WB approves fiscal outlay for Shimla water, sewerage work

Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today said the (WB) had approved the negotiation package of a financial outlay of Rs 1,825 crore ($250 million) for the Water Supply and Sewerage Services Delivery Programme for improving water supply in the Greater Shimla area.

Out of Rs 1,825 crore, the World Bank will provide a financial assistance of Rs 1,168 crore and the remaining Rs 657 crore will be borne by the Himachal Pradesh Government, he said.

Thakur said the project would ensure round-the-clock water supply in the Shimla Municipal Corporation areas, besides strengthening sewerage facilities.

Under the project, Shimla water supply from the Sutlej will be augmented with additional 67 MLD to meet the demand up to 2050, he added.

He said bulk water supply to Shimla peri-urban areas would also be ensured to meet the demand in Kufri, Shoghi and Ghanahatti, which fall under the Special Area Development Authority and additional planning areas, up to 2050.

The project will be completed by 2026. The agreement between the WB, Department of Economic Affairs, Centre and the state Urban Development Department will be signed soon.

Enthused by the good public response the Atal Utkrishta Vidhyalayas (AUV) are evoking, the education department has now decided to open 135 more such schools in the state. In the first phase a total of 189 AUV were opened in different parts of the state.

Informing about the decision of the government, the Education minister Arvind Pandey said that 135 schools in different parts of the state which conform to the norms of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) would be converted to AUV in the second phase.

He claimed that the department had to put a board of no entry in many AUV which was a pleasant surprise. The minister further claimed that the number of students in the government schools of the state increased by 56,172 this year which is a big achievement considering the trend of the last many years where the number of students was decreasing every year. The AUVs are English medium schools having the affiliation of CBSE.

The minister said that there are many examples where people have returned back to their villages after the AUV was opened near their vicinity. The parents want their children to study in a CBSE English medium school and the AUVs with their and other facilities are fitting their requirement. In a way these schools are promoting reverse Migration.

Uttar Pradesh govts insurance scheme to help 4.5 crore registered workers

Months ahead of the 2022 Assembly polls, the has launched an Insurance scheme for registered workers in the unorganised sector.

The scheme will benefit a massive 4.5 crore people, or 21% of UPs Population. Registered workers will also be eligible for cashless, free medical treatment of up to Rs 5 lakh under the CM Jan Aarogya Scheme.

The CMs Disaster Insurance Scheme is meant only for registered workers though sources said

that the government will now embark on a major drive to register all workers in unorganised sector.

The full amount will be paid in case of death, complete disability, or loss of two limbs. In case of loss of one limb or an eye, 50% of the amount will be paid. If permanent disability is over 50% but less than 100%, then 50% of the amount will be given but if disability is 25%-50%, then 25% of the amount will be given.

The State Election Commission has completed the process of formation of booths for the Panchayat elections. A total of 53,480 booths have been set up in the State, for about 2.35 crore voters who are going to exercise their franchise. Per booth around 500 people will exercise their franchise. The voters include 1.21 crore males and 1.13 crore females.

Maximum number of 4,460 booths has been set up in Giridih district. At the same time, 3,631 booths have been made in Ranchi, 3,305 in Palamu, 3,078 in Hazaribagh and 990 in Khunti. The lowest 803 booths are in Lohardaga district. The number of booths in the remaining districts is between one and three thousand.

More than one lakh ballot boxes will be used in Panchayat . There are already 52 thousand ballot boxes available in the state. The State Election Commission has ordered 50,000 ballot boxes from Uttar Pradesh. Ballot boxes have been sent to various districts. At the same time, instructions have been given to complete the preparations for the Panchayat elections at the district level as well.

Panchayat elections in the state can be announced as soon as the festive season is over. The State Government is also keeping a close watch on the status of Covid infection. In the next meeting of the cabinet also, it is possible to decide on holding elections after consideration. However, the sources so far deny the preparation of any proposal related to holding Panchayat elections.

The three-tier panchayat elections in Jharkhand will be held in four phases in the month of December. Its preparation has been completed. A proposal regarding this will be brought in the next meeting of the State Council of Ministers. After this the election will be announced after the approval of the Governor. The state government wants to conduct panchayat elections in the state before the completion of two years of government formation on December 29. According to sources in the Panchayati Raj Department, it has been almost agreed to conduct elections in four phases in the state from December 11 to December 20.

Venkaiah Naidu calls for promotion of agro-based industries

Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu on Sunday exhorted the students, who have passed out from Dr Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture University (DRPCAU), to strive and excel in their chosen domains and contribute to the Growth of the country.

