11. Some modern Madhubani artists have started painting on:

Canvas and paper
Wooden boxes

Detailed SolutionSome modern Madhubani artists have started painting on:

12. Initiatives to promote energy efficiency in Bihar aim to:

Reduce energy consumption
Lower electricity bills
Reduce environmental impact
All of the above

Detailed SolutionInitiatives to promote energy efficiency in Bihar aim to:

13. Black soils, also known as ‘Regur’ soils, are found in limited areas of Bihar and are suitable for the cultivation of:


Detailed SolutionBlack soils, also known as ‘Regur’ soils, are found in limited areas of Bihar and are suitable for the cultivation of:

14. Swami Sahajanand Saraswati was a prominent leader associated with:

Peasant movements
Labor unions
Religious reform
Freedom struggle

Detailed SolutionSwami Sahajanand Saraswati was a prominent leader associated with:

15. The Department of Fisheries in Bihar promotes sustainable fishing and aquaculture through:

Providing subsidies for fishing gear
Stocking of fish in water bodies
Training and capacity building of fisherfolk
All of the above

Detailed SolutionThe Department of Fisheries in Bihar promotes sustainable fishing and aquaculture through:

16. Promoting off-grid renewable energy solutions in rural areas of Bihar can:

Address power shortages
Create local jobs
Reduce dependence on the main grid
All of the above

Detailed SolutionPromoting off-grid renewable energy solutions in rural areas of Bihar can:

17. Mining can cause environmental problems in Bihar such as:

Water pollution
Air pollution
All of the above

Detailed SolutionMining can cause environmental problems in Bihar such as:

18. Factors contributing to Bihar’s high flood risk include:

Heavy monsoon rainfall
Terrain and topography
Deforestation in catchment areas
All of the above

Detailed SolutionFactors contributing to Bihar’s high flood risk include:

19. Which feudatory state was known for its association with the poet Vidyapati?


Detailed SolutionWhich feudatory state was known for its association with the poet Vidyapati?

20. Which Sufi saint had a significant following in medieval Bihar?

Makhdum Yahya Maneri
Sheikh Salim Chisti
Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti
Nizamuddin Auliya

Detailed SolutionWhich Sufi saint had a significant following in medieval Bihar?