibha Award

Detailed SolutionThe highest civilian honor in Telangana is the:

3. Excessive water extraction for irrigation purposes is a concern for the sustainability of Telangana’s:


Detailed SolutionExcessive water extraction for irrigation purposes is a concern for the sustainability of Telangana’s:

4. Climate change poses a threat to Karnataka’s agriculture due to:

Extreme weather events
Changes in rainfall patterns
Increased temperatures
All of the above

Detailed SolutionClimate change poses a threat to Karnataka’s agriculture due to:

5. Collaboration between industry and academia is important for:

Research and Development (R&D)
Skill development
B) Skill development C) Innovation D) All of the above

Detailed SolutionCollaboration between industry and academia is important for:

6. Research institutions in Karnataka are working on developing:

Climate-resilient crops
Biofortified crops
Crop varieties suitable for various agro-climatic zones
All of the above

Detailed SolutionResearch institutions in Karnataka are working on developing:

7. Which type of livestock farming is widely practiced in the dry regions of Karnataka?

Sheep rearing
Goat rearing
Dairy farming
Poultry farming

Detailed SolutionWhich type of livestock farming is widely practiced in the dry regions of Karnataka?

8. The Right to Information Act promotes:

Transparency and accountability in governance
Censorship of media
Restriction of fundamental rights
Sedition laws

Detailed SolutionThe Right to Information Act promotes:

9. The Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (TSIIC) plays a role in:

Developing industrial parks
Tax collection
plays a role in: A) Developing industrial parks B) Tax collection C) Skill development
Tourism promotion

Detailed SolutionThe Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (TSIIC) plays a role in:

10. Which Telangana government schemes directly target HDI components?

Mission Bhagiratha (safe water)
Kalyana Lakshmi (girl child support)
Aasara (pensions)
All of the above

Detailed SolutionWhich Telangana government schemes directly target HDI components?