21. Which type of power plant uses coal as its primary fuel source?

Hydropower plant
Solar power plant
Thermal power plant
Nuclear power plant

Detailed SolutionWhich type of power plant uses coal as its primary fuel source?

22. The Sattras (Vaishnavite monasteries) of Assam played a role in preserving which form of painting?

Miniature paintings
Mural paintings
Scroll paintings
Oil paintings

Detailed SolutionThe Sattras (Vaishnavite monasteries) of Assam played a role in preserving which form of painting?

23. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SS

focuses on: a) Universal elementary education
Adult literacy programs
Vocational training
Higher education

Detailed SolutionThe Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SS

24. The Supreme Court of India is the highest court of appeal and has the power of:

Judicial Review
Issuing Writs
Advisory Jurisdiction
All of the above

Detailed SolutionThe Supreme Court of India is the highest court of appeal and has the power of:

25. A significant trend observed in recent Census data for Assam is:

Increasing urbanization
Declining sex ratio
Rising literacy rates
All of the above

Detailed SolutionA significant trend observed in recent Census data for Assam is:

26. How does climate change pose a threat to Assam’s agriculture?

Increased droughts
Unpredictable rainfall patterns
Rising temperatures
All of the above

Detailed SolutionHow does climate change pose a threat to Assam’s agriculture?

27. The division of powers between the Centre and the States in India is outlined in the:

Seventh Schedule
Fundamental Rights
Directive Principles

Detailed SolutionThe division of powers between the Centre and the States in India is outlined in the:

28. The Right to Equality in the Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on the grounds of:

Religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth
Language, economic status
Political ideology

Detailed SolutionThe Right to Equality in the Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on the grounds of:

29. Assam is located in which time zone?

UTC +4:30
UTC +5:00
UTC +5:30
UTC +6:00

Detailed SolutionAssam is located in which time zone?

30. Assam has a significant population of:


Detailed SolutionAssam has a significant population of: