Mizoram, Haryana & Uttarakhand among fast movers in SDG Index

Rated as one of the three fast moving states with the highest gains by 12 points in development scores from 56 in 2019,Mizorams journey towards delivering onsustainable goalsas assessed by theSDGIndex 2020-21 clearly reflects steps taken to achieve a moresustainableand energy efficient way of life.

Haryanawith a 10 point improvement from 57 to 67 andUttarakhandthat moved up 8 points from 64 to 72 have also been classified as fast moving states, based on initiatives to do better across goals. In both these states, steps towards sustainable cities have evidently contributed to their scores. Also all three states have been rated as achievers under affordable and clean energy with a 100% score for electrification of households and access to gas connections – LPG and PNG.

The SDG Index released byNiti Aayogcategorises performance based on indicators over a score that ranges from aspirants at the bottom with a score of 0-49 followed by performers (50-64), front runners (65-99) and achiever (100).

The performance chart also shows that all wards in the hill state have 100% door-to- door waste collection (up from 95.14% in 2019). However, individual household toilets constructed against the target declined from 90.27% to 75%. Also installed sewage treatment capacity to sewage generated declined from 31% to 26.88%.

Assam: UNDP thumbs up for Goalparas online rural market

A United Nations Development Program (UNDP), India report has recommended GoalMart, an E-Commerce initiative inAssams Goalpara district, for countries where regional disparities in the development status persist.

The report, which was handed over by UNDP India resident representative, Shoko Noda, to vice-chairman,Rajiv Kumar, and CEO Amitabh Kant on Friday, captures the progress of the Aspirational Districts Programme launched in 2018.

GoalMart has been an initiative of the Assam State Rural Livelihood Mission (ASRLM) and District Administration to promote rural, ethnic and agrarian products of the district in national and global markets. Known for its farm fresh organic agro products, rice and leafy vegetables, the portal was helpful during the pandemic for the procurement of household produce.

Inhabited mostly by tribals and minority communities, Goalpara is one of the seven aspirational districts of the state. Prime MinisterNarendra Modiand chief ministerHimanta Biswa Sarmalauded the best practices of the aspirational districts that have been selected in the UNDP report.

Odisha seeks GST waiver on consumables

The state demanded the reduction of tax rates for items required for Covid management, such asvaccines, at the 43rdGST councilmeeting headed by Union finance ministerNirmala Sitharamanthrough video-conference.

Representing the state, finance ministerNiranjan Pujarisaid the reduction ofGSTon Vaccines and other consumables would ease the burden on common people and also on the states procuring these to deal with the unprecedented healthcare crisis.

As chief ministerNaveen Patnaikhas already sought the intervention of the Union finance minister for the exemption of GST on the purchase of Covid-19 vaccines by the states, Pujari demanded that the GST council should consider the matter on priority in view of the urgency.
Raising the issue of GST compensation to the states, theOdishafinance minister demanded that the system introduced by theCentreshould continue in this financial year as well and the states be compensated accordingly.

During the 2020-21 financial year, the Centre had zeroed in on a formula to compensate the states for the loss of revenue owing to implementation of the GST. As the collection of GST had reduced significantly owing to the lockdown, the Centre had raised a certain amount through borrowing and passed it to the states as compensation. The amount will be repaid out of the GST cess receipt collected by the Centre later.

Tamil Nadu forms panel to study poor enrolment of govt school students in professional courses

Naduchief ministerM K Stalinon Tuesday formed a commission headed by former chief Justice of the Delhi High Court JusticeD Murugesanto study the poor enrolment ofgovernment school studentsin professional courses like engineering and Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture.

The State Government introduced 7.5% special reservation for government school students in medical admissions last year.

Citing the admission data of government colleges, universities and top private colleges, the government received petitions from various quarters stating that fewer students from government schools are entering into these institutions to study professional courses such as engineering, agriculture, veterinary, Fisheries and law.

Soon, internet connectivity for all students in state, says Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan

Chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan has promised of concrete steps to ensure Internet connectivity to all students in the state. He said a time-bound programme would be rolled out soon to meet the target.

