In a bid to boost the purchase of electric vehicles in the state, Haryana Government has proposed to waive off road tax, registration fee, state toll tax and provide an incentive of upto at least Rs one lakh for new vehicles.

The draft electric vehicle policy chalked out by the to provide the much needed impetus to the electric mobility sector and reduce carbon emissions, is also aimed at generating EMPLOYMENT in Haryana.

The electric vehicle (EV) draft policy has proposed 100 percent exemption of road tax on EVs purchased within Haryana state, applicable over the period of the validity of policy. The state will also exempt SGST on purchase of EVs manufactured within the state under certain conditions.

Apart from this, other proposed incentives include 100 percent interest free loans to the State Government employees for purchase of EVs in the state, exemption from paying state toll tax, 30 percent subsidy on road price of EVs in form of reimbursement directly to the buyer in the state on purchase of EVs and to the financer, if the electric vehicle is hypothecated, the dealers of EVs (non-transport) will be exempted from submitting of bank guarantee of Rs one lakh for Online Dealer Point Registration in the state and the EVs will also be registered on priority basis with a minimum token fee of Rs 100.

Under its ambitious policy, the State Government has proposed to convert 100 percent of bus fleet owned by State Transport Undertakings in Haryana into electric buses (battery electric vehicles or fuel cell EVs) by 2029, with the first phase of 100 percent conversion of bus fleet in Gurugram and Faridabad by 2024. It also proposed phasing out all fossil fuel based commercial fleets and Logistics vehicles in Gurugram and Faridabad by 2024 and all cities by 2030.

In one of its kind initiatives, SAS Nagar (Mohali) District Administration is to commence home-vaccination for the old, infirm, disabled, and differently-abled persons making it the first district in the country to start need based door-to-door vaccination.

Though our top priority is elderly and disabled, but for the ease of people, if a Residents Welfare Association (RWA) seeks Home-vaccination but does not have sufficient number of senior citizens, it will be provided the service on the condition that at least half of the total number of people to be vaccinated are aged (60 plus), disabled, or differently-abled, and the remaining can be anyone over 18 years of age.

Fee regulation Bill unjust: Himachal pvt schools

The Himachal Pradesh Private Schools (Regulation of Fee and other Related Matters) Bill, 2021 is unconstitutional and unjutst as it deprives the school managements of a chance to seek from courts, said Dev Raj Verma, president of the Private Schools Management Association, here today.

Verma said that the private schools charged a monthly fee of Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,500 per student while the government was spending over Rs 6,000 on every student but still the private schools performed better than the government schools. If the Bill was passed, a large number of teachers of the private schools would lose their jobs and students would lose the opportunity of better Education, he added.

He said that it was unfair to have only one representative of the private schools in the six-member committee. He added that the Bill proposed only a six per cent annual hike in the fee while the Inflation rate was higher than it.

Black-bellied Coral Snakes in the Forests of Uttarakhand

Indian researchers have identified Black-bellied Coral snakes in the forests of uttarakhand for the first time in HISTORY.


The snake is associated with the Elapidae family and Sinomicrurus genus. Its scientic name is S. nigriventer.

The snake was observed in the Bhadraj Block of Benog Wildlife Sanctuary in the Mussoorie Forest Division.

At present, there are 107 species of coral snakes in the world. In India, only 7 coral snake species are found.

As per the report by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on the management of snakebite, there are more than 2000 species of snakes in the world.

About 300 of these species are found in India, of which fifty-two are venomous. Venomous snakes of India belong to three families Elapidae, Viperidae and Hydrophidae (sea snakes).

All snakes are protected with the aid of the law. Cobra, Rat snakes, and Checkered keelback are included in Schedule II of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, and the relaxation are blanketed via Schedule IV.

Snakes are essential for clinical reasons and ecological regions. They maintain the food web in balance and their venoms are used to make antivenoms.

Agra bags smart city award for skill development initiative

Agra under the India Smart Cities Awards Contest (ISAC) 2020, securedsecond position at the national levelin the economy category for establishingmicro Skill development centres, empowering 1,350 Women.

The city of Taj was declared best performer among the 40 cities selected for the central government’s Smart City Development Project in 2016.

