11. What is the minimum age to become a member of Panchayati Adalat?

25 years
30 years
35 years
40 years

Detailed SolutionWhat is the minimum age to become a member of Panchayati Adalat?

12. The Roul dance is performed mostly during special festive occasions of

religious festival
birth of a child
Both (A) and (B)

Detailed SolutionThe Roul dance is performed mostly during special festive occasions of

13. Which Buddhist Monk was sent by Dalai Lama to resolve the family disputes of Namgyal dynasty rulers?

Rigzin Tsewang Norbu
Stagsang Raspa

Detailed SolutionWhich Buddhist Monk was sent by Dalai Lama to resolve the family disputes of Namgyal dynasty rulers?

14. Match the following List-I List-II a. Mittha Madra Ladakhi Cuisine b. Skypu Kashmiri Cuisine c. Modur Pulao Dogra Cuisine

a-3, b-1, c-2
a-1, b-2, c-3
a-2, b-1, c-3
a-1, b-3, c-2

Detailed SolutionMatch the following List-I List-II a. Mittha Madra Ladakhi Cuisine b. Skypu Kashmiri Cuisine c. Modur Pulao Dogra Cuisine

15. Consider the following statements about the climate of Jammu. Kashmir valley influences the climate of Northern Jammu. Southern plains of Jammu experience temperate climate. Which of the given statements is/are true?

Only 1
Only 2
Both 1 and 2
None of these

Detailed SolutionConsider the following statements about the climate of Jammu. Kashmir valley influences the climate of Northern Jammu. Southern plains of Jammu experience temperate climate. Which of the given statements is/are true?

16. In which year, Kashmiri language has been made a compulsory subject in all secondary level schools in the Kashmir valley?


Detailed SolutionIn which year, Kashmiri language has been made a compulsory subject in all secondary level schools in the Kashmir valley?

17. How many members in Panchayati Adalat are nominated by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir?

3 members
4 members
5 members
6 members

Detailed SolutionHow many members in Panchayati Adalat are nominated by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir?

18. SaMaPa Vitasa Award instituted by Sopori Academy of Music and Performing Arts has been named after which river?


Detailed SolutionSaMaPa Vitasa Award instituted by Sopori Academy of Music and Performing Arts has been named after which river?

19. Buddh Amarnath temple is near …………… river.

None of these

Detailed SolutionBuddh Amarnath temple is near …………… river.

20. Which among the following books mentions about Jammu region?

All of these

Detailed SolutionWhich among the following books mentions about Jammu region?