1. A pony motor is basically a

small induction motor
series motor C.
double winding A.C./D.C. motor

Detailed SolutionA pony motor is basically a

2. If the field circuit of an unloaded salientpole synchronous motor gets suddenly open-circuited, then

it runs at a slower speed
the motor stops
it continues to run at the same speed
it runs at a very high speed

Detailed SolutionIf the field circuit of an unloaded salientpole synchronous motor gets suddenly open-circuited, then

3. Under which of the following conditions hunting of synchronous motor is likely to occur ?

Periodic variation of load
Over-loading for long periods
Small and constant load

Detailed SolutionUnder which of the following conditions hunting of synchronous motor is likely to occur ?

4. Which of the following motors will be used in electric clocks ?

D.C. shunt motor
shunt motor B.
A.C. synchronous motor

Detailed SolutionWhich of the following motors will be used in electric clocks ?

5. A synchronous motor connected to infinite bus-bars has at constant full load, 100% excitation and unity power factor. On changing the excitation only, the armature current will have

no change of power factor
lagging power factor with over-excitation
leading power factor with under-excitation
leading power factor with over-excitation

Detailed SolutionA synchronous motor connected to infinite bus-bars has at constant full load, 100% excitation and unity power factor. On changing the excitation only, the armature current will have

6. The maximum power developed in a synchronous motor will depend on

the rotor excitation only
the supply voltage only
the rotor excitation and supply volt-age both
the rotor excitation, supply voltage and maximum value of coupling angle (90°)

Detailed SolutionThe maximum power developed in a synchronous motor will depend on

7. In a synchronous motor, the damping winding is generally used to

prevent hunting and provide the starting torque
reduce the eddy currents
provide starting torque only
reduce noise level

Detailed SolutionIn a synchronous motor, the damping winding is generally used to

8. If in a synchronous motor, driving mechanical load and drawing current at lagging power factor from constant voltage supply, its field excitation is increased, then its power factor

become more
become less
remain constant
none of the above

Detailed SolutionIf in a synchronous motor, driving mechanical load and drawing current at lagging power factor from constant voltage supply, its field excitation is increased, then its power factor

9. In case one phase of a three-phase synchronous motor is short-circuited the motor will

Not start
Run at $$ rac{2}{3}$$ of synchronous speed
Run with excessive vibrations
Take less than the rated load

Detailed SolutionIn case one phase of a three-phase synchronous motor is short-circuited the motor will

10. A synchronous motor is running with normal excitation. When the load is increased, the armature current drawn by it increases because

Speed of the motor is reduced
Power factor is decreased
Eb (back e.m.f.) becomes less than V (applied voltage)
Er (net resultant voltage) in armature is increased

Detailed SolutionA synchronous motor is running with normal excitation. When the load is increased, the armature current drawn by it increases because