11. The Silent Valley Movement was a successful campaign to protect:

Sacred groves
Rainforest ecosystem
Coastal wetlands
Tea estates

Detailed SolutionThe Silent Valley Movement was a successful campaign to protect:

12. Public transportation in Kerala is generally considered to be:

All of the above Answer: a

Detailed SolutionPublic transportation in Kerala is generally considered to be:

13. Which district in Kerala has the highest concentration of ST population?

Kannur Answer: b

Detailed SolutionWhich district in Kerala has the highest concentration of ST population?

14. Businesses use Census data for:

Market research
Understanding consumer demographics
Locational decisions
All of the above

Detailed SolutionBusinesses use Census data for:

15. Which organization is responsible for issuing cyclone warnings in India?

Geological Survey of India (GSI)
Forest Department
Central Water Commission (CWC)
India Meteorological Department (IMD) Answer: d

Detailed SolutionWhich organization is responsible for issuing cyclone warnings in India?

16. Marthanda Varma is known for:

Modernizing the Travancore army
Defeating the Dutch
Patronage of arts and culture
All of the above Answer: d

Detailed SolutionMarthanda Varma is known for:

17. The ancient port city of Muziris was located in which modern-day district?


Detailed SolutionThe ancient port city of Muziris was located in which modern-day district?

18. Kerala’s traditional rice varieties are known for their:

High yield
Pest resistance
Medicinal properties
Drought tolerance Answer: c

Detailed SolutionKerala’s traditional rice varieties are known for their:

19. Migrant workers in Kerala often face challenges such as:

Low wages
Poor living conditions
All of the above Answer: d

Detailed SolutionMigrant workers in Kerala often face challenges such as:

20. Which social reformer led struggles against feudal exploitation and for tenant rights?

E.M.S. Namboodiripad
K.P.R. Gopalan
A.K. Gopalan

Detailed SolutionWhich social reformer led struggles against feudal exploitation and for tenant rights?