Internet connectivity is one of the major hurdles for students at interior locations and hilly areas to access online and digital classes.

According to the statistics with the government, at least 20,493 students belonging to the schedule tribe category are unable to access online classes for want of internet facilities. There are 86,423 ST students in the state.

Karnataka: Edu dept releases road map for new year; plan based on gadget accessibility

With physical classes unlikely to start soon, the Education department has chalked out a plan to reach children through various ways depending upon the availability of gadgets with them. Dropping the last years plans– where teachers met students outside schools (Vidyagama-1) and when they started meeting inside schools (Vidgyagama-2)– the education has asked teachers to be in continuous touch through worksheets or gadgets, if available, and meeting them or their parents twice a week in school to distribute the worksheets and discuss their progress.

Soft copies of textbooks can be downloaded using QR code. Teachers must make WhatsApp groups of parents and students, make short Videos, audio clips and share with students, send practice sheets on mobiles.

The department has emphasised the need of maintaining continuous and extensive evaluation and profiles of each of every student. Teachers have been asked to advise parents to support children in whichever way they can.

Despite pandemic, Telanganas IT exports & jobs up in 2020-21

The EMPLOYMENT in the IT/ITeS sector has increased by 8% in 2020-21… Every new direct job created in the IT sector leads to the creation of 2.5 new indirect jobs, said IT and industries minister KT Rama Rao.

KTR pointed out that when Telangana was formed, there were 3.23 lakh people working in the IT and ITeS sector and over 3 lakh new jobs have been added in the last seven years, taking the total employment created by the sector to 6.28 lakh.

SRLDC to emulate Andhra Pradeshs power mapping model

The reliability group of Southern Regional Load Despatch Centre, headquartered at Bangalore, has requested the Transmission Corporation ofAndhra Pradeshto share the details of its initiative of mappingpowernetwork based on ArcGIS (geographical information system). The innovative technology would be replicated for the entiresouthern grid, which connects five states and a Union Territory.

APTransco has introduced this comprehensive solution for displaying the total power Network of the state on the geographical system Software ArcGIS with the support of internal teams. Forecasting of weather and load scheduling, visualising areas which could be affected during natural calamities, real-time monitoring of line patrolling, etc., are the other advantages of the ArcGIS system.

APTransco has already deployed the day-ahead electricity forecasting model using and machine Learning with an objective to forecast next days electricity consumption (in Units), including day-ahead electricity demand (in MW) on every 15 minute basis.

Goa’s apprenticeship training scheme to bring in younger manpower

The has decided to announce the implementation of the Goa Chief Ministers Apprenticeship Training Scheme 2021.

The data of requirement of apprentices for every department needs to be called for and registration will be done on a first-come-first-serve basis. The data, which will be collected from various government and non-government establishments, will help accommodate skilled manpower in various categories in both sectors.

The scheme will cover all categories of apprentices as defined in the Apprentices Act, 1961. Apprentices having 15 years residence in the state shall be paid a stipend of Rs 1,500 per month over and above the stipend payable under any of the government of India apprentice scheme.

The benefits under the scheme shall be available only for a period of one year to the apprentices.

Conservation of Heritage Tree

The Maharashtra Cabinet has exceeded a motion plan to shield and hold trees older than 50 years in city areas by way of terming them heritage trees.

Few criteria for considering a tree as a ” heritage tree” are: size, shape, rarity, aesthetical/historical values, affiliation with historic person, region or even myths.

A sure species needs now not be native to a region for this tag.

Components of Plan: The provisions blanketed in the design are the notion of heritage bushes and a diagram of action for conservation, a method to outline the age of the tree, policies to be observed before hacking bushes etc.

Compensatory Plantation: It will include planting the wide variety of timber equal to the age of timber to be cut. The saplings must be six to eight ft in top whilst planting and they will bear geo-tagging with seven years of caring period. The choice of monetary compensation has additionally been given, instead of the compensatory plantation.

State-level Tree Authority:The authority will be fashioned to protect and hold heritage trees.
Tree Census:It will ensure that the tree census is performed after every five years.
Land Use:Ensuring that 33% of government land is used for tree plantation.