Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that the government was planning to introduce new technical courses in educational institutions to enhance EMPLOYMENT and self-employment opportunities for the youth. He presided over a function of the Hamirpur Students Union here.
Sukhu said that courses such Robotics, cyber security, cloud computing, data analytics, (AI) and machine Learning could provide better employment opportunities to the youth.
He said that to provide quality Education in rural areas, one Rajiv Gandhi Day Boarding School was being established in every Assembly constituency. The State Government has made a provision of Rs 300 crore for this ambitious scheme. Additionally, to ensure that poor students are not deprived of higher education, they will be provided loans at one per cent interest rate, he added.
Sukhu said that the government was making all efforts to provide quality higher education to students. Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) has been given an additional grant of Rs 50 crore for the purpose, he added.