Constitution did not envision uniformity: IUML to law panel

IUMLhas written to 22nd Law Commissions chairman expressing its opposition to implementingUniform Civil Code(UCC) and said that the Constitution didn’t envision uniformity.

In the letter, party national general secretary PK Kunhalikutty said compromising diversity for uniformity will hamper the territorial Integrity of India as rightly observed in the consultation paper issued by the 21st Law Commission.

IUML said the preservation of India’s composite culture, which encompasses myriad traditions, customs, practices, languages and beliefs, is sacrosanct to the Constitutional duty of preserving the unity and integrity of India.

It said that the freedom of conscience guaranteed under Article 25, the guaranteed under Article 29(1), the special provisions enshrined in Part XVI for the protection of SCs, the special protection guaranteed to Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Sikkim, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh and the provisions in Article 244 and Schedule VI for the enactment of special laws for the administration of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram are a testament to the Constitution’s recognition of the need for preservation of diversity.