There are about 12 lakh persons with disabilities in Gujarat, but only 2.47 lakh persons have the Unique Disability ID (UDID) cards. The UDID cards are mandatory for persons with disability to avail various government schemes.

Providing details of the reach of schemes meant for those with disabilities, development worker Deepa Sonpal, said that according to official figures, 2,47,174 persons with disabilities in Gujarat have received the UDID cards. However the number of persons with disabilities in Gujarat is pegged to be around 12 lakh, she said.

Activists and development workers participated in a virtual meeting on the occasion of international day for persons with disabilities. The meeting discussed issues concerning rights of persons with disabilities and the use of the Right To Information Act.

The government spends a lot of on schemes for disabled persons,but it is necessary to ensure that the right persons avail of these benefits.