Uttarakhand ranks 23rd; shows improvement from previous edition

Uttarakhandhas ranked 23rd out of 36 states and UTs in Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2021-22 in a study conducted by the Union ministry of Education. The rank is better than the earlier edition’s 35th, though “differences in parameters deem the two reports incomparable”.
The index measures 73 indicators grouped in six domains and scores are calculated out of 1000. The domains have gone up from five in the previous edition with focus on teacher education and training being a new parameter. The index is released for evidence-based comprehensive analysis of the school education system in the country.

The ultimate aim of the index is to propel states and UTs towards undertaking multi-pronged interventions that will bring optimal education outcomes covering all dimensions. The PGI is expected to help to pinpoint the gaps and accordingly prioritise areas for intervention to ensure that the school education system is robust at every level. It also suggests that as a way forward, states and UTs take a pro-active domain specific approach to improve their individual educational system.

Chandigarh (659) and Punjab (647.4) have obtained the highest scores. Uttarakhand has scored 517.9 this year. The score has gone down from last year’s 719 but the rank has improved to 23rd in this edition. The hill state remained in the ninth level of the report out of 10.

Uttarakhand scored 56.4 out of 240 in the Learning outcomes domain, 60.7 out of 80 in access, 60.9 out of 190 in and facilities, 219.3 out of 260 in Equity, 52.5 out of 130 in Governance processes and 68.2 out of 100 in teacher education and training (the new domain added in this index). The first domain requires special focus for the state.

Among Himalayan states, Uttarakhand has come fourth after West Bengal hills (562.7), Sikkim (533.6) and Ladakh (518.8).