21. Select the incorrect statement (s) about Bhakti Saint Ramananda. I. He advocated prabattimarga or path of self-surrender to God. II. He propagated ‘Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma’.

Only I
Only II
Both I & II
Neither I nor II

Detailed SolutionSelect the incorrect statement (s) about Bhakti Saint Ramananda. I. He advocated prabattimarga or path of self-surrender to God. II. He propagated ‘Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma’.

22. Which of the following causes Bhakti Movement in India?

Caste Division
All of the above

Detailed SolutionWhich of the following causes Bhakti Movement in India?

23. Which of the following aspects of Bhakti Movement was common with Sufism?

Monotheism or belief in one God
Equality and brotherhood of man
Rejection of rituals and class Division
All of the Above

Detailed SolutionWhich of the following aspects of Bhakti Movement was common with Sufism?

24. Who among the following was born into a Rathore royal family of Kudki district of Pali, Rajasthan and was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna?


Detailed SolutionWho among the following was born into a Rathore royal family of Kudki district of Pali, Rajasthan and was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna?

25. Vishvambhara Mishra was the original name of

Guru Nanak
Chaitanya Maha Prabhu

Detailed SolutionVishvambhara Mishra was the original name of

26. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the features of Bhakti Movement? I. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. II. Rejection of idol worship by many saints.

I only
II only
Both I and II
Neither I nor II

Detailed SolutionWhich of the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the features of Bhakti Movement? I. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. II. Rejection of idol worship by many saints.

27. The Saivaite Nayanmars and Vashanavaite Alwar preached the Bhakti Cult under which of the following rulers?

Pallavas, Pandyas and Cholas
Pallavas, Cheras and Rashtrakutas
Pallavas, Vijaynagar and Bahmani Kingdoms
Cheras & Pandavas

Detailed SolutionThe Saivaite Nayanmars and Vashanavaite Alwar preached the Bhakti Cult under which of the following rulers?

28. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the women devotees of the period? I. Karaikkal Ammaiyar, a devotee of Shiva, adopted the path of extreme asceticism in order to attain her goal. II. Andal and Karaikkal Ammaiyar renounced their social obligations, but did not join an alternative order or become nuns.

Only I
Only II
Both I & II
none of the above

Detailed SolutionWhich of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the women devotees of the period? I. Karaikkal Ammaiyar, a devotee of Shiva, adopted the path of extreme asceticism in order to attain her goal. II. Andal and Karaikkal Ammaiyar renounced their social obligations, but did not join an alternative order or become nuns.

29. Which of the following Bhakti saint of Maharashtra responsible for creating a background for Maratha nationalism and also opposed all social distinctions?


Detailed SolutionWhich of the following Bhakti saint of Maharashtra responsible for creating a background for Maratha nationalism and also opposed all social distinctions?

30. Consider the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the impact of Bhakti Movement? I. Bhakti Movement resulted in a surge in Hindu literature in regional / vernacular languages mainly in the form of devotional poems and music. II. Bhakti Movement resulted in a surge in Buddhist text in regional / vernacular languages mainly in the form of devotional poems and music.

Only I
Only II
Both I & II
Neither I nor II

Detailed SolutionConsider the following statement (s) is/are correct related to the impact of Bhakti Movement? I. Bhakti Movement resulted in a surge in Hindu literature in regional / vernacular languages mainly in the form of devotional poems and music. II. Bhakti Movement resulted in a surge in Buddhist text in regional / vernacular languages mainly in the form of devotional poems and music.