Detailed SolutionThe concept of sustainable development relates to:
World geography
Intergenerational Equity.
Intrageneration Equity
Extrageneration Equity
All of the above
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
112. The snow line on the northern side of greater Himalayas range about
4,500 to 6,000 metres
5,500 to 6,000 metres
3,500 to 6,000 metres
None of the above
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
Detailed SolutionThe snow line on the northern side of greater Himalayas range about
113. The least explosive type of volcano is called
Basalt plateau
Cinder cone
Shield volcanoes
Composite volcanoes
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
Detailed SolutionThe least explosive type of volcano is called
114. The Ice age ended about ____ years ago.
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
115. The phosphate are a group of minerals of one or more metallic elements chemically associated with the phosphate compound ____
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
116. The plants grown in equatorial regions include
wheat, barley, maize
evergreen dense forests, rubber trees, groundnuts
groundnuts, soyabeens, potatoes
evergreen coniferous forests, oats, cocoa
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
Detailed SolutionThe plants grown in equatorial regions include
117. The mountains which come into being after the continental drift started, with the break up of the large land mass of pangola are
young mountains
old mountains
volcanic mountains
fold mountains
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
118. The smallest country of the world is
Vatican city
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
119. The percentage of the incident radiation reflected back to space is called
planet's albedo
earth's albedo
both are similar terms
None of the above
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
Detailed SolutionThe percentage of the incident radiation reflected back to space is called
120. The main producers of free gas are
the south Bassein and Tapti fields in the western offshore
the gas fields in Tripura and Andhra Pradesh (KG Basin)
both (a) and (b)
None of the above
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!