1. 1 volt/meter is same as

1 meter/coulomb
1 newton/meter
1 newton/coulomb
1 joule/coulomb

Detailed Solution1 volt/meter is same as

2. The sparking between two electrical contacts can be reduced by inserting a

capacitor in parallel with contacts
capacitor in series with each contact
resistance in line
none of the above

Detailed SolutionThe sparking between two electrical contacts can be reduced by inserting a

3. Dielectric strength of a medium is usually expressed in


Detailed SolutionDielectric strength of a medium is usually expressed in

4. Which of the following material has least value of dielectric constant ?


Detailed SolutionWhich of the following material has least value of dielectric constant ?

5. Three capacitors each of the capacity C are given. The resultant capacity 2/3 C can be obtained by using them

all in series
all in parallel
two in parallel and third in series with this combination
two in series and third in parallel across this combination

Detailed SolutionThree capacitors each of the capacity C are given. The resultant capacity 2/3 C can be obtained by using them

6. If a third equal and similar charge is placed between two equal and similar charges, then this third charge will

move out of the field of influence of the two charges
remain in stable equilibrium
not be in equilibrium
be in unstable equilibrium

Detailed SolutionIf a third equal and similar charge is placed between two equal and similar charges, then this third charge will