Detailed SolutionWhich sector is allocated the largest share in Odisha’s current annual budget?
Odisha GK MCQ
Social welfare
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
42. Which agro-climatic zone in Odisha receives the highest average annual rainfall?
North Eastern Coastal Plain
East and South Eastern Coastal Plain
North Central Plateau
Western Undulating Plateau
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Answer is Wrong!
Detailed SolutionWhich agro-climatic zone in Odisha receives the highest average annual rainfall?
43. The traditional practice of transhumance (livestock migration) is mainly seen in which region of Odisha?
Eastern Ghats
Western Uplands
Coastal Plains
Northern Plateau
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
44. A practice that can promote sustainable mining in Odisha is: *
Reclamation of mined areas
Use of renewable energy sources
Community participation in decision-making
All of the above
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
Detailed SolutionA practice that can promote sustainable mining in Odisha is: *
45. A traditional dance form of Odisha is: *
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
46. The National Food Security Act (NFS
was implemented in Odisha in the year: a) 2013
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
47. A dynasty with origins in South India that ruled Odisha for a brief period was the: *
Chola Dynasty
Chalukya Dynasty
Pallava Dynasty
Rashtrakuta Dynasty
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
48. The Forest Rights Act (2006) recognizes the rights of tribal communities to: *
Access and use forest resources
Participate in forest governance
Habitat rights
All of the above
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Answer is Wrong!
Detailed SolutionThe Forest Rights Act (2006) recognizes the rights of tribal communities to: *
49. The ‘Mo Sarkar’ initiative in Odisha aims to improve:
Governance and service delivery
Revenue collection
Public infrastructure
Law and order
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
Detailed SolutionThe ‘Mo Sarkar’ initiative in Odisha aims to improve:
50. A government program promoting energy efficiency in industries in Odisha is the: *
Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme
Standards & Labeling Program
Energy Conservation Building Code
Bachat Lamp Yojana
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
Detailed SolutionA government program promoting energy efficiency in industries in Odisha is the: *