11. Which bird sanctuary is located near Hyderabad and attracts migratory birds?

Pakhal Wildlife Sanctuary
Kolleru Lake Bird Sanctuary
Manjira Wildlife Sanctuary
Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary

Detailed SolutionWhich bird sanctuary is located near Hyderabad and attracts migratory birds?

12. A potential area for improvement in Karnataka’s Panchayat Raj system:

Strengthening financial autonomy
Building capacity of elected representatives
Enhancing transparency
All of the above

Detailed SolutionA potential area for improvement in Karnataka’s Panchayat Raj system:

13. Dappu is a Telangana folk dance known for its:

Vigorous footwork
Slow, graceful movements
Rhythmic drumming
Elaborate costumes

Detailed SolutionDappu is a Telangana folk dance known for its:

14. The renewable energy source that holds great potential in coastal Karnataka:

Solar energy
Tidal energy
Wind energy

Detailed SolutionThe renewable energy source that holds great potential in coastal Karnataka:

15. Soil health directly affects:

Crop productivity
Water quality
Farmer livelihoods
All of the above

Detailed SolutionSoil health directly affects:

16. Telangana has significant reserves of which mineral?

Iron Ore

Detailed SolutionTelangana has significant reserves of which mineral?

17. The Hoysala king famous for his military campaigns and temple-building activities:

Ballala II
Veera Ballala III

Detailed SolutionThe Hoysala king famous for his military campaigns and temple-building activities:

18. The fertility of alluvial soils in Karnataka is influenced by:

River deposits
Vegetation Type
All of the above

Detailed SolutionThe fertility of alluvial soils in Karnataka is influenced by:

19. The “Ekikarana” movement aimed to unify:

Kannada-speaking areas
Religious communities
Coastal Karnataka
Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh

Detailed SolutionThe “Ekikarana” movement aimed to unify:

20. Some local uprisings in Karnataka in 1857 were motivated by a desire to:

Restore deposed rulers
Resist British annexation policies
Counter social and economic changes
All of the above

Detailed SolutionSome local uprisings in Karnataka in 1857 were motivated by a desire to: