Rajasthan: Rs 1.5 crore CSR fund for hospital to build oxygen generation unit

Having caught off guard in the face of anoxygen crisis, the district is witnessing unprecedented action on establishment ofnew Oxygen generation Plants.

While theSN Medical Collegeadministration has pushed for setting up an oxygen generation plant, one of the three stalled since six months, a financial aid has come from Union minister Gajendra Singh Shekhwat for the one atMG Hospital.

But all these efforts are falling way short of the requirement. Government hospitals, however, have been receiving oxygen from these tankers, but condition at private hospitals is worse, who have been constantly referring patients requiring oxygen to the government hospitals in critical condition.

Gk bit : Difference between Chaff and Flares:

Both chaff & flares are defensive countermeasures deployed by using navy aircraft. The cause is to confuse radar-guided or infrared-guided anti-plane missiles fired so that they may want to be diverted.

The Chaff is composed of many small aluminium or zinc lined fibres saved on-board the plane in tubes. In case the plane feels threatened by means of any radar monitoring missiles, chaff is ejected into the turbulent wake of air at the back of the plane.

Flares on being fired grant an alternate strong IR (Infrared) source to heat-seeking anti-air missiles. Thus they are lured away from the aircraft.