Himachal 9th in smart policing survey

Ranked first among the northern states, the Himachal Pradesh Police have secured the 9th place in the country in Smart Policing Survey- 2021, conducted by the Indian Police Foundation (IPF) on the index of public perceptions and citizen satisfaction. The north India region includes J&K, Ladakh, Punjab, Chandigarh, Har-

yana, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.

The state stood 9th among 29 states and Union Territories (UT) with 6.91 points out of 10. The Consolidated Smart Policing Index (CSPI) for each state/UT is based on their aggregate scores in six competence-based indices, three values-based indices and thrust on index of citizens trust in the police.

Himachal was better placed on value-based parameters and ranked 8th in fair, unbiased and lawful policing, with a score of 6.79, 9th in Integrity and Corruption-free service (6.60 points), 8th in public trust (7.17 points) and 10th in accountability (6.71 points).

The quality of policing was the highest in Andhra Pradesh, , Assam, Kerala, Sikkim, Mizoram and Gujarat, with an index value of seven and above. As many as 19 states/UTs, including Himachal, scored an index value between six and seven, while three states scored between five and six.

Himachal ranked 12th in perception score of police sensitivity (6.94) and 8th in strictness and good behaviour (6.98), better than the national Average. Further, the state ranked 10th in accessibility with a score of 7.11 and was placed seventh in responsiveness, with 7.20 points on a scale of 1-10. The state ranked 11th, with 6.85 points, in helpful and friendly policing, but was down at the 14th spot in technology adoption, with a score of 6.75.