1. The Plio-Pleistocene boundary lies about ____ years ago, at the beginning of the interval of warming after the last Pleistocene glaciations.


Detailed SolutionThe Plio-Pleistocene boundary lies about ____ years ago, at the beginning of the interval of warming after the last Pleistocene glaciations.

2. The underlying cause of bio diversity loss is

poverty and unsustainable development projects
macroeconomic policies
international trade factors
All of the above

Detailed SolutionThe underlying cause of bio diversity loss is

3. The radiation belts are zones in space around the

Jupiter and Saturn
Earth, Jupiter and Saturn

Detailed SolutionThe radiation belts are zones in space around the

4. The troughs of the waves are where the jet stream of waves is closest to the

Prime meridian
None of the above

Detailed SolutionThe troughs of the waves are where the jet stream of waves is closest to the

5. The temperature needed to keep the earth’s surface and the atmosphere in thermal equilibrium is called

the surface temperature
equilibrium temperature
the mean global surface temperature
global temperature

Detailed SolutionThe temperature needed to keep the earth’s surface and the atmosphere in thermal equilibrium is called

6. The metamorphism which involves the chemical replacement of elements in rock minerals when gases and liquids permute into bedrock is called

metasomatic metamorphism
dynamic metamorphism
thermal metamorphism
contact metamorphism

Detailed SolutionThe metamorphism which involves the chemical replacement of elements in rock minerals when gases and liquids permute into bedrock is called

7. India’s major contacts with out-side world for the last two millennia have been by sea there-by earning the title for India:

The Mistress of the Eastern Seas
The Mistress of the Western Seas
The Mistress of the Southern Seas
The Mistress of the Northern Seas

Detailed SolutionIndia’s major contacts with out-side world for the last two millennia have been by sea there-by earning the title for India:

8. The mean basin area of successive ordered streams formed a linear relationship when graphed. This statement is given by

morph metric analysis
law of drainage composition
law of basin areas
None of the above

Detailed SolutionThe mean basin area of successive ordered streams formed a linear relationship when graphed. This statement is given by

9. The south temperature zone is a region lying between

the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic circle
the Antarctic circle and the South pole
the Tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn
the Tropic of Capricorn and the equator

Detailed SolutionThe south temperature zone is a region lying between

10. The longest epoch of the tertiary period is


Detailed SolutionThe longest epoch of the tertiary period is