Uttar Pradeshwas ranked as the best performing state in the country with respect to the Smart City mission. Overall, Agra was adjudged the best performer in the state for implementation of the smart city project.

Under the smart city project, four skill development centres were set up in the Tajganj locality last year. The smart city project team helped develop 104 women self-help groups involving 10 to 15 women in each. At present, 1,350 women from weaker sections of Society are actively working on seven different traditional skill sets and earning their living. These skills are zardozi work, marble inlay work, carpet-making, brush-making, flower bouquet-making, paper craft and crafting ornamental items.

Agra was selected for the smart city development in September 2016. The project covers Rs 2,000 crore-worth makeover plans, including an area-based development plan, which envisages retrofitting 2,250 acre of select area around Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Jama Masjid and other parts of the old city.

Jharkhand govt to evaluate gap assessment of paediatric units in private clinics, hospitals

In order to strengthen the preparedness ahead of the third wave of Covid-19, the state Health department will conduct agap assessmentof all private paediatric clinics and hospitals in the state. The assessment is aimed at identifying gaps in Resources required for treatingCovid-19patients as per the manual.

In order to ensure availability of required equipment for treating Covid-19 patients, the manual will also record shortcomings in private hospitals for life saving support devices like NIVs, Oxygen concentrators among others.

More power to women in Bihar as 35% of all field posts go to them

In yet another move to empower Women, the Bihar government has decided to depute women officers on 35% of the field posts of sub-divisional magistrate (SDM), circle officer (CO), block development officer (BDOs) and the station house officer (SHOs) of Police stations.
All these posts are considered very crucial in the lower rung of administration as these officers play the main role in maintaining law and order, solving day-to-day issues of public, upkeep of land records and execution of most of the development works at block and panchayat levels.

Recently, Nitish decided to reserve 33.3% seats for women in admission in all engineering and medical colleges as well as the first proposed Sports university of the state.

Within months of taking oath as the CM in 2005, Nitish reserved 50% seats for women in the panchayat election in 2006. His move resulted in women capturing half of the 2.6 lakh elected posts in the state three-tier institutions.

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel launched the Bastar Papaya project in Bastar district.

The project covers 30 acres of land in the villages of Teerathgarh, Mamadpal and Munga in Darbha block. In each 10 acres, 5,500 papaya Plants have been planted and now are in the fruit bearing stage. Baghel launched the project virtually during the bhoomi pujan and dedication of development works for Bastar, Bijapur and Sukma districts from his official residence-cum-office here, an official Communication said.

He appreciated the efforts to promote , including chilly, in Bastar region. He asked the district Collector to develop a cold chain system in the district.

Teerathgarh Women Self Help Group member Hema Kashyap told the Chief Minister that the group hopes to earn Rs 1 crore income in one-and-a-half year from papaya sales.

Rural India has nearly half the Covid caseload, but less than 10% of Covid treatment centers in the country. In this context, the role of frontline workers (ASHA workers, Anganwadi workers, ANMs) becomes immensely important for triaging and managing the disease.

Frontline workers actively track and follow-up with millions of symptomatic and Covid-positive cases in rural areas daily. Unless their safety is ensured, more than half of Indias Population is not safe. Yet, most remain unequipped and fall victim to the disease themselves.

A basic safety kit will significantly reduce their risk of contracting Covid. Project CHHAAV in association with seeks to support Indias frontline community Health workers with a basic safety kit, a pulse oximeter, and a pair of thermometers.

This initiative intends to provide self contained medical kits for 700 villages in rural Madhya Pradesh, India. Each kit will contain 1 oximeter, 1 digital thermometer, 2 face shields, and 5-layer reusable polypropylene mask.

Launch of Zen Style Garden and Kaizen Academy

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated a Zen Garden and Kaizen Academy at Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA) premises in Ahmedabad. These two new initiatives are phase of the PM’s vision of growing a Mini-Japan in Gujarat. The newly launched Zen Garden in Ahmedabad will show off quite a few Elements of Japanese art, culture, landscape and architecture.

The Zen garden facets a statue of Lord Buddha. The backyard is built in PARTNERSHIP with the Japan Information and Study Centre at AMA and Indo-Japan Friendship Association (IJFA), Gujarat, supported through the Hyogo International Association (HIA), Japan.