With 17% share, Uttar Pradesh still Indias top milk producer

Accounting for 17% share in India’s total production,Uttar Pradeshcontinues to be the largestmilkproducing state of the country. Rajasthan, with 11.5% share and Andhra Pradesh, with 9% share, are at number two and three respectively.

The production of milk in UP rose from 277 lakh metric tonnes in 2016-17 to 318 lakh metric tonnes in 2019-20, indicating an increase of 41 lakh during the period.

According to statistics put out by the , UP has produced 1,242 lakh metric tonnes of milk in the past four years. A state government spokesperson said that six big companies, including Amul, have set up their Dairy Plants in UP at a cost of Rs 172 crore in the past four years while work is underway on establishing seven others. Besides, 15 investors have offered to set up their units in the state.

The UP government is also constructing cow protection centres and a Govansh Vanya Vihar to enhance milk production in the state. The construction of 118 such centres has already been completed.