Presidents Colour honour to the Haryana Police

The President Color is the highest award presented to military units, federal forces, and state Police forces. The award has an emblem. The award is presented by the President of India, the Supreme Commander of the Indian military. However, when the president is absent or unavailable, then the award shall be presented by the Home minister or the Prime Minister or Vice President. President Murmu is now on an official tour to the southern states of the country. Therefore, Home Minister Shri Amit Shah presented the Presidents Colour honour. It was presented to the Haryana Police.

The award was presented to the Haryana Police for their bravery, dedication and courage in the last 25 years. Owing to its proximity to the National capital, the state police force is also patient in handling different issues. The Haryana police force has won the peoples confidence all these years.

The Haryana State police have been adopting several latest technologies under the Police Technology Mission. The mission was launched by PM Modi to make technology available for police forces all over the country. Some of them are ICJS and CCTN. ICJS is Inter Operable Criminal System. CCTN is Crime and Criminal Tracking Network.

Punjab govt got Rs 14,602 crore from central divisible pool for capital expenditure

The central government has released a total of Rs 14,602 crore during this financial year to debt-ridden Punjab government on account of tax from divisible pool to help accelerate the states . Neighbouring Haryana has got Rs 8,832 crore and Rs 6,707 crore had been disbursed to Himachal Pradesh till February.

Sharing details about support extended to states for capital expenditure in the Lok Sabha during thebudget session of Parliament, Union finance ministerNirmala Sitharamanrevealed that Punjab got a total of Rs 73,500-crore tax devolution from the central government since 2017-18. The central government cleared the entire provisional goods and service tax (GST) compensation dues of states and Union Territories (UTs) for 2020-21 financial year and up to May 31, 2022, the minister added.

However, as per the UnionBudgetestimates for the 2023-24 financial year, Punjab is likely to get Rs 18,457 crore from the central government as its share of 1.8% from the net proceeds of central taxes and duties. This includes Rs 5,968 crore from central GST, Rs 5,907 crore out of collected corporation tax, Rs 5,747 crore out ofIncome tax, Rs 585 crore from customs duty, Rs 245 crore of excise duty, and Rs 3 crore out of collected service tax.

The Punjab government would also receive a total of Rs 8,274 crore during the 2022-23 financial year from the central government in 12 equated monthly instalments of Rs 689 crore as post-devolution Revenue Deficit grant as recommended by the 15th Finance Commission. The grant is released to states as per the recommendations of the successive finance commissions to meet the gap in revenue accounts of the states post devolution. Due to poor fiscal Health, the Punjab government has been dependent on central funds to a large extent.

Himachal CM seeks enhancement of state share in hydro power projects

Himachal Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu in a meeting with Union Minister of Power, New and , R.K Singh urged the Union Minister to enhance the State’s share in the power projects which were commissioned 25 years back and have completed their loan repayments. He said that state share must be enhanced from 12 to 15 percent.

The Union Minister was apprised that around 12000 MW of hydropower potential in the State was yet to be harnessed. He said the has now relaxed the rules and procedures for the investors and Deputy Commissioners have been empowered to accord permission. The state government is committed to accord all necessary permissions in a time-bound manner especially in Energy sector and to ease the process for applying.

Uttarakhand New Anti-Cheating Law

The Governor of Uttarakhand recently issued an ordinance to control unfair recruitment in the state. In accordance with the ordinance, the can impose fines of up to 10 crores of rupees against unfair practices in exams and in recruitment. Since 2016, there were multiple paper leaks in the state.

The ordinance is applicable to all the public examinations conducted by the and also to the autonomous bodies that come under the purview of the state government

If an examinee cheats during the exam, he shall be imprisoned for 3 years and fined a minimum of 5 lakh rupees

IIT Kanpur develops energy-efficient system to transport minerals

IIT Kanpur has developed a compressed air-based mineral transport system. The project was presented at the Global Investors Summit, in 2023. It received good feedback for its less material loss, reduced”>Air Pollution, and efficiency to reduce travel time to a great extent. The main objective of the system is to transport coal and slurry.

It is a hyperloop system and can reach speeds of 120 km per hour. The hyperloop accommodates storage wagons, guiding rails, wheel assembly system, and enables seamless mineral transportation.

It is a high-speed transportation system. It is designed to carry coal and other Minerals. There are three essential Elements in the system. They are tubes, terminals, and pods. Tubes in the system are sealed and controlled pressure is maintained in the tubes. Pods carrying the goods levitate in the tubes. Levitation is achieved through Magnetism.

Cabinet nod to Budget Session of Assembly

The State Cabinet today gave its nod to the Budget Session of Assembly to be commenced on February 27, while the budget will be tabled in the House on March 3. Finance Secretary Ajoy Kumar Singh, who is at present in charge of cabinet coordination, informed this after the meeting saying nod to the budget session was one of the 25 proposals approved in the Cabinet meeting.

The month-long budget session will have 17 working days. There will also be a holiday for Holi in the middle of the session. During the budget session, the government will also bring many important Bills. Before the budget, the third supplementary budget will also be brought for the current financial year. The first day will set the tone for the rest of the session. The Governors address will be held on the first day of the session.

Enrolment in govt schools up in 2022

Despite prolonged closure during the pandemic, enrolment of children in 6-14 age group in the government schools inBiharhas increased by 4.1% from 78.1% in 2018 to 82.2% in 2022, according to the Annual Status of“>Education Report (ASER) 2022.

When compared to other states, the reading ability of Class VIII students, who can read the Class II text, in Bihar remained steady at 69.7% in 2022, up from 69.5% in 2018. The Percentage of Class V students who know division has increased slightly from 29.9% in 2018 to 35.6% in 2022. While Bihar leads the way with 58% of Class VIII pupils who can do division.Manipurcomes second with 53.7% in this category.

The report also indicated that Class VIII enrolment in Bihar has increased dramatically over time, with more girls enrolling than boys. The percentage of students of both government and private schools who took paid tuition classes increased significantly from 61.6% in 2018 to 71.7% in 2022. It included 71.6% of pupils in government schools and 72.4% of students in private schools.

The report was based on a survey of 6,99,597 children from over 19,060 villages in 616 districts, covering 374,554 households.

Although 92.4% of schools still do not have computers for students, this figure has decreased from 96.6% in 2018.

Electricity connection in 92.5% of schools is up from 69.5% in 2018. Physical education classes have also been allocated weekly in 70.7% of upper primary schools and 49.0% of primary classes. There were no such provisions earlier.

Govt steps up domestic water tap connections

The work of providing free domestic tap water connections in rural areas under the Jal Jeevan Mission has been stepped up in Chhattisgarh.

In addition, arrangements have been made to provide drinking water through taps in 43,933 schools, 41,669 Anganwadi centers and 17,286 gram panchayat buildings and community sub-“>Health centers.

Janjgir-Champa district in Chhattisgarh had excelled in providing the connections, supplying 1,64,553 rural families household water tap connections.

Under the Jal Jeevan Mission, drinking water is made available in the state at a rate of 55 liters per person per day. Action plans are being formed for all the districts and work is being completed at a rapid pace

IIT Indore Students Awarded with Global Best M-GOV Awards by Egyptian President.

The”>Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore Students won AED 1 million by winning the gold medal at the World Government Summit in Dubai. Niyati Totala and Neel Kalpeshkumar Parikh of The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore, were awarded the prestigious medal by Egyptian President Abel Fattah Al-Sisi.

The IIT students were the creators of the Blockbill app. Blockbill is a blockchain-based receipt generation app that generates digital receipts for all of its users transactions.

This app solves multiple problems, which aids the transition away from the production of thermal papers for printing receipts.

Shri Parshottam Rupala launches Sagar Parikrama Phase-III from Hazira Port in Gujarat

Shri Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of , Animal Husbandry and Dairying, starts the Sagar Parikrama Phase-III from Hazira Port, Gujarat, and proceeds towards the coastal line of Maharashtra at Satpati, Vasai, Versova, and Parikrama will end at Sasson Dock, Mumbai.

The Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India, and National Fisheries Development Board, along with the Department of Fisheries, Government of Gujarat, Commissioner of Fisheries, Government of Maharashtra, INDIAN COAST GUARD, Fishery Survey of India, Gujarat Maritime Board, and fishermen representatives, takes part in the event. Shri Jatindra Nath Swain, Secretary, Fisheries, Government of India; and senior officials of the Department of Fisheries, Govt of India, National Fisheries Development Board, Fishery Survey of India, and Indian Coast Guard grace the occasion. The journey is accompanied by the State Fisheries officials, Fishermen representatives, Fish-Farmers, entrepreneurs, stakeholders, professionals, officials, and Scientists from across the nation.

The main objectives of Sagar Parikrama are (i) to facilitate interaction with fishermen, coastal communities and stakeholders so as to disseminate information of various fisheries related schemes and programs being implemented by the Government; (ii) demonstrating solidarity with all fisher folk, fish farmers and concerned stakeholder as a spirit of Aatmanirbhar Bharat; (iii) to promote responsible fisheries with focus on sustainable balance between the utilization of marine fisheries Resources for Food Security of nation and livelihoods of coastal fisher communities and (iv) protection of marine Ecosystems.