11. The present annual examination system:

Promotes rote learning
Does not promote good study habits
Does not encourage students to be regular in class
All of the above

Detailed SolutionThe present annual examination system:

12. Which form of research is concerned with describing, explaining and predicting natural phenomena and relies only on experience and observation?

Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Applied research
Fundamental research

Detailed SolutionWhich form of research is concerned with describing, explaining and predicting natural phenomena and relies only on experience and observation?

13. Catharsis means discharge of emotions. A teacher can let off pent up energy of his disciple through

Mock- parliament
Celebration of festivals
All of these

Detailed SolutionCatharsis means discharge of emotions. A teacher can let off pent up energy of his disciple through

14. If in a research independent variables cannot be manipulated then it is known as

Experimental research
Non-experimental research
Pure or fundamental research
Exploratory research

Detailed SolutionIf in a research independent variables cannot be manipulated then it is known as

15. Good ‘research ethics’ means

Not disclosing the holdings of shares/stocks in a company that sponsors your research
Assigning a particular research problem to one PH.D./research student only
Discussing with your colleagues confidential data from a research paper that you are reviewing for an?academic journal
Submitting the same research manuscript for publishing in more than one journal

Detailed SolutionGood ‘research ethics’ means

16. The criteria for grading should be

The material is covered in an accurate manner
The writing communicates clearly and effectively
Is there any originality in the submitted work
All of these

Detailed SolutionThe criteria for grading should be

17. The final result of a study will be more accurate if the sample drawn is

Taken randomly
Fixed by quota
Representative to the population

Detailed SolutionThe final result of a study will be more accurate if the sample drawn is

18. How will you demonstrate your impartial behaviour?

By maintaining high self-esteem and egoistic behaviour
By making own behaviour more balanced and fair
By assaulting a teacher
By criticizing the teacher community

Detailed SolutionHow will you demonstrate your impartial behaviour?

19. Which of the following is true about modern annual examination system?

It encourages attaining knowledge by cramming
It doesn't encourage the habit of regular study
It doesn't encourage students to attain their classes regularly
All of these

Detailed SolutionWhich of the following is true about modern annual examination system?

20. Which is the source of primary data?


Detailed SolutionWhich is the source of primary data?