UP to generate 22,000 MW solar energy in next 5 years

With the aim to give an impetus to , the Uttar Pradesh government has approved the new Solar Energy policy that aims to generate 22,000 megawatt of solar energy within the next five years.

This includes the target of 14,000 MW by establishment of solar park, 4,500 MW from solar rooftop (residential area), 1,500 MW from solar rooftop (non-residential institution) and 2,000 MW power generation from PM Kusum Yojana components.

The new policy also talks about creation of posts called Surya Mitra, who will help in maintenance of solar Plants

The cabinet has approved (Kusum C-2) for the establishment of 2,000 MW capacity solar plants of separate agricultural feeders. Approval has been given to provide 70 per cent subsidy to Scheduled Tribe farmers and 60 per cent subsidy to other farmers and a total grant of Rs 1,000 crore in five years during the policy period, the minister said.

The cabinet has decided to provide 100 per cent exemption in stamp duty on purchase of land for solar units. In addition, all solar power generation projects are exempted from obtaining environmental clearance while grid-connected solar PV projects are exempted from obtaining no objection certificate (NOC) from Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board.

In the state, a target of 1,500 MW power generation has been set by setting up solar rooftop systems on the roofs of non-residential buildings such as government buildings and all Types of government or non-government educational institutions.

It has also been decided to provide net metering facilities on solar rooftop systems installed on the roofs of non-residential buildings of this category.

SOLAR CITY: Ayodhya city will be developed as a model solar city. Apart from this, 16 municipal corporations of the state and Noida will also be developed as solar cities.

A solar city means that a minimum of 10 per cent of the estimated total demand of conventional energy of the city is met from the solar power plants installed in the city area. For this, according to the 2011 Census of the municipal area, financial assistance will be provided by the State Government to the municipal corporations for setting up solar power plants at the rate of Rs 100 per person.

JOB CREATION: Additional manpower will be created for the maintenance of solar power plants. For this, 30,000 youths will be given training in maintenance of solar power plants and they will be named as ‘Surya Mitra’. In this way EMPLOYMENT will be created for these ‘Surya Mitras’.