Naidu said it was a pleasure for him to be part of the convocation in the historically important land of Champaran where Mahatma Gandhi had experimented his first satyagrah in support of poor farmers in 1917.

Piprakothi has become Home to multiple farmer-centric institutes, such as Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay and Forestry College and the Centre of Excellence in Embryo Transfer Technology.

Chhattisgarhs Sufi singer and music composer Madan Singh Chouhan on Monday received Padma Shri from President Ram Nath Kovind at a function in New Delhi.

Chouhan was selected for the award for 2020 for his contribution in the field of art.

Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel congratulated Chouhan for getting the award and for bringing laurels to Chhattisgarh.

Chouhan has devoted his entire life in the field of music and his achievement has brought glory to the state, Baghel said.

https://exam.pscnotes.com/padma-Awards“>Padma Awards, instituted in 1954, are awarded in various fields including arts, Education, Industry, literature, science, Sports, medicine, social service and public affairs.

Smokeless tobacco causes 50% oral cancers: Experts

Smokeless tobaccois a major cause of concern as 50% of the oral cancers are linked to it, warned experts.

needs to develop specific policies to control tobacco epidemic. A consultation-cum-orientation program on smokeless tobacco and other issues was organized by Madhya Pradesh Voluntary Health Association with the support of International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Diseases recently.

Madhya Pradesh was the first state which prohibited the manufacture and sale of Gutkha in the year 2012. He cited that Clause 2.3.4 of the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulation prohibits the use of tobacco and nicotine as ingredients in any food product.

According to Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS-2016-17).In Madhya Pradesh 28.1% of all adults (38.7% of men and 16.8% of Women) (15 years and above) use smokeless tobacco. Gutka and Khaini are the most commonly used form of SLT products.

Gujarat govt to stop allotting city space for polluting units

For the first time, a thorough guideline to strike off provisions for chemical Plants in development plans and town planning schemes of eight municipal corporations and 156 nagarpalikas will be released by the state urban development department, a few weeks after Diwali.

The state’s urban development department has already requested from the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) a list of chemical unit types, to be included in the new upcoming guidelines. These units should be producing hazardous chemicals, disposing of toxic waste, or having chimneys that vent dangerous industrial gases. Back in July last year, the Vijay Rupani government had initiated discussions in this direction.

Incentives in terms of taxes and exemptions will be provided to existing industries to shift to new designated locations outside the city. New development plans and TP schemes will ensure that no listed hazardous or units that can potentially pollute or violate provisions of Water Act, 1974; Air Act, 1981 and the https://exam.pscnotes.com/Environment-protection-act-1986″>Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 be present within the city.

After two years, the sand dunes ofPushkarwill again resonate with grunts of camels and other cattle. But this time, there will be noforeign touriststo enjoy theinternational cattle fairwhich begins on Monday. More than 415 cattle, including 235 camels, will take part.

The has permitted to conductcattle fairwith some instructions. The cattle fair was cancelled in 2019 and 2020 due to Covid.

Meanwhile, farmers from Nagaur, Barmer, Bikaner and other places have arrived. Most of them want to sell their cattle.

Pakal Dul Hydro Electric Project Inaugurated In J&K

:In J&K, the “Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project” was inaugurated by the Union Power Minister.


Pakal Dul HE Project (1,000 MW) is being built by Chenab Valley Power Projects Pvt Limited (CVPPPL) and Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation in Kishtwar, J&K.

Union Power Minister R K Singh virtually inaugurated the diversion of the Marusudar River of Pakal Dul HE Project in Kishtwar, J&K.

The Chenab River is fed by the Marusudar River, which is a major tributary.

“Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project”

The Pakal Dul HE Project has a capacity of 1000 MW. Chenab Valley Power Projects [P] Ltd is constructing it.

JKSPDC (Govt of J&K) and NHPC Ltd have formed a joint venture business (Govt of India Enterprise).

The mentorship programme was launched for Young Innovators for marking 75th Year of Indias independence.

This mentorship programme will help in promoting scientific temper among masses, by strengthening scientific research & innovation efforts in India.

The programme is a pan India Scheme, which envisages Star College in every district supported by Department of Biotechnology (DBT).

This programme will help towards the concept of networking, outreach and hand holding. It seeks to organize workshops, handhold at colleges particularly in rural areas, meetings per month and conduct outreach activities in government schools. These activities will enable new colleges that have started their journey under the scheme to come up in line with the mandate of Star college scheme.